Hey boo,
I was helping a blogger friend get some music on her blog when I got this idea… what if I did something really stupid today?! Like sing and post it… well I did… and here it is…
I think that's quite enough... I am no singer… so don’t criticize okay… I didn’t know what to sing at first… err… I still don’t actually… in case you were wondering, that was actually Don’t Speak… hehe
I think it’d be nice to be able to speak out some of my future posts… that way I can be more expressive rite?! Hmmm… oh well…
I just couldn't hear you voice as it is played at the same time with the background baby singing... Can u just stop the baby for once..Gosh...Sorry to say but I always have to minimize my pc's volume each time I visit ur blog...:)
err... sorry for that... baby has got to go then... :P
You really should turn on word verification to avoid the SPAM...
awww you actually sounded quite nice. felt warm for a sec there. ha!
wise song choice too! ;p
You sing better than ME!! :-)
owh... thanx for the comments... make me shy only... :P
thanx for the suggestion will... will do :P
hey... I wanna hear you sing too!! Why cannot eh? Do I need a special programme for it?
Or do I need to be on firefox or something?
i don't think you need anything... oh btw... i'm flattered... :)
The R&B version of Don't Speak!!! hehe.. cool!!
eh Shaz, not bad what....
wwwaaaaayyyyyy better than me....
keep it up!! =)
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