Monday, November 28, 2005

eaT eaT eaT...

Hey Boo,
My email was bugging me today… for some stupid reason it’s not sending out my emails; on outlook that is… stupid mail… kept on asking me for the network password… stupid… the MobileUnit from IT Department is coming to see my PC tomorrow… hopefully they can sort this out… *amen*
Uncle Murad’s open house was quite something… I really saw the contrast between U Murad’s side and Aunty Munirah’s side… I could see the different ways that they interact with family members; on one side we have the polite and proper group speak English eloquently in with just the acceptable amounts of laughter and on the other the loud and… erm… I don’t know how to describe it… but the contrast is there. *sigh* I better not say more :P
The house was nice tho’… a large bungalow facing the ocean… the ideal home… it was really nice (I wish I had brought a camera).
Saw the Who’s Who of Malaysia book there… I was amazed to find a few uncles inside it… hehe.
Today’s Department get together was quite nice, almost everyone showed up… I guess it’s one of those perks of working in the government, we get to eat every chance we get… food was not bad too…
I’ll stop now… I want to print out some nice pictures to spice up my office… hehe everything seems so drab… time to spice em’ up…

Sunday, November 27, 2005

LuXuRy... by mY standards

It’s been a while since my last real post… so to have just choked you up with worthless pieces of junk… I didn’t want you to get dusty… that’s all… *smiles*
So what’s up with me this past week…?! Let me just start by saying I have been slacking off just because I slaved away the week before, getting up at 7 am and all… sheesh… people always smile when I say “… I didn’t work my ass off through university just to wake up with those that sell vegetables in the market…” I guess they must be saying to themselves what a ‘lazy-spoilt-fatass’ kid I must be. I don’t mind… I just see things differently, I define luxury and success differently (I recently realized). I don’t hanker for money (not that much at least). I work because I want to… and my job now lets me keep my hours and I get to do my masters. That’s when I realized how lucky I am. I don’t slave away because I feel I have enough, sure I can’t afford my own private jet, but I don’t think I need a private jet… I am rambling, I know. But try and understand me… I get to wake up at 10 am everyday, noon if I want to, hangout with my family the whole day, I see Puteri growing up everyday, I get to go wherever I want, if I want to stay in my sarung the whole day I can, I go to the office just to make sure my work is done, maybe I’ll have to teach next semester, but that’s just a few hours a week… I can spend the whole day on my PSII if I want… I am 24 and I have a Chemical Engineering Degree, and soon a MEngSc and god willing a PhD (then I’ll be Raja Dr. Shazrin… muhahaha people mispronounce my name all the time and call me Raja Nazrin anyway… so I might as well go all out and be Raja Dr. Nazrin… like the crown prince…) and I get my way. When I see my friends working 9 to 5 Monday to Friday… I don’t know… I just feel blessed.
I guess from CEO to tutor has done me a bit of good… after all teaching IS a noble job, so my degree was not in vain. Like most of my friends that end up in sales or even worse engineers doing clerical stuff… yeesh…
Oh dear look at the time… I have to be in Port Dickson in a while (Raya open house tak habih2 lagi… *wink*) so we’ll get to last week when I get back okay.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

wHicH gReeK gOd aRe yOu?!

I was just reading through some blogs and I saw this test. I though it was cute...
I got this...

Friday, November 18, 2005

ShaZ on GooGlism...

Googlism for: shaz

shaz is another new member to the group having been gained on a 'free transfer' in a set deal with shere khan from another group
shaz is my penpal in england where
shaz is one of my oldest original furry characters that i still use
shaz is concentrating on three areas
shaz is brilliantly executed and brings the house down with laughter
shaz is the scariest person i ever met
shaz is gonna kill you
shaz is the type of person who *would* take all the credit for other peoples work
shaz is back with a revamped computer and a take
shaz is out and about
shaz is at
shaz is one of our newest additions to the multimedia web team
shaz is a freelance director's assistant
shaz is a member of the teddy bear list and so are all my hosts
shaz is captured and
shaz is with denny on an inter
shaz is not negative
shaz is canadian born and american bred
shaz is single and when he's not working
shaz is a mobile robot that performs home/office security
shaz is an unapologetic lesbian
shaz is the best unregistered user
shaz is the best
shaz is no longer here
shaz is in
shaz is in just for the morgan shows?
shaz is in prison because she killed three people
shaz is our real hero
shaz is pretty sure she?s into girls
shaz is back
shaz is forced to confront the consequences of her crime
shaz is that the former is particular in use while the latter sometimes uses "muslim indians" and the the other time
shaz is researching is the siberian tiger
shaz is a young lady from australia
shaz is a wicked songwriter and her and mel both are wicked singers
shaz is an ass
shaz is the first foal from our galaxy daughter sasam
shaz is now just over 30 weeks into the pregnancy and all's well
shaz is the beautiful
shaz is not talking to mel
shaz is now director of complaints
shaz is
shaz is bi
shaz is so sexy
shaz is a pathology resident at beth israel deaconess hospital in boston
shaz is responsible for establishing the astronomy club at mt
shaz is a courageous woman who had ileostomy surgey at the age of 10 for severe ulcerative colitis
shaz is one of my three best friends
shaz is a *curse* and the other sisters can't sing
shaz is shipped out to another prison for being the main reason that the leader of the peckham boot gang
shaz is a
shaz is reading tarot at the new black sheep pub on 17th and latimer every monday 5
shaz is at cheerleading
shaz is providing some stunning backing vocals and robbie
shaz is insinuating
shaz is looking her shagadelic self
shaz is ranked 72 and has played for 8h41m in 30 days real name
shaz is on a rampage"
shaz is a popular student and well liked by his team mates
shaz is expected to make a formal complaint to queen catherine
shaz is forced to confront the concequences of her crime
shaz is constantly frazzled and has lost all sense of
shaz is seeking representation and is currently selling a feature film script she co
shaz is 48 years old location
shaz is a scruncher this adds weight to by theory
shaz is stopping over tonight
shaz is fit so give her a job
shaz is stunning
shaz is an immediate hit with her cellmate denny blood
shaz is sending his skeletons into the fray
shaz is a shining example of how one can go from the average "blah" health that people come to have on the standard american or
shaz is investment banking in new york city
shaz is spot on with this one"
shaz is minted and i hope bg will never finish coz its the bomb luv jo
shaz is going around this site being a tosser and i started feeling like he might want to know about it jimi
shaz is hard on your heels on the jd list but actually she is a very nice person
shaz is a student
shaz is right
shaz is a female version of a kev
shaz is a talented young musician and old school
shaz is? natalie is? melanie is?
shaz is raw

That's more like it...


Googlism for: shazrin

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/dbs_share/www/shared/include/ on line 41
Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about shazrin yet.

BITCH!!! lets try again...

dAnG iT...

Hey boo,
I am behind schedule… nothing is as planned… well maybe not nothing… but plenty is not in order… perjuangan masih belum selesai!!! dang right...
I just hope I am up for it… this bitch is not ready to let go just yet… just concerned if I’d be able to pull through…
Let’s pray… Beloved Lord Almighty… Lord of the heavens and earth, and all else in between… give me the strength… Amen…

Thursday, November 17, 2005

oUT wiTh PeaSaNTS aGaiN...

Hey Boo,
Today was another ‘out-with-the-peasants’ day for me… getting up at 6:45 in the morning… making milk for Puteri and getting ready for work… work…!!! Can you believe it…?! otherwise we’d be stuck in the jam again like yesterday… it’s awful how the jam builds up… oh well… 8 am and I am already in my office… Zul can’t afford to be tardy… unlike myself.
Nothing much today… a bunch of yawns… and waiting for Professor Nik to show… called a few people in UM… Professor Nik finally showed a little before noon and we went through some of the more urgent things… my Masters project being one of em’
Tomorrow’s meeting with Devaraj will determine the course of my project… or at least I hope it would… I plan to get through a major part of the experimental part before the next semester starts… hopefully I can do that… godwilling.
The café was another irritation to me today… I was a little late, around 1:30ish and there’s nothing left there… no rice… it was stupid… I had to eat kuih from breakfast… stupid café… it’s time like this I need Premjit… let’s go lunch at McDs…
Tomorrow is another early day… I have to be at the Exam Hall by 8 am… invigilating CPP… hehe another two hours of staring at students write… yeesh…

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Olny srmat poelpe can.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

bObObObO... peasants get up before 9...

Hey Boo,
I guess getting out before 9 am is becoming more and more common with me these days… Mama and Abah had a meeting in Johor and Melaka today so I had to leave with Zul who’s staying over because the doctor gave Anna a whole week leave. And that had to be done before 8 am or we’ll be stuck in traffic and he’d never make it to USJ on time… and unlike me, he has to be at the office before 9 am… anyways, here I am now in front of my PC in my empty office early in the morning… oh well..!
Shaun of the Dead is still on my mind… I had a good laugh the other night… looking forward for an encore from HBO, or was the one I saw the encore?! Oh well… I’ll just wait anyways… Ed was especially cute… answering his phone when they were pretending to be zombies… hahaha… a good one that one. *smiles*
Today I am replacing Dr Wan at the exam hall… it’s a good thing I can go with Dr K otherwise it’d sure be a long stroll in the sun…
I know I had something I wanted to blog about a moment ago but it’s just not coming back to me now… I’ll write about it when it comes to me then…
Bless for now.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Nope... I haven't abandoned you... I just don't feel like writing lately...