I got this from a 14 year old gal... and I actually did it :)
Answer me!
Please fill it out and send it back and send it to all ya otha mates so then
they can read bout u then fill it in bout themselves and send it bak to u!!!
Okay, you all know the routine... copy (not forward) this Email and paste it
onto a new email that you will send. Change all the Answers so that they
apply to you, then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING
the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of
little facts about your friends. SIMPLE QUESTIONS:
1.Full name: Raja Shazrin Shah bin Raja Ehsan Shah
2. Nicknames: Bique
4. Eyes: black
5. Hair: black
6. Siblings: 2 sisters
7. Do u like singing in the shower: erm no...
8. Do u like to sing on the toilet: definitely NOT
9. Birthday: 01/08/81
10. Star Sign: Leo
11. Address: Like I am going to put it here :P
12. Sex: male
13. Righty or lefty: righty
14. What do you want in a relationship: I want honesty, loyalty, passion, understanding and a happy ending...
15. Have you ever cheated: nope
17. Do you have a car: Yes
18. What kinda car do you want: Mercedes Benz S600L
20. Songs: She Will Be Loved, The Reason (Hoobastank), Sunday Morning
21. Band/singer: Maroon 5
22. T.V show: erm... Tru Calling
23. Actor: I dunno... Brad Pitt
24. Actress: erm... maybe Gabriela Spanic (a hottie on my Spanish Telenovela)
25. Food: definitely chocolates
28. Fave Disney character: I dunno... Ariel the little mermaid :P
29. Fave Color: Yellow
30. Do you plan on having children: yes
31. Do you want to get married: yes
32. How old do u wanna be when u have ur first child: 26
33. How old do you wanna be when you're married: 25
34. Would you have kids before marriage: NO!
35. Do u have a b/f or g/f (who): not at the moment
38. Music/TV: Music
40. Green/Blue: Blue
41. Pink/Purple: Purple
42. Summer/Winter: Winter
43. Night/Day: Night
44. Hangin Out/Chillin: Hangin Out
45. Dopey/Funny: Funny
46. You know I'm around when you hear: me talking non-stop
47. What school do u go to: SMK Sultan Abdul Samad... that's in Malaysia :P
48. Have you ever-tried drugs: NEVER!!!
49: What's a major turn on: I don’t think it's appropriate :P
50. FRIENDS: I am gonna cheat on this one... EVERYONE!!!
51. Most Blonde: Noone
Funniest: Premjit Kaur
Smartest: Edward Lim
Best Personality: Edward Lim, Kamalhafez, Premjit, Amy, Luqmanulhakim
Best all around people: Premjit, Kamalhafez, Edward Lim, Professor Nik Meriam (does that count? :P)
52. Which 5 people do you trust and are open with?: My parents...my two sisters... erm... that's about it
53. What do you think of your soul mates: I dunno... haven't met her...
54. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: NOPE!!!
55. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about: ma grand-ma dying
56. What's something about guys/girls you don't get: why some girls make a big deal out of nothing...
57: How do you feel right now: vacant/free
58. Why: because I am actually doing this question thingy...
59. What's an object you can't live without: my credit card
62. Diamond or pearl: Diamond
63. Sunset or sunrise: Both
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: NEVER!!!
65. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: NOPE... I have 7 pillows and 2 bolsters on my bed... no more space for stuffed animals...
66. Do you have any piercing: None...
67. What colour underwear are you wearing right now: Black
68. What type of underwear do you have on at the moment: tanga
70. What are the last four digits of your phone number: 6495
71. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: I dunno...
72. Where is the furtherest away from home you've been: Istanbul.
73. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: ermm... the boobs
74. Favourite sports: swimming
75. What makes you happy: money
76. What's the next c.d/s you're gonna get: I don't know.
77. Do u wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
78. What's the best advice given to you: "... people will not give you their money... they are after yours..."
79. Do you have a job (where): Yes. Malaysia
80. Are you having a birthday party: Nahhh...
81. Worst sickness u ever had: Fever last month... was out for 2 weeks
82. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better: Funny
83. On the phone or in person: in person
84. Hugs or kisses: Kisses
85. What song seems to reflect on you the most: Life is Like a Boat (Rie Fu)
86. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to: my
87. Do u have any enemies: Yes.
88. What is your greatest fear: Snakes
90. What time is it now: 9.33am
91. Have you ever been in love: once I think...
92. Have you met Santa: nope.
93. When was da last tym u talked 2 sum1 u liked: yesterday
94. Do u have any pets: nope... I am more of a plant person :)
95. What¡¦s your Email address: r_shazrin@hotmail.com
96. Last time you were depressed: last week
97. Are you an alcoholic: NO
98. Fave alcoholic drink: NONE!!!
99.Fave non alcoholic drink: water (cold)
100. Do u want your friends to write back: YEAH!!! please
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