Terengganu turned out to be very pleasant. It turned out the wedding wasn’t the main event after all. The whole trip... the time in the car, the food adventure, the hotel room, the sleep over at Tok Su’s, and the drive back... was something I really needed. I am glad I went along for the trip. When Aziz called on Saturday asking if we could meet on Sunday I was a little disappointed that we had to leave so quickly. But then again it was like I expect to be disappointed so I wasn’t really bothered too much by it...
That’s how I am taking life day by day for now... I just accept... just do as I am told... just do as per requested...
I know it sounds miserable and all but actually it is quite alright. I mean just saying yes to everything is much easier. I mean if meanie thinks that I am the worst possible being to ever exist on earth; there must be something wrong right? I must’ve been pretty awful right?! So the least I could do is accommodate wherever and whenever possible. Perhaps then I will not be such an awful person to be around... *sigh*
I really don’t understand why I am still clinging to this... it has been months now... there’s plenty to keep my mind busy but somehow I can’t keep it out of my head for more than a day at a time... it is like a malignant cancer that keeps coming back... I really hope that I can just walk away from all this... go to Europe... Mallorca as Salam suggested... but there’s so much things to do... so many commitments...

... memories
This is really becoming an obsession... an obsession to make my life miserable...
Well... at least I have some theories on the problem... we’ll take another day to work on this...
What's up with the picture?
what's wrong with it?!
I find it quite appealing really....
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