Tuesday, August 17, 2010

NoThiNg gOeS uNBiLLeD...!!!

Dear Boo,
1. I am going to make it a point to have at least one post here each day... or at least try my best to do so. I feel that I am slowly losing my ability to write... I am not saying that I was or am any good, but at least I am able to put something down in words.

Nothing goes unbilled:

2. AAR make it a point to come back after Ttarawikh to help me with my thesis even though he is obviously very tired but not willing to admit it. I don’t know if I’ll have anyone else do this for me, friend or even family for that matter.

3. Faridah calls every now and then to let me speak with Alia... playing the guilt card. It’s working!

4. I have made progress on Chapter 2. It was choppy and there was no flow before. Thanks to AAR no there’s some direction and I see what I have to do and how I can finish it. My initial problem was that I wanted something I thought to be perfect too much, which made me stuck!

5. I feel sick and irritated by how some people can blow nothing into something out of proportions... I hate that they are counterproductive. Most of all, I hate that for reason unworthy my precious album on FB is being scrutinized and I’ve had to make some things private... I hate that!

6.I had to tip-toe and sneak myself around the department today lest I met my supervisor. My fear was fueled by the fact that I have nothing to say to her. I made promises which I couldn’t keep, or rather didn’t keep. Somewhere in my head I fear that in the end she will not take my thesis. :(

7. “"I know you've somehow lost faith in yourself for a while... but keep on this last mile... I know you can do it!" ~AAR

8. I have stolen this numbered style from Tun Dr. Mahathir and I find it most effective. It’s much easier to channel your ideas in small packets.

9. Tweetdeck is fantastic... I simply love it!

10. I have to start making a list to “to dos” everyday!

11. I shouldn’t sweat the little things. Even though it’s easier to play victim, sometimes it more virtuous to just be the villain!



1 comment:

SleepingBeauty said...

Heya you :)

Glad to have you blogging again. Welcome back!

As I said on my blog - I am very much looking forward to your "at least one post per day". That's a tough promise to keep ya'know ;p

Anyways, good luck! (with that and all other things in life)

I'm in a pretty shitty place right now too. We'll make it through. I know we can :)