Saturday, September 05, 2009

nONsEnSe fRoM tHe NiGhT...

Hey Boo,
I managed to squeeze gym in today's schedule. Thanks to Faridah
working late today. It wasn't a great workout but I managed to break
out some sweat... So I guess it wasn't so bad. Sham wanted me to edit
some of the dates on the invoices that I gave him yesterday. Something
about the accountant wanting the invoice and PO dates to match. Beats
me... As long as I get paid I don't really care what dates he want on
those invoices.
<i>meanie</i> was on IM too today. I am glad that every day this
bothers me less and less. Although there is a little part of me deep
inside that hopes and longs for a hello. Hmmmm. What's past should
stay that way. I doesn't hurt to reminisce though. Even though SI
doesn't agree.
Mr. KAZ seem to think that I should approach <i>meanie</i> and get it
over with. He thinks that I should just let it all go and pretend
nothing happened. Perhaps he's right. Perhaps that might just do the
trick. Or... Perhaps it could make things worse. Perhaps I will be
badly humiliated. Perhaps I will get hurt somemore. Perhaps. Perhaps.
Perhaps. Let it go <s>bitch</s>. It's time to move on.
Now there's something that should be bothering me... For some reason
it's just lingering. I never could get much progress. Not without
some sort of interuprion that is. Pisses me off really.
You know what else pisses me off? The fact that you can't upload
pictures on blogger using iPhone. Well. At least I don't know how that
is. For now anyways.
Fauzi must be in enjoying Sweden now. I hope all is well for him
there. Even though I don't agree with him wasting six months there I
hope he has a good time and learn a thing or two. Perhaps Faridah is
right. Opportunities like this doesn't come often. But six months is a
long time. But then again who am I to talk about wasting time. I am
spending four years just to finish my damned masters degree. I mean
people caN do two PhDs with that much time.
Well. It's almost 3 AM and 3 G sucks. I'll try and post this.



Sent from my iPhone

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