Hey Boo… yesterday was a good day… it was a Sunday, I had a good rest at home, got a lot of work done, chatted with old buddies, replied emails and had a big lunch. Everyone had something to do so I had the house to myself. With the peace and quiet I managed to get rid of some of the work that I have…
Pity we couldn’t go to Adik’s wedding though… I would have liked to see… oh well, I’ll just have to wait for the pictures I guess.

aN iMaGe oF hAkU... fRoM SpiRiTeD AwAy

I saw this great Japanese anime… Spirited Away… it’s really cool so check it out okay.
There's a Haku in Spirited Away??! Never watched the English version, had to settle for the heavily-accented Chinese Motherland version
I never saw the English version too... I always prefer the Japanese version... His name is Kohaku... the hero, dragon boy... lolz Haku is such a cute name... don't you think...
Oh, that explains it. All I got was some literal chinese translation of "White Dragon".
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