Today turned out quite well for me... I managed to haul myself to the gym and managed to get some work done afterward...
I met my Personal Trainer to be... Nora... she’s young but easy to get along with... they all are actually... but I am going to give it a go anyways... I really do need to lose those pounds... today I weighed 86kgs! Or at least that’s what the scale shows. Much work to be done... enough said.

much much much work to be done...
You know something Boo...?!
These past few days I can’t get my mind of X... everything I see that reminds me of X stresses me out... as if the thought of X drains me of my energy. I know it’s happening... but I just don’t know why...
Why me?
Why now?
Why ever?
Why does it affect me so?
I am doing that talking to myself thing again Boo... I was telling myself yesterday how stupid I was for letting this happen... for thinking too much of it... of X... this is wrong... so wrong... I should stop!
Damn I could use a venti hazelnut hot chocolate now... damn X...

Why? Why? Why? Oh why do I feel like I don’t want to be free from X...
Maybe it’s the damned I care problem...
I should stop...
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