ShaZaReenE... ma bitchin' space.
my reign of bitchin’ away… my retreat from this frenzied existence…
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
tHiS aNd ThaT...
Monday, December 19, 2011
cRuNcH TiMe...
Sorry for the long lapse time… I am not as disciplined as I used to be. I have to admit, I am not so proliferate too these days. It saddens me really… sometimes the things you want is just not streamlined to the things that you need to do.
I have neglected you... my facebook, twitter, google+ and even foursquare. I don’t know if could actually say that this was a trade-off for a more productive phase of my life. But rest assured, I have progressed a little. I used to ask myself “what have I got to show for myself... ?” But now, at least I could say that I saw it through. In regards to my master degree anyways.
The diet program however did went to hell... I know it, but I can’t help it. Not now anyways. Excuses… I know this but I just can’t help it. For now... I have got quite a few tasks on my plate. PhD, career, and embarrassingly... physique. These should keep me busy for the next three years.

Signing off…
Monday, August 01, 2011
FasTiNg MoNtH...
Hey Boo,
I hadn’t realised until yesterday that Ramadhan was coming. These past few weeks has been so eventful and draining that I didn’t have time to think… Someone told me that lists are powerful tools that give you direction and focus… and I totally agree…
Things to look into this month!
1. Loosing some lbs…
need to loose lbs!
2. Getting used to the new office environment!
3. Making some money!
4. Telling some people they can go suck something! Some people (or this person in particular) sure meddles a lot… In everything. I hate it! Because of this I has to cut short my hangout in Kota Kinabalu! I absolutely hate it!
5. Eat less!

6. Stay sexy…! I was looking at myself in the mirror and can’t help but feel a bit sloppy lately… My clothes don’t fit well… and wrinkles and bulges in the wrong places… I hate it!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
GeTting iNto tHe MooD...
On moving on with life...
1. I can't help but feel like I'm somewhat untested at times. After submitting the thesis finally I feel the need to fill in the gap that was left behind by the urgency to submit. Now I'm allowed to think about other things. I can move on. I can test myself... what I'm capable of achieving. Finally I will be tested.
2. I have mixed feeling on the move... Part of me is sad to leave all the luxuries and comforts that we've had all this while. Another party of me is excited by the possibilities. There's also another part that feels nervous... I don't know how things will turn out. But i'll do my best to make the best best of what I have now. God give me strength...
On travelling...
3. Yesterday was the first time that I was on a plane that made a u-turn on the runway. I thought it was rather amusing.
4. A friend said it's difficult to find cute stewards these days... I agree.
5. Killing time at McDonalds seems like a good idea but very calorie intensive...
6. Cute guys that travel with their moms are super adorable...
Self development....
7. I'm starting the book of ideas today. I have the book... Just need those ideas. Will report in in a few days.
8. Need to re-list my expenditure. Don't ever want to lose sight!
9. Need to lose weight! This project shall commence immediately.
10. Need to sort ot my products. I start taking care of myself again...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
suNdAy MoRniNg RaNtS...
I want to be sexy...
Hey Boo,
On marriage...
1. Marriage is about understanding each other... Which actually means taking as much insult and nagging you can take from your wife/husband everyday with the realisation... This is the person that I married and I have to live with this person for the rest of my life.
2. Marriage is about communication... Which actually means you listen and listen and listen to everything, from compliments to insults, and never ever reciprocate... The proper respond to everything is nodding and agreeing. From experience I can say... Women don't want to actually talk, nor do they want to listen... They actually just need an endorsement from you on what they actually already decided in their mind.
3. Marriage is about tolerance... Which actually means taking as much shit as you can and not utter a word to express discomfort or disagreement.
4. Marriage is about helping each other... Which actually means doing everything you are told to do and not whine about it... And... Listening to everything she has done for you again and again and again...
On my thesis...
5. Actually submitting the final hardbound copy gives me much relief. I'm happy that I can close this chapter of my life. If there is one thing that I learn from this six years of wasted time is sometimes you just have to do it! And it took me six years to learn this. Family and loved ones give support but contradicting-ly takes up all your time... I don't blame them though... I just had to get my urgents and importants right.
6. Sometimes... And I do mean sometimes, all it takes is a little magic. For this I an starting to believe in miracles!About Life...
7. I need to pick up the listing out things to do again. Things have been getting a little sloppy lately.
8. I need to geta book to write my ideas down. They come and if you don't kot them down you'll forget. I read somewhere that it's be good to just capture them as they come along.
About Debts...
9. You must never lose sight of what you're doing. Always be clear on your undertakings and commitments... Otherwise, before you know it you're fucked. Always plan an exit our recovery just in case things get bad. I find that it's also good to write things down. It'll give tipu a clearer picture. Not nicer mind you... Just clearer. Debts are sure one ugly sight to see.
10. Sometimes you need to sell your pride to setle things. I'll keep the details to myself though...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
wE sHouLdaLL sTaY caLm
Let's just start with the ten items...
1. Submitting the final copy of the hardbound thesis to the dean's office today was one of the most liberating feeling i've had in a very long time. I'm glad that this chapter in my life can finally be concluded. I am sure those around me must feel the same...
2. Some people are just nice. Like my boss... He buys me clothes... Me like!
3. "it's time to make money!" That's the new motto!
4. Money problems are hard... but having someone tup share it with and talk to is god sent...
5. I am worried. But it is not warranted!
6. Things are finally moving in the right direction for me. I can help people again. Having needed people's help all the time is so depressing.
7. I am fst! Need to loose weight!
8. I am so pissed with the management skills of some people. If you change plans the last minute how are people going to accommodate? Stupid you are.
9. To go or not to go... Kuching. Looks like I have to go.
10. I am flying to Alor Setar next week. Sigh.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Let’s try and capture the recent developments as promised…
1. Last Friday I managed to get Prof. Nik’s signature on my corrections, printed out the final copy of my thesis and sent it out for hard cover binding. At last I can almost put this chapter behind me now.
2. Stayed home on Saturday to rest because we were all unwell and wanted to avoid the traffic congestion due to the roadblocks.
3. I learnt that a life with lesser secrets is a life fareasier to manage. So I am progressively tabling out all my complications. Let people see and judge me for who I really am… Progressively being the key word here of course.
4. I learnt that sometimes you just have to do thing the long way to please certain people. When it comes to people that you so dearly love, there are never shortcuts. You just have to do your best to care… and caring is my specialty I guess…
5. I also have come to the conclusion that I have to reduce my weight… by a lot! So this will be the next project! Not so easy to accomplish seeing that I am always hungry by 11 am… but I will have to try…
6. I learn that when it comes to sex and flirting, you just have to keep things simple and honest. Let them call it as they see it… no pretences… believe me it’d spare both parties the awkwardness afterwards.
7. The easiest way to get hold of your life if you think it’s getting to messy and hectic is to write down what you need to do and tackle the list one item at a time. I have started this and trying to make it a habit. It really does make things easier.
8. Sexy is a must! I changed my desktop from sexy Kellan Lutz’s six pack abs to nature backgrounds and I really think that I am less productive… Conclusion… Sexy is a must!
9. Another good advice that I can give isto pay your bills on time. Don’t let it snowball into an unmanageable sums… I learnt this the hard way. Even if you can pay the whole sum, make it a point to pay a portion that you can afford to pay… as long as you pay… you’re alright.
10. Stay focused. Read the horoscopes or even talk philosophy with your boss… if it helps you stay focused on the basis of your life and what keeps you going… do it… do it every day! Make sure you know where you’re going to and where you want to end up.
In the meantime, enjoy this sexy! Adam Phebus…
I wish...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Test test
Trying to insert a picture...
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Hi Boo,
There are so many happenings in the last 6 months it feels like forever since I last popped in here. Since I joined Dr. Aziz life’s getting a little better. Things are somewhat on track… who knew losing sight just for a moment could lead to so many problems.
There’s a lesson to be learnt here definitely…
Your choices will either get you places you want to be or the will fuck you up real nice!
I seek serenity!
Even though I could see a long and difficult life in the near future but at least I clearly see it. As my sister so correctly put “It’s time to get out of the skies and live in the real world on earth”. So that’s priority number one for me now.. Live on earth and live a real life!
I was thinking I’d start this again by capturing the things that matter to me for that particular day… So here goes…
- I worry… I worry a lot for my family. I hope the ones making the decisions are making the right one.
- I curse those who have caused my family all this pain… even if they’re also to blame for being so gullible.
- My boss is a person I can depend on even if there’s no one else who would help me.
- I have to stay focused.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
"Imagine" - John Lennon - Tucson Tribute - (Sam Tsui / AHMIR cover)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
sHe'S DeFiNiTeLy gOinG tO eAt mE...
"have you ever seen a more beautiful guy?!"
Hey Boo,
Just thought I'd write something in this ten minutes.
1. The awkward moment between NMS, AAR, RR and me today...
NMS comes in to see AAR about something and acts like I am not there. Goes on talking to AAR and finally...
NMS: I see you Shazrin and I am not ignoring you...
Me: Errrr. I might as well be invisible... *stupid face*
NMS: yeah you should have that Harry Potter cloak on maybe.
Me: *smirk* *start to laugh*
NMS: I seem to attract all these weird students... *shakes head like she's seem blasphemy*
AAR: Don't worry Raja, I am included in that list. You're not doing anything that I've not done with Prof Nik for years and years... *to the rescue*
*we all started laughing profusely like mad people*
The funny thing is I didn't know what I was laughing about. It wasn't funny at all. No sir. Not at all. Crazy!
2. My boss is nice when he wants to be. He just need support. Lots of it!
3. Some people go too far. I am really not sure what they're up to but they're really not being smart. And no playing their cards right.
4. I feel like I am not making my worth! I hope my boss doesn't feel the same!
5. My 3 page a day target is f*cked.
6. I will do my best to make today a productive day!
7. I am to keep a daily list!
8. The Damage Control and Mitigation Action Plan need to be drawn out! Quickly!
9. I am worried for my children!
10. I should be more thankful. I should do my best to make my worth!
Sent from my iPhone