Friday, April 28, 2006


Hey Boo,
I guess the scariest thing is being different… especially when one is beginning to get comfortable with his environment. I don’t know what made me think this; but it hit me real bad when a friend of my mom, let’s call her Big Mouthed Bitch in the middle of a conversation during dinner last nite…
… bakpe gureed ngak tu… sayang jer… right to my face… I mean what the fuck right?! I was sitting across of her for God’s sake… curses to the Big Mouthed Bitch
I haven’t had such a slap in the face for a while now… it’s not like I go all out to get attention or anything like that… so why be fucking rude and say it to my face right?! Like it’s any of her business in the first place… I mean sheesh…
It’s probably a bad move to keep writing about this… I mean, there’s just no point… like I said earlier… I will not be depressed over these things. Besides, I am doing my share to society, I’d like to think I am a good son, and I am sure as hell a nice person… so I won’t let anyone let me think otherwise…
I’ll stop for now…

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

WeLcOmE bAcK

I was discussing about life and choices with Professor Nik on the way back from Kmpung Baru today. Traffic was quite heavy so we had a good thirty minutes before we arrived at UM. She has some good views to life and I can’t help but feel that somehow she understands me… to an extent anyways.
… people often fail to recognize the most valuable gift God has given us… choice... NMS
Some people just don’t understand the choices that I make… the paths I choose to walk. Perhaps people have different perceptions, or perhaps they don’t see what I see and want what I want… to me the peace that I have found is the most valuable thing and the best choice that I have made in my life thus far… I am not about to leave; to go abroad… not for the glamour. It wouldn’t be right. The consequences would be dire… I am sure of it. So I am sticking to the original plan… complete my MEngSc and PhD in Malaysia… in UM… that’s that then…
Sorry for the vague posts lately… I’ll be posting some pictures of the cacti that I got from Cameron Highlands…

Saturday, April 01, 2006

a NeW bEgiNniNg....

Hey boo…
One week since my last update… enough said, I am lazy… and depressed, and bitchy… well, maybe not bitchy, but almost…
So last weekend was fuckin’ wasted spent at Cameron Highlands… a workshop to improve research at the Department… yeah right… *wink*
All in all, I would say it was alright… enough said… I refuse to bitch about it!!! maybe I’ll post some pictures later… I wasn’t in charge of the camera so don’t expect anything worth looking at… all offence directed to the cameraman…
The week wasn’t to good too… many many losses…
The W click lost their hangout study place….
Let’s just say it’s become awfully silent after their gone… again enough said…
Let’s just start fresh… a new beginning…

About new beginnings
Fairuz: “… in two years…”
ShaZ: “… bring it on…” err… *looking all confused*

About Peace
“… I’ve found peace… it bothers me only because I let it… the choice is mine…”
“I choose PEACE!”
