Hey boo,
I’ve been up since a quarter to six… or rather
Es siete menos cuarto por la mañana in españa… hehe just learnt that on Tuesday…
I have been like super duper busy this week… remember I said that work has a way of sneaking up on you
and it will butfuck you to kingdom come if it catches up… well, now I am really sure of it… I’ve been attempting to get rid of all my outstanding assignments and it is one hell of a task. On Monday, I was working all day staying at the office until half past three in the morning. I was able to make some progress, getting started on the brochure design, finishing up the IPPP Research Bulletin, and manage to tidy up my office a little… Monday morning was totally wasted in UKM attending the wastewater seminar by Merck… I shouldn’t have gone… anyways, I managed to convince Dr. Ngoh to leave during lunch because I had French class at two… so we did… I arrived just on time… well, actually I was late but
Mon Professeur was even tardier than I am *wink*… so Monday was action packed… well, bore-packed is more like it… no one wanted to come pick me up because it was like super late… so I got my ever faithful student Fairus to send me back…
I would’ve stayed longer on Monday if it weren’t for the presentations by the first year students that I have to attend… and assess… I think they were rather okay… *sigh* I have to assess the third year students’ presentation today… it’s a wonder how the lecturers go through this year after year… but it’s not that bad really, I mean it’s just a few days after all… anyways… I worked until half past ten or
Es diez y media por la noche hehe… I know it’s irritating… will stop doing that… but practice make a better speaker… I couldn’t stay too late on Tuesday because I had an eight o’clock Separation tutorial on Wednesday… I was so tired… in fact I don’t quite remember what I did in class… I hoped the student didn’t notice the hangover-like tutor they had for the day… then it’s back to work…
Up till now, I can proudly say I’ve managed to clear off some of the ‘to do list’ on the bard in my office or at least change them to ‘follow up’ status… and that makes me happy…
So I guess I’d be able to go back to my usual blogging schedule… and not blog at weird times like 6 am anymore…
Bless all…