Monday, August 23, 2010

cOmPLeTe wAsTe...

Hey Boo,

Today was a complete waste!

1. I felt so drained. I slept for half an hour in the afternoon. I have not done this for ages. It must be all this activity...
2. I was accused for not paying attention... For not talking... I don't know how else to act. Perhaps I was wrong. For the sake of those under my care, I am going to let this one slide. I am going to man up and just bear with it.
3. Tonight I am working late again. I wish it wouldn't be turned into an excuse! Amen.
4. Chapter 2 has not moved for days. I hate this.
5. I miss going to the gym. I feel so lethargic and bloated. I wish I could squeeze an extra 3 hours each day for gym. I was talking to AAR, he's right... At the gym we are disconnected from all this nonsense from our lives. We are there to workout. Absolutely rejuvenating!

I miss going to the gym...

6. I hope I can squeeze in some time for Chapter 2 tonight.
7. I miss meanie.

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