Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BiTs anD PieCeS oF mY ThOuGhTs...

Dear Boo,

Here we are, another day has passed and still I am overdue...

1. The thing I find most sad is, whilst I am struggling for progress, it’s the ones that I love most that are emotionally tolling me most. This is a selfish statement. I know very well that it is... but it is honestly how I feel. Perhaps they are unintentional but painful and draining nonetheless.

2. I would like to talk about meanie as well. For some reason the meanie issue never seems to be completely flushed out of my system. I am still touched. meanie still occupies my thoughts. How stupid I am. I know this. But still, I refuse to smart up... refuse to man up. Sometimes I think that there may be some truth in meanie’s accusation. Silly me.

3. AAR has been very helpful. More than anyone else now…

4. For reasons that I am unaware of, I find myself preferring silence off late. I guess it is because of the many unreasonable situations and conversations that I’ve had to put up with, I have lost taste altogether for talking. I’d rather be silent. But silence begets crisis for reasons I also don’t comprehend. Ironically, conversations lead to arguments, and arguments leads to silence, and silence as we have established, begets crisis. So I figured, I’d cut down the work and start with silence!

5. Sometimes I feel like running away!

... contemplate running away...

6. It is 1:00am and I am still in UM. Sadly, Chapter 2 is still not behind me. I guess I should make haste for home and continue there.

7. I installed TweetDeck on my PC and iPhone and I like it very much!

8. Drama should not be allowed to run too long. They get out of hand! Some people are better suited for an incubated environment!

9. I think men are beautiful!

10. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and emails keep my face buried on my iPhone.

11. I love everything that is Pink!



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