Let’s see… my last entry was on the 25th so that makes the week a whole void. Well, plenty happened, although the plenty that happened are non-juicy or afternoon soap worthy material, but rather the usual developments in my life, academic career, relationships, and schedule. Put like that it might sound nice but trust me, they are just the same old crap…
The storm that cut my blog-time last week lasted for quite a while. At least I think it did because I dozed off waiting for it to stop. Thinking I’d continue with my bitchin’ and all… but
Someone commented that I get too involved in my work and end up sounding very boring; but truth of the matter is, I am a boring person to begin with. I just like to talk about work, research and stuff like that; and I also like to talk about games and movies I watch on Hallmark *and yes I watch Hallmark!!!*… so that makes me a boring person to some. But I am happy and I’d like to stay that way. Even though I may bitch about it from time to time; and complain and whine, but I am happy and thus so I will remain.
Working with the poster and stuff was getting a bit of a hassle without a USB drive; mine was taken hostage by Anna and all, so I guess I’ll just have to ask for one from the Department. That was on the list of things to do that day. I went to see Professor Ali a little before lunch to ask about class
Highlight of Wednesday was
Thursday… I was at UPM the whole day attending a one day seminar on Technologies on Wastewater Treatment by Professor Bharat Gupta from France. A good lecture in whole I would say. From there I rushed back to UM just in time for my first Spanish class. The teacher was Chinese and apparently she recognized me from Second College days back in 2000. She was my PM… how’s that for a small world..?!
Chinese-Spanish accent may need some getting used to though!!!
Friday or rather yesterday was the day that I told myself I’d stay at the office and get all my work done; once and for all. Arrived at 10:07 for my 10:00 appointment with Professor Nik; she was chatting with Dr Che Ros in front of her office. I was cutoff by Awanis who needed to see her
The meeting afterwards went on until after twelve. Went to my room and Ramang called to tell me they were leaving for Friday prayers and I needed the ride. This after a short hi-have-a-nice-trip with FMT who was leaving for Mecca…
I was off and at the mosque… lunch and all lasted till 3.
Back to the office. Dr Ngoh came for a chat. About 4 ish then
Ramang came later to take back his USB drive, I transferred Angels in America to the tablet PC so I can watch it over the weekend.
Mama called says Zul will pick me up a little later. I was fine with that. More time to do work.
Proceeded to check my email…
Ismail called about the Taman Negara trip he was planning for CNY just as I was reading the email… chatted with him about stuff and who’s doing what until a little after 6.
Finished off replying emails and stuff and Ramang had to leave for Maghrib.
Dragged the files into my briefcase *hoping to get some work done over the weekend… again…*. Prayed… 7:30 ish… time was up… Zul called. Packed up, locked my room and left.
So bloody much for getting work done.
Let’s see how this weekend goes.

I need a break
visited ur blog but couldn't comment for some reason.
will be back again for sure.
thanx for droppin' by.
heyyy i watch hallmark too. does that make me a boring person?! plus nanny is there and of course 'some' 3 hour-long movie which always ends up the opposite of my expectations but i like hallmark.
hmmm no wonder there hasnt been comments on my page. tighty-tight schedule you have there huh mr!
well do take care!!
ermm... sowy about that... tighty-tight it is lately...
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