Tuesday, November 16, 2010

aBouT GeTTinG oN wiTh LiFe...

... about life...

Hey Boo,

"Life is hard... but it is still good"

I read this in an email forwarded to me and I though to myself... Sometimes I complain too much about my life.


If you don't go to the gym and eat like a pig... You'll get fat! It's simple really!

If you see an opportunity, grab it... If you don't it might just pass you by...

Sometimes you do things that don't make much sense. At times these are required... Sacrifices need to be made... in order to progress nothing is beneath you! Nothing!

Interesting conversation:

AAR: You look good...
Me: How so?
AAR: You look more calm...
Me: You know what that is?... ACCEPTANCE... *laughs*
AAR: *laughs* Yeah... You don't look bitchy...
Me: Hurmmm... the bitchiness has long drained away... *sobs in my heart*

A new opportunity may arise... I'll grab this one for sure as soon as it materializes!

Bill need to be paid... No matter how your monetary situation is...

Afternoon shifts on the eve of Eid sucks!

Meeting close friends is good for you! They give support and cheer you up... No fancy word required. It is as simple and as beautiful as that!

I was labelled as complex! Sometimes I just think that equates to just plain CRAZY!

If you're poor... You cannot afford to he lazy!



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