my reign of bitchin’ away… my retreat from this frenzied existence…
Thursday, June 30, 2005
nEwS fRoM biNtuLu...
Hey Boo… Just received an email from Premjit… she seems happy… she was telling me about her trip to Medan. Way cool…
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
tHe eNgLisH iS hOrRiBLe... dAmNeD biTcHeS!!!

Hey Boo… It may sound pathetic to you but highlight of the day was my meeting with the IPPP Bulletin technical committee at the Postgraduate Institute, University of Malaya. Professor Nik chaired the meeting for about fifteen minutes and left for some workshop that she had to attend… or something like that; so much for having a discussion about my research today. The other four members didn’t know the direction of the meeting. Actually I don’t see their function in the committee at all… all they do is relay messages and liase with the authors of the pre-decided articles. Even Ann could do that :P; at one point I had to listen to them condemn my English writing (I had to write one of the articles in the last issue… I got crap so I wrote crap… simple…) “… the English is horrible.” Well let’s see them check the articles one by one this time… actually I shouldn’t get so worked up about this; I mean the article could have been better. But I wasn’t in the mood that day; and the due date was so close… oh well… the heck with it.
Later, Mama Anne called and told me that a letter had arrived for me at her house… it’s actually the offer letter my admission at University of Malaya. I am so happy… finally I’ll be a registered student. Registration sure took long enough.
I heard on the news that some kid got beat up to death at Gurney Drive… such a horrible thing to happen. The thing is, I used to live there… gosh. It is such a good neighborhood and the problem makers are not from there at all… I remember how the biker gang used to create a ruckus in the wee hours of the night. Sometimes they would have fights. The residents there would complain and report them to the police, but they kept coming back. Damned hooligans…
Monday, June 27, 2005
tHe wEEkeNd...
Hey Boo… It’s been some time since my last post so lets make a quick post now… I want to talk about the weekend… what a weekend it had been… we had Grandma, Auntie Fairus and family, and Uncle Izatdin and family over for the weekend. It was kinda fun having people around the house; usually everything is quiet around the house. The kitchen was producing food every few hours or so to make sure all our guests had enough to eat… the children however, requires some getting used to. I guess the house is not children proof… all my little cousins seemed to have enjoyed their stay. I am happy. I did hear some things about Grandma and Ayah Uda but I am not going near that; it’s just a depressing story that shouldn’t take up our time on earth *smiles*
We took them to the clubhouse and the children enjoyed their time at the pool. I did too.
I am going to stop here for now… will write again later… there’re some documents that need my attention urgently now…
We took them to the clubhouse and the children enjoyed their time at the pool. I did too.
I am going to stop here for now… will write again later… there’re some documents that need my attention urgently now…
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
5 Questions
1. Rambutans. Whats up with that?
I hate Rambutans… they are hideous hairy-testical-like appearance doesn’t appeal to me at all… they attract ants… they’re not tasty and worse of all THEY GET STUCK IN BETWEEN YOUR TEETH *grins* Yucks!!! I don’t eat rambutans… even out of the can… I only take one at most (when I feel really obligated to; like when my aunt or grandma serves them).
Rambutans are seasonal fruit… bla bla bla
2. You're currently running your own business while also pursuing your masters - would you have any advice (based on your experiences, good and bad) for those of us out there who might also be thinking about setting up our own business one day?
Hmm… the first question was easier
I would say yes. While it may sound glamorous to be a young business owner, running a business is not always smooth sailing. One has to get used to ‘square one’ as business deals, more often than not, will lead you all over the place and leave you standing back where you started before you even realize it. There’s always people just out to get your money and take advantage of you. While people who work for you try to squeeze as much from you by putting the least possible effort, people whom you work for will try to make you work as much as humanly possible for the least amount of payment. It’s always the case… of course the scenario worsens especially because you are young (and hence thought to be inexperienced…) and viewed as the spoilt-snot-nose-know-nothing-brat who is lucky enough to own the company and trying to beat seasoned players at their own game… so it’s always best to try and listen before you react. You’ll be more respected and if you have some advantage over them (e.g. being the son of a bloody rich oil tycoon, being royalty, a member of the Mafia or even being the son of the Prime Minister), don’t be shy to throw your weight around to get your way… hey, even if you don’t do it… everyone will automatically assume that you do, so you might as well gain something from it. Also there’re always risks involved when talking about business… unlike the working life, where you can expect a paycheck safely and nicely credited into your account at the end of every month (whether you are doing your work, or not … as long as you don’t get caught slacking off that is…. and whether the company is running at a loss or not … and whether there are problems that the company has to face…) being the owner of a business means you have to think about your company all the time and there are good times and of course bad times as well… basically you are your own motivation… if you don’t get things done, you don’t get paid… simple. Also, if you are not careful, you’ll end up being conned and getting law suit for ten million dollars… basically, you take care of you own ass!
Actually, being is business owner is not all bad… at the end of the day… when a project is done and accomplished; no matter how little you make; the accomplishment is all yours… the company is all yours… those people walking about outside your office all work for you, and that five digit Director’s allowance plus a Gold Credit Card for Entertainment Expense… all yours… *smiles*
As for studying… well, I graduated as a Chemical Engineer and I feel that even though I am a business owner I haven’t accomplished enough; career wise that is. Since I am my own motivation; I run my own time; pursuing my academics is purely motivated by that desire to accomplish something as an engineer. In my particular case, I want to be able to teach engineering one day… money isn’t everything after all… so… like this, I get the best of both worlds… or at least I am struggling to get the best of both worlds.
Ermm… what was the question again?! Oh okay… I am still within scope… *wink* so to sum it all up…
If you feel the calling to stop doing the things your boss tells you to do and have acquired enough ‘balls’ to start up your own business… DO SO!!! Just make sure you listen to the right people and always consider the consequences before you make a decision. You won’t regret it.
3. You love cooking! What is the best dish that you have EVER tasted (and if you know it – what’s the recipe?)
Ah… this question is more fun… let’s see…
I like to chomp down a lot of things… I don’t know if this qualifies as a dish… but I like to eat Banana Chocolate Muffins. The rich chocolaty taste… hehehe
And it so happens that I know the recipe by heart.
Here it goes:
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
(Makes 12 large muffin)
2 cups flour
1 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoon double action baking powder
3 eggs
1 ½ cup caster sugar
1 ½ cup corn oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ cup milk
2 banana (sliced)
1 cup Chocolate Chips
Pinch salt
Preheat oven to 240 degrees Celsius. Sieve together flour, cocoa power and baking powder in a bowl. In another bowl mix milk, sugar and corn oil and lightly mix. In another bowl lightly beat eggs. Fold in eggs into the milk-sugar batter and lightly stir. Add vanilla and salt. Pour in the flour mix and Chocolate Chips into the batter and lightly stir just until mixed (DO NOT OVER STIR!!!). The batter should be a little crumbly. You may add some nuts if you want but if you do, you may want to fill the cups to the top because you may have extra batter. Spoon batter (do not pour) into the muffin cups (large) in the muffin tray, half full; put a few slices of banana and top it up until almost full (it doesn’t rise much). If you want your muffins to spill out like Mrs. Field’s Muffins, fill to top. Place 2 – 3 slices of banana on the top of each muffin. Bake in oven for 25 minutes or until stick comes out clean when poked into the muffin. Cool on rack.
Muffins are generally good enough to take as it is with coffee or tea. But if you could spare the calories I have a few suggestions on how to make the dish even tastier. Serve muffin with vanilla ice cream and pour heavy cream or whipped cream. Add chocolate fudge if you really don’t mind the calories. Cherries can be added to.
Gosh I sound like some cookbook. Anyways, try this out okay. And if you have any question, just drop me a message or give me a call.
Ok next question.
4. Egypt and Jordan, amongst other places, are mentioned as places where you've lived before. How does life in each of the places you've been to compare to here in Malaysia?
Oh okay… this is a long one…
We’ll start with Egypt. When we moved to Egypt I was quite young (like 11 years old) thus quite open to the changes in lifestyle. Life there is different in every way so where do I start… Hmmm… well, when I move around, I find myself adapting to the local lifestyle. The first thing I picked up in Egypt is how to ask around. Life started as a tourist at first, not being able to speak Arabic and most people there are not able to speak English. So life is different in the way we communicate. We always become more visual when we live in a country with a foreign language, until you pick up the language at least.
Then there’s the family issue. Life in Egypt was life without family. No cousins and uncles. There weren’t that many Malaysians as well, so we had to adopt the diplomats and people who worked at the embassy as family and friends.
Hang on… this question is getting hard… Hmm…
School was different. We went at 8 and left at 3:30 in the afternoon. The teachers taught in English and most of our friends were Arabs, although my best friend was an English boy named Hasona… we started in school in autumn, so that like late September there, and go to school until late spring (late May). We are off in the summer. It’s too hot in the summer anyways. It never rains (it’s the Sahara. Duhhh) although we get sandstorms more frequently in winter. If it does rain (once every few months or so) it’ll be declared a public holiday. The roads will be too muddy and it’d be very dirty everywhere.
Food was different too… the food in Egypt is more Mediterranean… tomatoes in everything. Everything is so cheap. And everything can be bought. If you had money you are king. You can pay someone to do anything for you. Our apartment was nice. It’s not too big but we had a good view of the three Great Pyramids of Giza. We see them everyday.
This is beginning to sound like some old grandma story… *sigh* I don’t think it’s what Pat had in mind…
Jordan was a nice place… we had a nice villa with a very beautiful garden… we had peaches, roses, figs, grapes, iris and my very own vegetable garden. Jordan is a rich Arab country… basically everyone there is well off… well, mostly. It snowed it winter. Hot in summer.
I’ll try to sum it up…
Egypt is more money oriented. Everyone is conscious about where they stand in the society. Life there is hectic, crowed and dusty… people were everywhere… and everyone is a mr-know-it-all. It’s simple, bottom-line; you have money in Egypt, you are King.
In Jordan, everyone is rich so people don’t really care. They tend to ask about family background because coming from a good family would give someone a high level of credibility. It’s quiet in Jordan, basically everyone know everyone else.
In Istanbul, it’s very quick paced. Istanbul is a fusion of modern Europe and the old arab-like style people. I dunno… you don’t need a car in Istanbul because the public transport is so efficient. It gets really cold in winter but it doesn’t snow there. We lived in a duplex penthouse there with our own rooftop. We saw the sea from there. It’s really quite nice.
Back in Malaysia, I am all grown up. I have to go to the university, and I have to go to work. Life is all work work work… so you see that’s why I have a hard time comparing… *sobs* I want to go back to Jordan….
5. Assume that you could endow yourself with any superhero like ability - what would you take and why?
I guess I’d choose the power to control weather… like Storm in X-Men. Why? World peace…. I’d be able to stop wars with the power of the weather…nahh… actually, I’ve always imagined that it’d be really cool to be able to whip up your very own blizzard and summon ten tornadoes… it’s like all powerful or something like that… *some names of people whom I’d send the tornadoes to runs through my head* ~evil laughter in the background~
Now, for the Official Interview Game Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
I hate Rambutans… they are hideous hairy-testical-like appearance doesn’t appeal to me at all… they attract ants… they’re not tasty and worse of all THEY GET STUCK IN BETWEEN YOUR TEETH *grins* Yucks!!! I don’t eat rambutans… even out of the can… I only take one at most (when I feel really obligated to; like when my aunt or grandma serves them).
Rambutans are seasonal fruit… bla bla bla
2. You're currently running your own business while also pursuing your masters - would you have any advice (based on your experiences, good and bad) for those of us out there who might also be thinking about setting up our own business one day?
Hmm… the first question was easier
I would say yes. While it may sound glamorous to be a young business owner, running a business is not always smooth sailing. One has to get used to ‘square one’ as business deals, more often than not, will lead you all over the place and leave you standing back where you started before you even realize it. There’s always people just out to get your money and take advantage of you. While people who work for you try to squeeze as much from you by putting the least possible effort, people whom you work for will try to make you work as much as humanly possible for the least amount of payment. It’s always the case… of course the scenario worsens especially because you are young (and hence thought to be inexperienced…) and viewed as the spoilt-snot-nose-know-nothing-brat who is lucky enough to own the company and trying to beat seasoned players at their own game… so it’s always best to try and listen before you react. You’ll be more respected and if you have some advantage over them (e.g. being the son of a bloody rich oil tycoon, being royalty, a member of the Mafia or even being the son of the Prime Minister), don’t be shy to throw your weight around to get your way… hey, even if you don’t do it… everyone will automatically assume that you do, so you might as well gain something from it. Also there’re always risks involved when talking about business… unlike the working life, where you can expect a paycheck safely and nicely credited into your account at the end of every month (whether you are doing your work, or not … as long as you don’t get caught slacking off that is…. and whether the company is running at a loss or not … and whether there are problems that the company has to face…) being the owner of a business means you have to think about your company all the time and there are good times and of course bad times as well… basically you are your own motivation… if you don’t get things done, you don’t get paid… simple. Also, if you are not careful, you’ll end up being conned and getting law suit for ten million dollars… basically, you take care of you own ass!
Actually, being is business owner is not all bad… at the end of the day… when a project is done and accomplished; no matter how little you make; the accomplishment is all yours… the company is all yours… those people walking about outside your office all work for you, and that five digit Director’s allowance plus a Gold Credit Card for Entertainment Expense… all yours… *smiles*
As for studying… well, I graduated as a Chemical Engineer and I feel that even though I am a business owner I haven’t accomplished enough; career wise that is. Since I am my own motivation; I run my own time; pursuing my academics is purely motivated by that desire to accomplish something as an engineer. In my particular case, I want to be able to teach engineering one day… money isn’t everything after all… so… like this, I get the best of both worlds… or at least I am struggling to get the best of both worlds.
Ermm… what was the question again?! Oh okay… I am still within scope… *wink* so to sum it all up…
If you feel the calling to stop doing the things your boss tells you to do and have acquired enough ‘balls’ to start up your own business… DO SO!!! Just make sure you listen to the right people and always consider the consequences before you make a decision. You won’t regret it.
3. You love cooking! What is the best dish that you have EVER tasted (and if you know it – what’s the recipe?)
Ah… this question is more fun… let’s see…
I like to chomp down a lot of things… I don’t know if this qualifies as a dish… but I like to eat Banana Chocolate Muffins. The rich chocolaty taste… hehehe
And it so happens that I know the recipe by heart.
Here it goes:
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
(Makes 12 large muffin)
2 cups flour
1 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoon double action baking powder
3 eggs
1 ½ cup caster sugar
1 ½ cup corn oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ cup milk
2 banana (sliced)
1 cup Chocolate Chips
Pinch salt
Preheat oven to 240 degrees Celsius. Sieve together flour, cocoa power and baking powder in a bowl. In another bowl mix milk, sugar and corn oil and lightly mix. In another bowl lightly beat eggs. Fold in eggs into the milk-sugar batter and lightly stir. Add vanilla and salt. Pour in the flour mix and Chocolate Chips into the batter and lightly stir just until mixed (DO NOT OVER STIR!!!). The batter should be a little crumbly. You may add some nuts if you want but if you do, you may want to fill the cups to the top because you may have extra batter. Spoon batter (do not pour) into the muffin cups (large) in the muffin tray, half full; put a few slices of banana and top it up until almost full (it doesn’t rise much). If you want your muffins to spill out like Mrs. Field’s Muffins, fill to top. Place 2 – 3 slices of banana on the top of each muffin. Bake in oven for 25 minutes or until stick comes out clean when poked into the muffin. Cool on rack.
Muffins are generally good enough to take as it is with coffee or tea. But if you could spare the calories I have a few suggestions on how to make the dish even tastier. Serve muffin with vanilla ice cream and pour heavy cream or whipped cream. Add chocolate fudge if you really don’t mind the calories. Cherries can be added to.
Gosh I sound like some cookbook. Anyways, try this out okay. And if you have any question, just drop me a message or give me a call.
Ok next question.
4. Egypt and Jordan, amongst other places, are mentioned as places where you've lived before. How does life in each of the places you've been to compare to here in Malaysia?
Oh okay… this is a long one…
We’ll start with Egypt. When we moved to Egypt I was quite young (like 11 years old) thus quite open to the changes in lifestyle. Life there is different in every way so where do I start… Hmmm… well, when I move around, I find myself adapting to the local lifestyle. The first thing I picked up in Egypt is how to ask around. Life started as a tourist at first, not being able to speak Arabic and most people there are not able to speak English. So life is different in the way we communicate. We always become more visual when we live in a country with a foreign language, until you pick up the language at least.
Then there’s the family issue. Life in Egypt was life without family. No cousins and uncles. There weren’t that many Malaysians as well, so we had to adopt the diplomats and people who worked at the embassy as family and friends.
Hang on… this question is getting hard… Hmm…
School was different. We went at 8 and left at 3:30 in the afternoon. The teachers taught in English and most of our friends were Arabs, although my best friend was an English boy named Hasona… we started in school in autumn, so that like late September there, and go to school until late spring (late May). We are off in the summer. It’s too hot in the summer anyways. It never rains (it’s the Sahara. Duhhh) although we get sandstorms more frequently in winter. If it does rain (once every few months or so) it’ll be declared a public holiday. The roads will be too muddy and it’d be very dirty everywhere.
Food was different too… the food in Egypt is more Mediterranean… tomatoes in everything. Everything is so cheap. And everything can be bought. If you had money you are king. You can pay someone to do anything for you. Our apartment was nice. It’s not too big but we had a good view of the three Great Pyramids of Giza. We see them everyday.
This is beginning to sound like some old grandma story… *sigh* I don’t think it’s what Pat had in mind…
Jordan was a nice place… we had a nice villa with a very beautiful garden… we had peaches, roses, figs, grapes, iris and my very own vegetable garden. Jordan is a rich Arab country… basically everyone there is well off… well, mostly. It snowed it winter. Hot in summer.
I’ll try to sum it up…
Egypt is more money oriented. Everyone is conscious about where they stand in the society. Life there is hectic, crowed and dusty… people were everywhere… and everyone is a mr-know-it-all. It’s simple, bottom-line; you have money in Egypt, you are King.
In Jordan, everyone is rich so people don’t really care. They tend to ask about family background because coming from a good family would give someone a high level of credibility. It’s quiet in Jordan, basically everyone know everyone else.
In Istanbul, it’s very quick paced. Istanbul is a fusion of modern Europe and the old arab-like style people. I dunno… you don’t need a car in Istanbul because the public transport is so efficient. It gets really cold in winter but it doesn’t snow there. We lived in a duplex penthouse there with our own rooftop. We saw the sea from there. It’s really quite nice.
Back in Malaysia, I am all grown up. I have to go to the university, and I have to go to work. Life is all work work work… so you see that’s why I have a hard time comparing… *sobs* I want to go back to Jordan….
5. Assume that you could endow yourself with any superhero like ability - what would you take and why?
I guess I’d choose the power to control weather… like Storm in X-Men. Why? World peace…. I’d be able to stop wars with the power of the weather…nahh… actually, I’ve always imagined that it’d be really cool to be able to whip up your very own blizzard and summon ten tornadoes… it’s like all powerful or something like that… *some names of people whom I’d send the tornadoes to runs through my head* ~evil laughter in the background~
Now, for the Official Interview Game Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
a DaY aT UM...
Hi Boo… My day at UM yesterday was quite alright. I started the day early because Mami (Uncle Mie’s stepmother) had passed on that morning. Abah wanted to go pay his last respect so he had to drop me off at UM early. I had tried to contact Luqman a couple of times because I wanted him to accompany me at the Expo they were having at the examination hall… I couldn’t get him so I called Juniady who was getting ready for work. He is a volunteer at the National Science Center again… at RM5/hr he seems content… oh well… so I started to get dressed and Luqman called back when I was in the bathroom… I returned his call afterwards and we agreed to meet there in a couple of minutes. I called Dr Nik who was already on the way there to tell her I was going to show… she wanted to introduce me to some of the researchers there… so I waited for Luqman for a few minutes because the office needed him to do something before he could leave… the Expo was quite nice… Ramang was in charge of one of Professor Masjuki’s booth… he seemed happy… I also met Dr. Sahar, En. Ibrahim… all of them still remember me somehow… but hey, who could forget… hehe Dr. Nik showed me the research using the Atomic Force Microscope that had been done by Dr. Roslan (another one of my Asasi lecturer) and I asked for his number… I later called him to tell him I was interested on the AFM and he seem to be excited to hear from me… so I guess this project is going to work after all… hopefully no more changes…
I stayed on at the Department after Friday prayers to attend a seminar by one of Professor Masitah’s student… just to see what I have to do in the future… Ang Wee Lee was there…. He is exactly how I left him… hehe Salam was also hanging around Luqman’s room and he left when we went for the seminar… Abah gone home from the funeral so he told me to get a ride from Anna… so I had to stay at Salam’s until about 7 o’clock before Anna comes to get me… I met Junaidy and Ismail there… and Salam’s housemate… who was from Sarawak and quite cute… for a guy… I was tired by then, not having fully recovered from the flu and all… by the time I got home with Anna and Zul it was like 9 o’clock…
I took a shower and chatted a little with Nathan… then a little more with Miri and Nawal (who is working at Istana Hotel now)… there were no one else online and Leonard was nice enough to amuse me because I was dead bored reading about AFMs for a few hours… he stayed until about 1:30 am or so… I think… I continued my AFM homework until about 2:40 am and then went to bed…
Today is all about lazing about and recovering… and of course playing with Puteri… I am going to clean up my hard-disk a little now… it’s a mess I tell you…
So I’ll write more later…
I stayed on at the Department after Friday prayers to attend a seminar by one of Professor Masitah’s student… just to see what I have to do in the future… Ang Wee Lee was there…. He is exactly how I left him… hehe Salam was also hanging around Luqman’s room and he left when we went for the seminar… Abah gone home from the funeral so he told me to get a ride from Anna… so I had to stay at Salam’s until about 7 o’clock before Anna comes to get me… I met Junaidy and Ismail there… and Salam’s housemate… who was from Sarawak and quite cute… for a guy… I was tired by then, not having fully recovered from the flu and all… by the time I got home with Anna and Zul it was like 9 o’clock…
I took a shower and chatted a little with Nathan… then a little more with Miri and Nawal (who is working at Istana Hotel now)… there were no one else online and Leonard was nice enough to amuse me because I was dead bored reading about AFMs for a few hours… he stayed until about 1:30 am or so… I think… I continued my AFM homework until about 2:40 am and then went to bed…
Today is all about lazing about and recovering… and of course playing with Puteri… I am going to clean up my hard-disk a little now… it’s a mess I tell you…
So I’ll write more later…
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I aM uP aGaiN...
Hey Boo… It’s been like ages since my last post… I have been in bed all this while… *sigh* caught myself the bug. Again. You’d think after the other day I’d develop some kind of resistance. Ah well… at least I am up and about again.
Haven’t had coffee in like ten/eleven days…
Got to have some…
Haven’t had coffee in like ten/eleven days…
Got to have some…
Sunday, June 05, 2005
fLu sEaSoN...
Hey Boo… today started early with me having to help Mama with food. I had to miss Kamal’s sister’s wedding because Tanti is terribly ill and I had to take her place as the ‘maid’ for the day… Puteri has been very cooperative with my taking over Tanti’s chores taking care of her bottles and diapers aside from the fact that Gerber has upset her little tummy and she craps four times a day… we stopped giving her that particular flavor (mixed berries)…
Pulut kuning was menu for the day with my squeezing some internet and laundry time in between… in the afternoon was a meeting out with some business associates to finalize a large deal over some coffee… that was not too bad seeing as the meeting only lasted about two hours or so… and the milkshake I ordered was crap… remember… you want milkshake, go to McDonalds… hotels make the crappiest milkshakes… then it’s back to Syed Hazmi’s house for Laksa… I only took a little portion in my bowl as I was already three quarters full at that time… then came the fruit and of course… more coffee.
Ajib was sick so I had to skip the PSII session. Damn… I was having a really bad headache nyways… nothing Panadol cannot cure… Swallowed 2 pills and I was up and about again… Anna and Zul wanted to leave early because they wanted to prepare for tomorrow (working day mah…) and so we left after coffee…
We got home a little after 8:30 pm and Tanti got really sick… I was just in time to unlock the door when she rushed in and threw up in the toilet… poor Tanti… apparently Hazim is sick too… or that’s what his status say… must be the flu season or something like that.
Anyways, they’re calling me now… for more ‘Cinderella’ duties…
So better be off then…
Pulut kuning was menu for the day with my squeezing some internet and laundry time in between… in the afternoon was a meeting out with some business associates to finalize a large deal over some coffee… that was not too bad seeing as the meeting only lasted about two hours or so… and the milkshake I ordered was crap… remember… you want milkshake, go to McDonalds… hotels make the crappiest milkshakes… then it’s back to Syed Hazmi’s house for Laksa… I only took a little portion in my bowl as I was already three quarters full at that time… then came the fruit and of course… more coffee.
Ajib was sick so I had to skip the PSII session. Damn… I was having a really bad headache nyways… nothing Panadol cannot cure… Swallowed 2 pills and I was up and about again… Anna and Zul wanted to leave early because they wanted to prepare for tomorrow (working day mah…) and so we left after coffee…
We got home a little after 8:30 pm and Tanti got really sick… I was just in time to unlock the door when she rushed in and threw up in the toilet… poor Tanti… apparently Hazim is sick too… or that’s what his status say… must be the flu season or something like that.
Anyways, they’re calling me now… for more ‘Cinderella’ duties…
So better be off then…
biTcHy dAy...
Dear Boo… it’s almost 2:30 am now and I just got out of a meeting… you’d think that I am running some kind of mafia business… :P but this is life as I live it… I get to wake up whatever time I want but I’d have to sacrifice some things when the time comes… my partner seemed so tired, going over business strategies and the silly agreement we got from one business associates… sheesh… oh well… we managed to sort out some of the things. But hey… tomorrow is another day.
As usual at this time of the month… it’s the time to pay for bills and stuff like that… my credit card bills are still escalating despite the fact that I am trying to control my expenses. All well… all for a good cause.
I spent half part of today getting some house chores done, seeing as Tanti is unwell I’ve had to take up her portion as well… but I suppose she’d felt the same way when I was ill the other day.
I’ve been missing a lot of sleep lately, seeing meetings are going through the wee hours of the night… I think a few times this week alone.
Have I bitched about IPPP and my masters project yet?! Ah well, I was partly to blame as well… but boy was I pissed to hear that MRB is patenting what I am doing… if they knew this was coming in the first place, why the heck offer me in the first place. Damned fools… so now I am again left with a new project… more or less back to square one for the fourth time… it doesn’t get bitchier than this I tell you!!!
*sigh* it’s kinda late… I better get some shut eye before I become bitchier than I already am…. *curse words running through my mind*
As usual at this time of the month… it’s the time to pay for bills and stuff like that… my credit card bills are still escalating despite the fact that I am trying to control my expenses. All well… all for a good cause.
I spent half part of today getting some house chores done, seeing as Tanti is unwell I’ve had to take up her portion as well… but I suppose she’d felt the same way when I was ill the other day.
I’ve been missing a lot of sleep lately, seeing meetings are going through the wee hours of the night… I think a few times this week alone.
Have I bitched about IPPP and my masters project yet?! Ah well, I was partly to blame as well… but boy was I pissed to hear that MRB is patenting what I am doing… if they knew this was coming in the first place, why the heck offer me in the first place. Damned fools… so now I am again left with a new project… more or less back to square one for the fourth time… it doesn’t get bitchier than this I tell you!!!
*sigh* it’s kinda late… I better get some shut eye before I become bitchier than I already am…. *curse words running through my mind*
Friday, June 03, 2005
MuSiC BaToN...
Total Volume of Music on my Computer:
4,776 songs, a few days of music, 23.4 GB
The Last Cd I Bought:
Let's Talk About Love - Celine Dion... I've been on P2P eversince...
Song playing:
This Love - Maroon 5
Five songs, I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
This Love - Maroon 5
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu
Thank You! - HomeMade Kazoku
Five suckers to whom I'm passing the baton:
Let's see... Hmmm...
4,776 songs, a few days of music, 23.4 GB
The Last Cd I Bought:
Let's Talk About Love - Celine Dion... I've been on P2P eversince...
Song playing:
This Love - Maroon 5
Five songs, I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
This Love - Maroon 5
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu
Thank You! - HomeMade Kazoku
Five suckers to whom I'm passing the baton:
Let's see... Hmmm...
yOu kNoW mE? I kNoW yOu?!
I saw this 100 things about me thing on Pat’s blog and it occurred to me that I mightn’t be able to write 100 things about me… do I know myself that well?! Let’s see… I couldn’t join the webring thingy because they aren’t accepting anymore members so I’ll just write my own 100 things about me list… :P
1. My name is Raja Shazrin Shah bin Raja Ehsan Shah
2. I am the only son in the family and I have two sisters
3. I still live with my parents
4. I don’t have a girlfriend (pathetic huh?!) and for some reason I have been hit on by more guys than girls (just when you think things couldn’t get any worse)
5. I think I am very ugly and I don’t like to look in the mirror
6. I enjoy shopping… as long as I am not paying (I am very stingy when it’s my money :P)
7. I have enough clothes for a whole month’s cycle (or maybe more) without repeats and yet I always feel like I have nothing to wear
8. I hate to wear a ‘songkok’ and I never wear a ‘kopiah’
9. Generally, I think I am a nice person… easy to approach and befriend
10. I like making friends
11. I don’t like to leave the house… and my longest stay in the house without leaving for any reason (except Friday prayers) is more than two weeks… (yikes!!!)
12. I like to garden… back when I was in Jordan, had my own garden (and a gardener whom I’ve never seen who takes care of all the dirty stuff like weeding…) complete with broccoli, cauliflower, celery, leek, carnations (which didn’t come out so nice btw), more than two dozen matured rose bush of all colors, iris, a fig tree, a peach tree, grape vine that grows nicely in the backyard, and aloe-vera which have matured and grew into a nice round shape and the flowers blooms every spring…
13. I like to sew… something I picked up from my mother, I can make shirts, blouses, baju kurung, baju melayu, dresses and a bunch of other things…
14. I like to cook… I like to feed people the things that I cook…
15. I like it when people complement me…
16. It’s hard for me to say no to people
17. I am still a virgin… (did I just type that…?!) :P
18. I get hooked to things very easily and I get bored with things very easily too.
19. I was born in Kuala Terengganu
20. I lived in Taman Tun Dr Ismail for ten years
21. I went to Sekolah Rendah Damasara Jaya (2) for primary and continued to Moharram Islamic English School in Cairo, Egypt for my prep-school.
22. We moved around to Amman, Jordan and Istanbul, Turkey for the next two years or so, and came back to Malaysia for my PMR and SPM
23. I joined the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Malaya for my Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering (graduated in four years in 2004) and later (and currently still…) continued to do my Masters in Engineering Science there researching on membrane technology and the possibilities of its application for environmental and zero waste applications…
24. I like the library
25. I have borrowed all the cookbooks available at the UM library
26. I am 5’ 10 ½” tall, black hair, eyes… slightly plump… wears glasses…
27. I don’t drink
28. I am addicted to coffee
29. I have gone without sleep for 3 days before after which I became delirious
30. I haven’t done any form of drugs
31. I can eat 8 pieces of chicken from KFC
32. I don’t eat fish
33. I have slept for more than 24 hours straight before
34. I work and study
35. I am a Chief Executive Officer at my company
36. I hate my job and I love my job (don’t ask!!!)
37. I like meeting people
38. I hate going to mamak stalls and I hate going to ‘pasar malam’
39. I hate to sit in the front passenger seat in a car because I get carsick (except when it’s an SUV or MPV)… I always sit in the backseat, on the left side
40. I have been called a bitch before
41. I have called someone a bitch before (at a government office one day… that woman was really on my nerves… so I just snapped at her… “BITCH!!!”)
42. I hate to sleep with air-conditioning
43. I try to keep fit by going to the gym but I’ve had to give it up recently because of the busy time schedule but I plan to take it up again
44. I like to sauna…
45. I like the Jacuzzi
46. My favorite colors are yellow and black
47. My favorite book is the Prodigal Daughter by J. Archer
48. I drink a lot of water
49. My hair grow upward for some reason (like Marge Simpson :P)
50. I like it when people suck up to me
51. but I hate people who suck up to me
52. I like to watch the Disney Channel
53. I miss living in Egypt, I want to go spend three months there and take a cruise down the Nile
54. I hate to see women in hipsters, especially those cut really low…
55. I don’t trust people very easily
56. I really believe that family comes first
57. I believe that money spent for my family is spent for a good cause
58. I like to pay for my family
59. I don’t believe in giving people choices… people can just be too stupid to understand more than two choices (I can see this in politic, and even everyday life… sheesh people…!!!) so it always has to be yes or no, this or nothing…
60. I think that life is very precious
61. I like computer games…
62. I work better under pressure
63. I like to help people
64. I like chicken and meat
65. I eat almost anything (but fish)
66. I believe everyone should have a goal in life… and no matter ho stupid it may be everyone should have the guts to try and get what they want… those who don’t are cowards.
67. My life is currently focused on making money and graduating again…
68. My social life in danger now… the only people I meet are mostly business associates.
69. I like my peaceful life but I feel lonely at times
70. I try not to drink more than four mugs of coffee a day
71. I strongly believe in cronyism (my friends should know)
72. I am a very patient man… the only time I lost it was during a students council meeting back in uni (I was the Secretary General) when I started to shout at everyone and for the first and only time in my life thus far hit the table hard… and for good reason too…
73. My jeans size is 33
74. I have a long neck and long arms (my tailor told me I couldn’t buy things off the rack because my arms are 1” longer than average)
75. I spend most of my money on the car, groceries, clothes, food, food, and more food…
76. I am very bad with faces and with names too
77. I strongly agree with Pat when he wrote “I think individuals have to bear a greater sense of responsibility for their choices and the potential consequences.” Because I always feel sad to see young men/women here waste their lives
78. I think it’s hard for me to fall in love with someone… (hence the still single status)
79. I always feel like I don’t know myself
80. I hate it when people say they know me because I don’t know me…
81. I don’t drive, never have and never will… I was born to be driven (and for good reason)
82. I don’t know how to keep a grudge
83. I hate to speak on the telephone… I hate making calls and I hate taking calls
84. I don’t believe in ghosts
85. I startle easily
86. I am trying to lose weight
87. I don’t watch TV much nowadays
88. I get mood swings sometimes (and I’ll bitch about everything and everyone)
89. I like to bitch…
90. I hate racism and discrimination of any sort…
91. I like to study (I don’t know why… I think I’ll go all the way and get my PhD)
92. I like to talk… yap yap yap yap
93. I don’t like people commenting when I am working, wait until I am finished dammit
94. My room is always a mess
95. I like oranges and I hate rambutans
96. I like my steak medium rare
97. I hate having changed my research topic a few times now
98. When I have saved enough money, I want to buy a 3 carat diamond ring for myself
99. I like to read
100. I don’t know what else to say… I sleep with 8 pillows on my bed.
There ya go…. Hey wake up…
100 Things
1. My name is Raja Shazrin Shah bin Raja Ehsan Shah
2. I am the only son in the family and I have two sisters
3. I still live with my parents
4. I don’t have a girlfriend (pathetic huh?!) and for some reason I have been hit on by more guys than girls (just when you think things couldn’t get any worse)
5. I think I am very ugly and I don’t like to look in the mirror
6. I enjoy shopping… as long as I am not paying (I am very stingy when it’s my money :P)
7. I have enough clothes for a whole month’s cycle (or maybe more) without repeats and yet I always feel like I have nothing to wear
8. I hate to wear a ‘songkok’ and I never wear a ‘kopiah’
9. Generally, I think I am a nice person… easy to approach and befriend
10. I like making friends
11. I don’t like to leave the house… and my longest stay in the house without leaving for any reason (except Friday prayers) is more than two weeks… (yikes!!!)
12. I like to garden… back when I was in Jordan, had my own garden (and a gardener whom I’ve never seen who takes care of all the dirty stuff like weeding…) complete with broccoli, cauliflower, celery, leek, carnations (which didn’t come out so nice btw), more than two dozen matured rose bush of all colors, iris, a fig tree, a peach tree, grape vine that grows nicely in the backyard, and aloe-vera which have matured and grew into a nice round shape and the flowers blooms every spring…
13. I like to sew… something I picked up from my mother, I can make shirts, blouses, baju kurung, baju melayu, dresses and a bunch of other things…
14. I like to cook… I like to feed people the things that I cook…
15. I like it when people complement me…
16. It’s hard for me to say no to people
17. I am still a virgin… (did I just type that…?!) :P
18. I get hooked to things very easily and I get bored with things very easily too.
19. I was born in Kuala Terengganu
20. I lived in Taman Tun Dr Ismail for ten years
21. I went to Sekolah Rendah Damasara Jaya (2) for primary and continued to Moharram Islamic English School in Cairo, Egypt for my prep-school.
22. We moved around to Amman, Jordan and Istanbul, Turkey for the next two years or so, and came back to Malaysia for my PMR and SPM
23. I joined the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Malaya for my Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering (graduated in four years in 2004) and later (and currently still…) continued to do my Masters in Engineering Science there researching on membrane technology and the possibilities of its application for environmental and zero waste applications…
24. I like the library
25. I have borrowed all the cookbooks available at the UM library
26. I am 5’ 10 ½” tall, black hair, eyes… slightly plump… wears glasses…
27. I don’t drink
28. I am addicted to coffee
29. I have gone without sleep for 3 days before after which I became delirious
30. I haven’t done any form of drugs
31. I can eat 8 pieces of chicken from KFC
32. I don’t eat fish
33. I have slept for more than 24 hours straight before
34. I work and study
35. I am a Chief Executive Officer at my company
36. I hate my job and I love my job (don’t ask!!!)
37. I like meeting people
38. I hate going to mamak stalls and I hate going to ‘pasar malam’
39. I hate to sit in the front passenger seat in a car because I get carsick (except when it’s an SUV or MPV)… I always sit in the backseat, on the left side
40. I have been called a bitch before
41. I have called someone a bitch before (at a government office one day… that woman was really on my nerves… so I just snapped at her… “BITCH!!!”)
42. I hate to sleep with air-conditioning
43. I try to keep fit by going to the gym but I’ve had to give it up recently because of the busy time schedule but I plan to take it up again
44. I like to sauna…
45. I like the Jacuzzi
46. My favorite colors are yellow and black
47. My favorite book is the Prodigal Daughter by J. Archer
48. I drink a lot of water
49. My hair grow upward for some reason (like Marge Simpson :P)
50. I like it when people suck up to me
51. but I hate people who suck up to me
52. I like to watch the Disney Channel
53. I miss living in Egypt, I want to go spend three months there and take a cruise down the Nile
54. I hate to see women in hipsters, especially those cut really low…
55. I don’t trust people very easily
56. I really believe that family comes first
57. I believe that money spent for my family is spent for a good cause
58. I like to pay for my family
59. I don’t believe in giving people choices… people can just be too stupid to understand more than two choices (I can see this in politic, and even everyday life… sheesh people…!!!) so it always has to be yes or no, this or nothing…
60. I think that life is very precious
61. I like computer games…
62. I work better under pressure
63. I like to help people
64. I like chicken and meat
65. I eat almost anything (but fish)
66. I believe everyone should have a goal in life… and no matter ho stupid it may be everyone should have the guts to try and get what they want… those who don’t are cowards.
67. My life is currently focused on making money and graduating again…
68. My social life in danger now… the only people I meet are mostly business associates.
69. I like my peaceful life but I feel lonely at times
70. I try not to drink more than four mugs of coffee a day
71. I strongly believe in cronyism (my friends should know)
72. I am a very patient man… the only time I lost it was during a students council meeting back in uni (I was the Secretary General) when I started to shout at everyone and for the first and only time in my life thus far hit the table hard… and for good reason too…
73. My jeans size is 33
74. I have a long neck and long arms (my tailor told me I couldn’t buy things off the rack because my arms are 1” longer than average)
75. I spend most of my money on the car, groceries, clothes, food, food, and more food…
76. I am very bad with faces and with names too
77. I strongly agree with Pat when he wrote “I think individuals have to bear a greater sense of responsibility for their choices and the potential consequences.” Because I always feel sad to see young men/women here waste their lives
78. I think it’s hard for me to fall in love with someone… (hence the still single status)
79. I always feel like I don’t know myself
80. I hate it when people say they know me because I don’t know me…
81. I don’t drive, never have and never will… I was born to be driven (and for good reason)
82. I don’t know how to keep a grudge
83. I hate to speak on the telephone… I hate making calls and I hate taking calls
84. I don’t believe in ghosts
85. I startle easily
86. I am trying to lose weight
87. I don’t watch TV much nowadays
88. I get mood swings sometimes (and I’ll bitch about everything and everyone)
89. I like to bitch…
90. I hate racism and discrimination of any sort…
91. I like to study (I don’t know why… I think I’ll go all the way and get my PhD)
92. I like to talk… yap yap yap yap
93. I don’t like people commenting when I am working, wait until I am finished dammit
94. My room is always a mess
95. I like oranges and I hate rambutans
96. I like my steak medium rare
97. I hate having changed my research topic a few times now
98. When I have saved enough money, I want to buy a 3 carat diamond ring for myself
99. I like to read
100. I don’t know what else to say… I sleep with 8 pillows on my bed.
There ya go…. Hey wake up…
100 Things
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