So what’s my freaking excuse this time for not blogging for the past twelve days or so?!... What could be more
fucking important that bitching to the world about my daily miseries…?! Well, for starters Mama and Abah had to go to Labuan for the weekend so me, Puteri and Tanti were conveniently dumped at Anna’s place… I know were are both way over twenty and can take care of Puteri at home, but who’s going to drive me to work?!
not being able to drive suddenly makes me feel like such a crippleSo, I would leave with Zul in the morning and Anna/Zul would pick me up later… Thursday was fine because Zul had to drop something off at SS2 so we took our sweet time, had breakfast and all before he dropped me off at my office… he liked morning drop-offs so he could check in late for work… I guess the morning traffic is really getting to him… oh well… that day went on a dull-ly as any day could get… oh… went crazy with the camera… will post some pictures of my office… *smiles*
On Friday, Zul had to be in on time so we had to park the car at Kelana Jaya station and take the LRT… so there I was, out with peasants early in the morning… taking the LRT no less…
Salam came over to check on his myspace and all sorts on my PC… and keep me company of course… I’d just go crazy alone… with all those work to do.
yaay for getting that job Salam…So I thought I’d take him out for dinner or something… to celebrate and thank him for keeping me company all this while… oh, June had an interview at COMBICAT that day… so he tagged along too. They picked Secret Recipe at MidValley to go for dinner… June had some sort of kebab dish and Salam had the Thai fried rice… the food wasn’t really that good… but that’s not the story… you see it was raining and I had late lunch that day, and some stupid meeting… and you know what meeting translates to when you work in the government… yeah… say it with me…
FOOD!!! so I wasn’t really that hungry at all… and I just ordered a cappuccino for myself… being that I love coffee and all…
So after a while my oversized cup with the froth and all came… I was all excited with anticipation… and I took a sip… *yucks* it was not hot… I hadn’t added the sugar to it yet but I don’t think it’d dissolve… the damned thing might as well be on ice… so I waved my bitch hands for the waiter…
Me: My coffee is not hot…The waiter nodded and took my cup…
A while passed… Salam and June were almost through with their plates…
My coffee came back…
I took a sip… hoping… *yucks!!!* it’s still cold…
so I took my cup and splashed it on his head…!!!what the fuck is wrong with people…?! did they make coffee over lunch and line em’ up on the counter to save time when people order or what?! They might as well have stirred coffee into iced water… and I am not exaggerating…
I looked at Salam…
Me: Would I be a bitch I returned my cup again?!...Salam: Yeah!!! You’d be a major bitch… *nodding*
Me: Oh who gives a damn…I motioned for the waiter again…
Me: My coffee is cold… I returned it earlier… feel the cup… it’s not hot…The waiter kept a straight face… while I showed him how the cup wasn’t even warm… he took my cup and left… I could only imagine the words that must be running through his brain…
Oh well…
After a while coffee came… I’ll be damned if I have to return this one too…
Me: You wait here… I want to make sure this is right this time…The waiter had to force a smile while I sipped my coffee… finally… coffee…
It wasn’t good coffee… but at least it’s coffee…
Me: see… at least the cup is hot… thank you…He left…
So that was my adventure with coffee… so never screw with Shazrin’s coffee coz’ Shazrin will get mad!!!
Saturday and Sunday wasn’t much either… just the usual ole’ week over at Anna’s…
Did a little shopping at Alamanda Putrajaya… hmmm… that’s about it…
Monday… now there’s something… my first Separation 2 class with the students…
The class was rather big… 63 students… mostly in their third year.
I was five minutes late for my class so I made an entrance and was introduced by Professor Ali:
… this is your very young and handsome tutor…Sheesh…
I settled down a while and then Professor Ali handed me the class…
The first thing I taught my students was how to read the psychromatric chart…
There I was standing in front of 63 students armed with the trusty OHP, transparencies and marker… one hour really flies when you are teaching… didn’t get to cover much as it was their first time with the chart so some of em’ couldn’t really digest what I was ranting about in front…
But I felt good… I mean all this while I know I like it when people have to listen to me ramble and rant, but this time they actually have to pay attention as well… and it felt good… I was actually teaching… doing my bit for mankind…
My first step… to becoming Professor Shazrin… hehe nice ring to it…
So now the world would not be scarce of those who can decipher the psychromatric chart…
The rest of the day went by like lightning… I had so much to do… curse paper work… curse administrative work… curses…
Tuesday… slept till 4pm… ate… slept…Today… continued with my class… today is actually an extra class because it’s a three credit subject but we’ve been loosing our Mondays to the holidays so we needed this…
I was a little more comfortable standing in the front… actually I was comfortable before… today I am just savoring it… topic of the day was still humidification and dehumidification… it’s nice to have 63 pair of eyes gawk at you for an hour while you go on and on… before I knew it, my one hour was up, my finger were black from the ink, and Dr Wan Ashri was already at the door… together with his Reaction Engineering class…
I had some students tail me to my office needing some clarification on some of the examples we solved in class… chit chatted with them for a while and it was almost noon…
Dr Kheireddine was breathing down my neck for his posters… I worked on it for a while… putting the pictures I took in place… converted the file to .pdf format and emailed him… 12:30 called Ramang for lunch…
1:00 went back to office to work on the posters again… 1:45 left for my French class…
The ten minute walk was hot and boring… yeah what else is new… :P
3:30 class was over… rushed to the main faculty building for the TechPos 06 committee meeting… more food… 4:45 meeting with Dr Kheireddine about the posters…
5:15 finally I get time to myself to read my emails…
A click of send/receive on my Outlook and the mails come pouring in…
Then more dreadful news came… Dept. Meeting… 13/1/2006… Scribe: Raja Shazrin…
Arrrgghhhh…. Damn it… oh well, got to do it sometime… can’t expect Dr Ngoh to do it all the time… oh well…
Checked myspace… chatted a bit… and that’s my day… my boring and dull day…
Oh well…
Am going to do my blog rounds now…
Oh… I’ve missed so much….
Bless all…