Wednesday, November 16, 2005

bObObObO... peasants get up before 9...

Hey Boo,
I guess getting out before 9 am is becoming more and more common with me these days… Mama and Abah had a meeting in Johor and Melaka today so I had to leave with Zul who’s staying over because the doctor gave Anna a whole week leave. And that had to be done before 8 am or we’ll be stuck in traffic and he’d never make it to USJ on time… and unlike me, he has to be at the office before 9 am… anyways, here I am now in front of my PC in my empty office early in the morning… oh well..!
Shaun of the Dead is still on my mind… I had a good laugh the other night… looking forward for an encore from HBO, or was the one I saw the encore?! Oh well… I’ll just wait anyways… Ed was especially cute… answering his phone when they were pretending to be zombies… hahaha… a good one that one. *smiles*
Today I am replacing Dr Wan at the exam hall… it’s a good thing I can go with Dr K otherwise it’d sure be a long stroll in the sun…
I know I had something I wanted to blog about a moment ago but it’s just not coming back to me now… I’ll write about it when it comes to me then…
Bless for now.

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