Monday, September 06, 2010

ToDaY's pOsT iS aBoUT pErCePTioNs...

... Perceptions...

Hey Boo,

Sometimes you need to put up a drama because people expect you to...

Sometimes... it's simply because you feel like throwing a fit...

Sometimes you put up a drama to... help?!

1. There are things that you can share with friends. There are things that you can share with your mother. There are things that you can share with your wife. There are things that you can share with your boss. And there are things that you can share on Twitter. But... there aren't many things that you can share with all! Different people will have different take on things. Not all will be forgiving. It's a fact!

2. Interesting conversation that I had with AAR:

Me: Is it okay if I flirted?!
AAR: Man or woman?
Me: Both.
AAR: Are you sleeping with them?
Me: Then it's not flirting. That's adultery.
AAR: True. Then it's okay!
Me: *smiles*

3. I am having all these reactions on twitter. Hurmmm.

4. I found out that my wife frequents my blog.

5. Change of Raya plans. Instead of Terengganu I am going back to my in-laws in Penang. Been so for the past three years. This is one of those I can't explain to all parties. Let it be. Say what you want. I am doing what I got to do.

6. I only bought two cargo shorts and two t-shirts for me in Bangkok. I'll just wear those and one of my old jeans for Raya.

7. I think I am most honest when I am with my iPhone. Hurmmm. I ought to just stop there!

8. I ought to find a job. But if I do I'd have to live with the monthly pay. How can I when we spend at least 6k a month. Who's going to give me 6k? No one that's who. But it's difficult. It is.

9. I finally got a new wallet. Courtesy of the Mrs. Thanks darls...

10. I feel so fat and bloated lately. After Raya I should make it a point to pickup where I left off at TF. I miss TF.

11. I had a can of Necafe's Mocha. The second can since... Things aren't always as bad as they seem. Only you make it as bad as it seems. Or even worse.

12. I am being vague for reasons in #1.



Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Hey Boo,

I missed the last few days of blogging.

1. Life seems a bit confusing after I came back from Bangkok. Perhaps 5 days out of sync. So many things out of control.

2. Bills to pay!!! Bills to pay!!!

3. I am slowly getting more addicted yo Twitter! Who's to say it's a bad thing. I am happy after all.

4. My thesis... Enough said. I really really really need to jumpstart the damned thing back into action.

5. Guilt: do I feel guilty? Hurmmm. I don't know. But I don't think so.

6. I am having such a headache. I need a break. Wasn't five days in Bangkok enough?! No it was not. Not at all!!!

