Friday, September 02, 2005

bOrEd...?! cOmE rEaD aBouT mE...

Well... I am bored again... what else is new huh?! I saw this on Pat's blog and I thought I'd give it a try... here goes...

Name:Raja Shazrin Shah
Birthday:1st August 1981
Birthplace:Kuala Terengganu
Current Location:KL...
Eye Color:black?! maybe dark brown... i dunno...
Hair Color:black...!!! i am sure
Height:erm... 5' 1" last i checked...
Right Handed or Left Handed:rightie...
Your Heritage:erm... my g-grandfather was sultan of perak... that makes me like g-grandprince or somethin' like that i guess...
The Shoes You Wore Today:the one i usually wear.. black leather Versace...
Your Weakness:errr... i am going to go for food... does that count?!
Your Fears:... that i'd wakeup someday in hell...
Your Perfect Pizza:lots of cheese... you can never have too much cheese...
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:1,000,000 by december
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:hehe... i don't know if that counts as a phrase...
Thoughts First Waking Up:... where's my coffee?!...
Your Best Physical Feature:errr... i hate everything about me; so my answer would be biassed...
Your Bedtime:depends... range from 7pm to 6am
Your Most Missed Memory:touring the Great Pyramids of Giza with my best friend...
Pepsi or Coke:coke for me...
MacDonalds or Burger King:McDonalds any day...
Single or Group Dates:n.a.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton Ice Tea... lots of ice please...
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:Cappuccino
Do you Smoke:never...
Do you Swear:err.... hell yeah...
Do you Sing:does A B C D E F G... count?!
Do you Shower Daily:yeah... what kind of a question is that?!
Have you Been in Love:*sigh* i have no idea
Do you want to go to College:gone through... still going through... i can almost feel the PhD.
Do you want to get Married:someday
Do you belive in yourself:errr... i try to most of the time :)
Do you get Motion Sickness:only in boats in bad waters...
Do you think you are Attractive:not at all... no no no...
Are you a Health Freak:i'll have to go for no...
Do you get along with your Parents:yes... very much... most of the time...
Do you like Thunderstorms:errmm... yes... when i am not in it...
Do you play an Instrument:err... i am not musical...
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:never...
In the past month have you Smoked:never...
In the past month have you been on Drugs:nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date:n.a.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:a couple of times...
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:nope... maybe a few oreos... i dunno... i can't remember.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:err... yes...
In the past month have you been on Stage:nope...
In the past month have you been Dumped:not this again... N.A.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:are you crazy?! Hell NO!!!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:nope...
Ever been Drunk:nope... never...
Ever been called a Tease:errr... i'd be pathetic to say yes now... hehe
Ever been Beaten up:yeah... ages ago... not without a figh tho'
Ever Shoplifted:once i tasted candy when it said no tasting
How do you want to Die:old... with my family...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:the Prime Minister.... duhhh.... hehe
What country would you most like to Visit:Italy.... shoess... *ahhhh*
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:brown
Favourite Hair Color:brown to black
Short or Long Hair:long... i like em' in a bun...
Height:5' 2"... i dunno.... whgatever i guess... i don't really care
Best Clothing Style:easy to take off stayle... :P
Number of Drugs I have taken:who counts?!...
Number of CDs I own:err... a lot...
Number of Piercings:0
Number of Tattoos:0
Number of things in my Past I Regret:2


At least I am posting right?!

Bless all...

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