Not much happened today. The family took the baby (my niece) to the clinic to get her Hepatitis jab or something like that. I stayed back. Wanted to get some laundry done and I needed to call the bank. Need more cash!!! I like doing laundry when I am stressed. It just releases me somehow. By the time I was through with laundry it was already almost noon. My stomach was already reminding me that I haven’t had my usual dose of coffee. I switched on my laptop and chatted a bit with Lenny. I was pretty depressed from yesterday’s meeting and we discussed about my getting away from work and working part-time selling perfumes. I seriously DID consider doing it. The thought of just going to work everyday just to sell perfume to complete strangers (or idiots…) really did sound appealing. No decisions, no headaches, no four hour negotiations, no big-headed-pompous-stupid boss who doesn’t appreciate your work, and no depression. Just work. Lenny didn’t seem to agree much though but we did agree I need to go out more and get me a good pair of boobs. We didn’t chat long because I really needed something in my stomach. I ransacked the kitchen but in vain. There was literally nothing to eat in the house. I got into the bathroom and take my usual 45 minutes to get ready (I just don’t get people who rush…). My mom brought back rice from some ‘mamak’ restaurant which was quite good. There was a big heap of curry soaked rice with a quarter of a chicken and some veggies for every one of us.
After lunch (or brunch, or breakfast… whatever), everyone was too sleepy to get anything done, myself included. I decided the bank can wait until tomorrow. Got some shuteye until about 4:00 pm.
That afternoon, during our aimless drive (we had nothing much to do… lolz) I saw something that touched me. We came across this dog that was limping crossing the street. We slowed down. After it crossed the street it stopped limping and started to walk like any other dog. Even a dog could learn to pretend to be limp when crossing the street so people would take pity and slow down instead of honking at it. What is the world coming to? It’s like my having to smile at my boss even though I feel like strangling him. I just need to cross the street after all… I’ll just pretend. I am still pissed though. Just less…
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