my reign of bitchin’ away… my retreat from this frenzied existence…
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
yOu kNoW mE?
To know me is more than just a look,
Judging me takes more than a talk,
I'm not whatever you think you know,
If you only took ten minutes to look and talk with me...
Never judge me from the first look,
I might be ugly and poor,
But I'm not too stupid to understand the disgust on your face...
Sunday, May 29, 2005
bUsY... bUsY... bUsY...
Friday, May 27, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
gRaNdMa'S pLaCe...
We were the first to arrive and Zul went to pick up Auntie Fairuz because Uncle Bazid was working. Abang Ngah (Auntie Dillah’s 2nd son) and Atikah were there too. Zabir has really grown. He seems to be skinnier but taller. I guess it’s because he just recovered from flu. Bazil was totally different too… He’s so grown up… Well… at least since I last saw him. Uncle Muzaffar arrived later in his new Kia Carnival… still nice and shiny too.
We had lunch and later had cucur pisang for tea. There was something up with Uncle Kudin and Uncle Muzaffar again I think but we are just too tired to care. It’s just the same old thing. Better to stay out and quiet. Madiah seem to be more liberal with her clothing nowadays. Seems a bit too tramp-ish to me, but who cares. They brought the twins too… what a bunch of cute babies.
We left a little after Asar…
Back home, I chatted with Nathan a while… some love life crisis… everyone go through that sometimes… I’ve never had a partner so I don’t bet on him listening to my advices so much. Played Solitaire with Pradeep and lost miserably… as usual.
I want to get the I3 out of my hair but I am just too sleepy and lazy now… so there…
Koi day coming on Neopets… Can’t wait.
LaTe... mE nEEdS sNooZe...
Was doing some thinking too... Professor Nik told me my proposal has been approved by the department and the faculty... just waiting for Senate's approval... should get my letter by next month... need to get a program sorted out ASAP. Professor Nik is leaving for Japan tomorrow. I don't think I'll be able to catch her in the morning. I'll just have to sort things out with Ann in the meantime...
Oh well... back to work... *yawn*
Sunday, May 22, 2005
sEx mAcHiNe...
bAcK tO mY rOOtS...
I've been sitting in front of my PC for a whole day now... Determined to get this IPPP thingy over with... Meeting with contractors at 10:00 pm tonight... hopefully good news... amen.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Hey Boo… currently making pasta with creamy mushroom and herbs… there goes my diet… you want some?!
tHe wEEk oF fLu...

Hey Boo,
Time just seems to past by me so quickly lately… I haven’t the slightest idea what I have done these past few days… I have to think hard just to recall the things that I’ve done and gone through to blog… it’s really starting to get to me now… L
Let’s see… I think I am not the only one though… a few of my blog friends are also slacking of their blogs too… I guess the simplest explanation is: there’s probably something in the water :P or it’s just that we’ve all been busy or getting too much sleep.
I finally met Kamal after so long. He dropped over to give me the invitation to his sister’s wedding. He seems to be happy with his job. Big shot trader at Petronas… I am happy for him. He couldn’t stay long because he had a bunch more invitations to deliver.
This week Mama and Tanti caught the flu… Anna got it last week, and I got it the week before… must be the weather.
My masters is progressing very slowly… A few of my friends wants to further their studies too. I know this because to date three have contacted me asking about writing proposals and stuff like that. I guess I will not be the few after all… before it was just Ang Wee Lee, Luqman and me… now there’s Rifqah, Premjit, Fazrina, Nathan and maybe even Ramang… I guess the Chemical Engineers are of my graduating class are more drawn to the academic side… or perhaps they are just looking for excuses to not get a job or get away from work (not unlike myself, lol). We’ll see how that goes.
Professor Nik hasn’t contacted me this week. Maybe she’s still sick since Monday. Or maybe she’s tired of calling me… whichever the case I’ll have to see her on Monday. Want this issue of the Bulletin of my hand once and for all…
Settling my bills this month has made me realize something. I spend a lot… before I just thought I spend a lot… but now I know I spend a lot… a lot a lot… things are getting expensive too… even groceries cost more… I think like 10 – 15% more…
Why am I telling you this?! I sound like some old out-of-job parent trying to raise ten kids… lol
Now that I know this emailing thing works… I guess it’ll make posting easier…
I’ll write more soon. Bye for now.
I am just testing this email to blog thingy to see how it would appear on my
Friday, May 20, 2005
mEmO tO sELf...
Must keep this in mind all the time... Mental note:
If you are getting dressed in a hurry, don't do it under the celing fan... KPLANGGGGGG!!! ouch... still fee the pain :P
Monday, May 16, 2005
wHaT hAppEnEd laSt wEEk?!
Hang on… I think Fairuz came to stay the week for Adik’s wedding on Wednesday. Nick and Boy came on Friday. They mingled well… as expected. Even though they are stepbrothers… Adik’s wedding on Saturday was nice too…
Sunday morning, swim, Jacuzzi, sauna… Ahhhhh *relief*….
Hmm… brought them to the Curve on Sunday and sent them off to the bus station.
So here I am now… better check my emails now…
Monday, May 09, 2005
GooD dAy...
Pity we couldn’t go to Adik’s wedding though… I would have liked to see… oh well, I’ll just have to wait for the pictures I guess.

aN iMaGe oF hAkU... fRoM SpiRiTeD AwAy

I saw this great Japanese anime… Spirited Away… it’s really cool so check it out okay.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
I LoVe yOu...
Anna’s birthday was on the 3rd… didn’t get her anything because I didn’t know what to get her… so I made dinner (as usual :P), we had cake and ate dinner together. I think she was very happy with it because we used to eat dinner together everyday… before she got married that is.
On Thursday… Mama Anne invited us and some other family member for dinner at her house. We had some prayers to ask God for blessing for her newly renovated house (which is quite big btw), Hazim’s completion of the Quran recital, ‘tahlil’ for our grandparents and of course blessing for Adik’s wedding. Uncle Mie brough some nice jackets for Tanti and I from China and a Hermes bag for Mama… it’s really very nice…
They finally installed the Astro in our unit… other than that it’s the same old routine I guess… it must be because I haven’t written for so long that I’ve lost touch… but it’s okay… I am sure I’ll be better soon…
In the mean time remember that I love you…