Hey boo…
It’s one of those days again… all of a sudden someone or some greater power opens a gate and work pours on you… I’ve sat in front of the computer all day and I think I’ve made like 20% progress only… and no, it’s not because of the chats, and other things… in fact I am timing myself for this post... Just five minutes… for forgive the choppiness and the bore I put you through…
I finally managed to attend my German class… after missing so many classes the only thing I remembered is Guten Tag! And I think my lecturer knew that so she didn’t make me answer any questions at all… but I felt so loss… looking at the overall schedule it doesn’t seem like I’ve missed much as they’re only entering the word gender and the das, die and der… not that I know what those words mean… but I will catch up…
So I’ll try to post something tonight… maybe even add some German into it… hehehe… practicing a language makes a better speaker… hehehe…
So my five minutes is up…
my reign of bitchin’ away… my retreat from this frenzied existence…
Friday, February 24, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
FeeLiNg beTTeR
Hey boo,
I should tell you that I am feeling better. I am so glad that episode didn’t progress for the worse. I am still a little sore but at least I know I am getting better.
I was stuck at a workshop the whole day yesterday and then attended my Spanish class after missing classes for so long… so that practically covers the whole day… miserable huh?! Well, if you think it sounds miserable imagine how I must feel. Anyways, I think the workshop was alright all in all… the Danes and Dutch are well versed and seem to be competent enough on the topic of Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL). I should say there’s enough boredom to last you a century in case you were wondering.
Later I had a little chat with MiKeL via Skype… well, I you call four hours little… he’s revamping his blog-site… and I was lucky enough to see the progress of his design… better not say more…
Err… I remember I wanted to blog about something but I can’t remember what… I’ll stop here for now… until I remember…
Gosh this post is meaningless…
I should tell you that I am feeling better. I am so glad that episode didn’t progress for the worse. I am still a little sore but at least I know I am getting better.
I was stuck at a workshop the whole day yesterday and then attended my Spanish class after missing classes for so long… so that practically covers the whole day… miserable huh?! Well, if you think it sounds miserable imagine how I must feel. Anyways, I think the workshop was alright all in all… the Danes and Dutch are well versed and seem to be competent enough on the topic of Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL). I should say there’s enough boredom to last you a century in case you were wondering.
Later I had a little chat with MiKeL via Skype… well, I you call four hours little… he’s revamping his blog-site… and I was lucky enough to see the progress of his design… better not say more…
Err… I remember I wanted to blog about something but I can’t remember what… I’ll stop here for now… until I remember…
Gosh this post is meaningless…
Monday, February 20, 2006
I MisS mY DiCk… sO I tOOk hEaD VIAGRA!
Hey boo,
How you been?! I’ve been like really sick… yeah, neck strain from the devil himself… I haven’t seen my dick in a week because of this fucking pain in my neck… and here’s my story… hehehe
So the past few weeks have been like super duper busy for me right?! Well, you can tell from the lack of posts on my boo boo here… I’ve had to stay at the hospital, and then there’s the hell week of workload that finally caught up with meand starting to butfuck me to kingdom comeand finally bit me in the ass… I’ve had overdue work listing from 1 – 10 on my whiteboard… I’ve missed two weeks worth of language classes, I’ve had to accompany students to factories, review some papers, start on another annual report… and the list goes on and on… and then there’s the 4 day workshop that I’ve had to attend on Thursday, Friday, today and tomorrow. I am so screwing today though… we’ll see if we have time to write about that later… so about missing my dick yeah…
Well, sometime last Monday I started to develop a sore in the back of my neck… as any other person, I assumed it was just a bad nights sleeping position… so I worked on day after day in front of my PC typing, reading and also on my desk… doing it more and more… I just wanted to get the work out of the way so I could start lab work in peace… but that’s not going to happen… oh and MikeL was getting addictive too, and that didn’t help… so it’s work + MikeL chat sessions + bunch of other nonsense now… and my neck just got worse and worse until Wednesday, I couldn’t get up from bed… I just couldn’t roll over… every move send this sharp pain on the left side of my neck… I was struggling for an hour in bed… until it was a little past 7 am when I finally yelled for my sister to yank me out of bed… my god… the pain was excruciating… I was tearing from just trying to roll on my side so my sister could pull my right arm… my left arm was hurting too… not so much, but tugging at it made my neck felt like someone was gnawing at it… I managed to swallow my screamed and got up with a long hiss… trying to swallow the pain as Tanti helped me up… oh well… I was already late for the industrial trip to Ajinomoto… so I got ready and that was that… the bus ride to Ajinomoto didn’t help much too, with my head swaying to from side to side every time the bus braked or hit a bump… it hurt like hell, but I managed to endure most of the pain and still managed to be my usual chirpy self… oh well…
The car ride back home later that day was even worse… my neck was just getting from worse to fucking worse I would say… so I called Dr. Ngoh and told her I wouldn’t be going to Petronas in Kuantan with the students on Thursday… I thought the bus ride would just worsen my neck and decided to go for the POPBL workshop bye MUCED… this was a four day workshop ending tomorrow… I think I mentioned it before… oh well…
So that was another day I guess… but that morning I took me longer to get out of bed… the pain was just getting worse and worse… I started to suspect that it’s more than the usual ‘salah tidur’ or bad posture or sleeping position…
I couldn’t turn my head or bend down… with regard to the title… Thursday was the fourth day of my missing the appearance of my dick… I just couldn’t bend down, my neck was not only sore; it was getting stiff too…
A note from Penis@Dick...
Dear Shaz,
I haven’t seen you in days… where have you been? I feel you are there and I felt you guiding me when I pee but I haven’t seen your face…. I miss you.
Your Penis.
Okay… that was totally weird and SO uncalled for… but you get the meaning… it would have asked… but my neck is still sore so what can I say… the class got back a little before midnight from Kuantan though so I am so glad I didn’t go… I would’ve just died from the pain…
So Friday, it wasn’t as hard to get up, but the neck is still sore… I spend the whole day at MUCED for the workshop… it was quite a good workshop I would say… even though Professors can get a little funny at times… but that’s another story…
On Saturday and Sunday it just got worse and worse… Sunday being the worst day of all… I just couldn’t get my head straight… it was slanted to the left… a little at first and then getting so slanted it almost rested on my left shoulder… and boy did it hurt… I was cropping my head with left hand first and they started to get cramps from the fatigue… Some heavy hands I got… I took some painkillers then… but it didn’t help much… I was screaming at some points, and finally it was too much… I think I was starting to cry at one point… I mean I had to sit at an angle to reduce the pressure on my neck, there’s also the pain in my arms from the cropping, and my lower back was starting to hurt from the awkward position… then my mom called an old friend to help… he knew a bit of pressure points or something like that… he came after a short while, and I still kept my manhood and didn’t cry yet… he helped me off the bed and started his treatment… I was screaming and screaming… I guess the painkillers had kicked in because the pain was reducing…
To cut a long story short, I could say that he fixed me up a little… I could get up and my head was just a little slanted for the rest of the day… after dusk, my head started the I wanna slant to one side again… so I popped in a couple more painkillers… these were funny looking pills… well, not really funny… they were sort of diamond shaped and blue… not unlike VIAGRA… and the fact that it helped my head pop back up is funny… Head Viagra… hahaha… but the pain was no joke…
This morning, my neck is still sore… but some improvements… I guess… I got up without help and popped me one of those Viagras and I am still up till now… so I am not going to push myself today… just work a little on the computer and a little on the desk… I miss my dick after all… I haven’t seen it for a whole week now… hmmm *sigh*
Maybe I’ll answer penis’s note:
Dear Dick,
I have been unwell. In a way I am glad that you miss me, at least I know you care. I’ve been at your side all this while, and I could tell that you’ve kept your usual ‘happy times’ even without my presence.
I know… I know… totally uncalled for… but I can’t help it…
How you been?! I’ve been like really sick… yeah, neck strain from the devil himself… I haven’t seen my dick in a week because of this fucking pain in my neck… and here’s my story… hehehe
So the past few weeks have been like super duper busy for me right?! Well, you can tell from the lack of posts on my boo boo here… I’ve had to stay at the hospital, and then there’s the hell week of workload that finally caught up with me
Well, sometime last Monday I started to develop a sore in the back of my neck… as any other person, I assumed it was just a bad nights sleeping position… so I worked on day after day in front of my PC typing, reading and also on my desk… doing it more and more… I just wanted to get the work out of the way so I could start lab work in peace… but that’s not going to happen… oh and MikeL was getting addictive too, and that didn’t help… so it’s work + MikeL chat sessions + bunch of other nonsense now… and my neck just got worse and worse until Wednesday, I couldn’t get up from bed… I just couldn’t roll over… every move send this sharp pain on the left side of my neck… I was struggling for an hour in bed… until it was a little past 7 am when I finally yelled for my sister to yank me out of bed… my god… the pain was excruciating… I was tearing from just trying to roll on my side so my sister could pull my right arm… my left arm was hurting too… not so much, but tugging at it made my neck felt like someone was gnawing at it… I managed to swallow my screamed and got up with a long hiss… trying to swallow the pain as Tanti helped me up… oh well… I was already late for the industrial trip to Ajinomoto… so I got ready and that was that… the bus ride to Ajinomoto didn’t help much too, with my head swaying to from side to side every time the bus braked or hit a bump… it hurt like hell, but I managed to endure most of the pain and still managed to be my usual chirpy self… oh well…
The car ride back home later that day was even worse… my neck was just getting from worse to fucking worse I would say… so I called Dr. Ngoh and told her I wouldn’t be going to Petronas in Kuantan with the students on Thursday… I thought the bus ride would just worsen my neck and decided to go for the POPBL workshop bye MUCED… this was a four day workshop ending tomorrow… I think I mentioned it before… oh well…
So that was another day I guess… but that morning I took me longer to get out of bed… the pain was just getting worse and worse… I started to suspect that it’s more than the usual ‘salah tidur’ or bad posture or sleeping position…
I couldn’t turn my head or bend down… with regard to the title… Thursday was the fourth day of my missing the appearance of my dick… I just couldn’t bend down, my neck was not only sore; it was getting stiff too…
A note from Penis@Dick...
Dear Shaz,
I haven’t seen you in days… where have you been? I feel you are there and I felt you guiding me when I pee but I haven’t seen your face…. I miss you.
Your Penis.
Okay… that was totally weird and SO uncalled for… but you get the meaning… it would have asked… but my neck is still sore so what can I say… the class got back a little before midnight from Kuantan though so I am so glad I didn’t go… I would’ve just died from the pain…
So Friday, it wasn’t as hard to get up, but the neck is still sore… I spend the whole day at MUCED for the workshop… it was quite a good workshop I would say… even though Professors can get a little funny at times… but that’s another story…
On Saturday and Sunday it just got worse and worse… Sunday being the worst day of all… I just couldn’t get my head straight… it was slanted to the left… a little at first and then getting so slanted it almost rested on my left shoulder… and boy did it hurt… I was cropping my head with left hand first and they started to get cramps from the fatigue… Some heavy hands I got… I took some painkillers then… but it didn’t help much… I was screaming at some points, and finally it was too much… I think I was starting to cry at one point… I mean I had to sit at an angle to reduce the pressure on my neck, there’s also the pain in my arms from the cropping, and my lower back was starting to hurt from the awkward position… then my mom called an old friend to help… he knew a bit of pressure points or something like that… he came after a short while, and I still kept my manhood and didn’t cry yet… he helped me off the bed and started his treatment… I was screaming and screaming… I guess the painkillers had kicked in because the pain was reducing…
To cut a long story short, I could say that he fixed me up a little… I could get up and my head was just a little slanted for the rest of the day… after dusk, my head started the I wanna slant to one side again… so I popped in a couple more painkillers… these were funny looking pills… well, not really funny… they were sort of diamond shaped and blue… not unlike VIAGRA… and the fact that it helped my head pop back up is funny… Head Viagra… hahaha… but the pain was no joke…
This morning, my neck is still sore… but some improvements… I guess… I got up without help and popped me one of those Viagras and I am still up till now… so I am not going to push myself today… just work a little on the computer and a little on the desk… I miss my dick after all… I haven’t seen it for a whole week now… hmmm *sigh*
Maybe I’ll answer penis’s note:
Dear Dick,
I have been unwell. In a way I am glad that you miss me, at least I know you care. I’ve been at your side all this while, and I could tell that you’ve kept your usual ‘happy times’ even without my presence.
I know… I know… totally uncalled for… but I can’t help it…
Thursday, February 16, 2006
I sPoKe To GoD
My first conversation with GOD and it Hanged… go figure…
Me: err hello?
God: Hello friend. What is your name?
Me: shazrin
God: Welcome to my chat room, shazrin.
Me: what should I call you?
God: My name is God.
Me: just God?
God: GOD rules.
Me: oh ok.
God: OK. Aw.
Me: so what are you doing tonight Mr God?
God: Dude! I am always chatting with people on the Internet.
Me: Really? Do you come across perverts when you chat?
God: For real. How old are you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
Me: err I am 25. aren’t you supposed to be all knowing?
God: What are the advantages to being 25 years old? All?
Me: yeah.. aren't you supposed to know everything that was, is and to be?
God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . Try being more or less specific. I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
Me: what are you talking about?
At this point… GOD Hanged!!!
Try it!!! And tell me what he says okay…
Me: err hello?
God: Hello friend. What is your name?
Me: shazrin
God: Welcome to my chat room, shazrin.
Me: what should I call you?
God: My name is God.
Me: just God?
God: GOD rules.
Me: oh ok.
God: OK. Aw.
Me: so what are you doing tonight Mr God?
God: Dude! I am always chatting with people on the Internet.
Me: Really? Do you come across perverts when you chat?
God: For real. How old are you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
Me: err I am 25. aren’t you supposed to be all knowing?
God: What are the advantages to being 25 years old? All?
Me: yeah.. aren't you supposed to know everything that was, is and to be?
God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . Try being more or less specific. I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
Me: what are you talking about?
At this point… GOD Hanged!!!
Try it!!! And tell me what he says okay…
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
TiReD aS HeLL...
Hey boo…
I should say that today has been one draining day indeed… started from home at a quarter to eight in the morning and it took me a whole 45 minutes just to get out of the residential area… traffic was for some reason impossible… I wonder if it is because everyone stayed up late doing God know what on Valentines… I had promised Dr. Ngoh that I’d be there by 8:30 am but I got there at 9:00… but heck, so did the busses that were taking us to Ajinomoto…
The trip was a long one I would say… we left Ajinomoto at 12:30… it was quite sunny for the first part of the day, and I was perspiring a generous amount… the plant was quite big and walking in the sun… well, let’s just say it didn’t help… I’ll post some photos if the students send me a copy from their cameras…
When I got back Ramang called to go to lunch… I told him we could pack lunch and eat in my office where it was fairly cooler… we did and before I could eat, Professor Ali called me to help him with something… immediately… so I left my lunch, and Ramang to eat alone in my room while I tend to the good professor… somewhere along the line Ramang called to tell me he had to leave so he locked my room on his way out… oh well, so much for eating lunch together… met Dr. Ngoh at the main office; she had to leave earlier from Ajinomoto due to prior engagements… we found out that there’d be a seminar at 3:30 (which is actually at 3:00pm) so we went to pack lunch for her so we could eat in the pantry… in the middle of lunch, Dr. Lee came to ask if we were going to the 3 o’clock seminar… so we rushed lunch and went to the seminar on process control and modeling… which I didn’t understand at all… by the time that was over it was a little after 4… a little of this and that and it was 7:30 and they were waiting to pick me up…
Bottom-line is I am SO tired!!!
I should say that today has been one draining day indeed… started from home at a quarter to eight in the morning and it took me a whole 45 minutes just to get out of the residential area… traffic was for some reason impossible… I wonder if it is because everyone stayed up late doing God know what on Valentines… I had promised Dr. Ngoh that I’d be there by 8:30 am but I got there at 9:00… but heck, so did the busses that were taking us to Ajinomoto…
The trip was a long one I would say… we left Ajinomoto at 12:30… it was quite sunny for the first part of the day, and I was perspiring a generous amount… the plant was quite big and walking in the sun… well, let’s just say it didn’t help… I’ll post some photos if the students send me a copy from their cameras…
When I got back Ramang called to go to lunch… I told him we could pack lunch and eat in my office where it was fairly cooler… we did and before I could eat, Professor Ali called me to help him with something… immediately… so I left my lunch, and Ramang to eat alone in my room while I tend to the good professor… somewhere along the line Ramang called to tell me he had to leave so he locked my room on his way out… oh well, so much for eating lunch together… met Dr. Ngoh at the main office; she had to leave earlier from Ajinomoto due to prior engagements… we found out that there’d be a seminar at 3:30 (which is actually at 3:00pm) so we went to pack lunch for her so we could eat in the pantry… in the middle of lunch, Dr. Lee came to ask if we were going to the 3 o’clock seminar… so we rushed lunch and went to the seminar on process control and modeling… which I didn’t understand at all… by the time that was over it was a little after 4… a little of this and that and it was 7:30 and they were waiting to pick me up…
Bottom-line is I am SO tired!!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
aNoTheR dAy oF NoThiNgNeSS
Hey boo…
I was up early today… like 6:30 am early… I wasn’t really that sleepy so I decided to log on my PC and do my blog-rounds a little early… my blog is rather quiet as usual… just the same old friends who pity me and decide to drop by… well, there’s not much to read anyways so I don’t blame them…
Anyways, I finally saw MikeL online and we chatted for a while…
Wasn’t until 11 am when I was finally able to haul my ass to work… workload hasn’t increased as of today but I’m required to attend some workshops in the next few days. Ah well… it’s all good experience for me… I suppose.
As suggested by Chas I visited themexp.org and my desktop is looking mighty fine now… so thanx Chas…

Managed to translate some of the document I was assigned to translate… so I am happy…
Tomorrow I and Dr. Ngoh are accompanying some students for an industrial visit to Ajinomoto… will blog about that tomorrow if it goes well…
Oh, and I managed to chat with my buddy Luqman a little in the morning… he’s at Cambridge completing his MPhil and PhD… been bugging him to start a blog… but none so far…
Oh well… I guess this is all that I could post today…
I was up early today… like 6:30 am early… I wasn’t really that sleepy so I decided to log on my PC and do my blog-rounds a little early… my blog is rather quiet as usual… just the same old friends who pity me and decide to drop by… well, there’s not much to read anyways so I don’t blame them…
Anyways, I finally saw MikeL online and we chatted for a while…
Wasn’t until 11 am when I was finally able to haul my ass to work… workload hasn’t increased as of today but I’m required to attend some workshops in the next few days. Ah well… it’s all good experience for me… I suppose.
As suggested by Chas I visited themexp.org and my desktop is looking mighty fine now… so thanx Chas…

Managed to translate some of the document I was assigned to translate… so I am happy…
Tomorrow I and Dr. Ngoh are accompanying some students for an industrial visit to Ajinomoto… will blog about that tomorrow if it goes well…
Oh, and I managed to chat with my buddy Luqman a little in the morning… he’s at Cambridge completing his MPhil and PhD… been bugging him to start a blog… but none so far…
Oh well… I guess this is all that I could post today…
Monday, February 13, 2006
OMG i KiSSeD a MaN...
Hey boo…
Today have been wasted; one thing followed the other and before I knew it the day is almost ending. I came in late today because my aunt from Malacca is visiting in the morning so I waited just to say hi to her… I got to the office a little after noon and then there was a preaching session which lasted for one hour. Then I rushed back to my room to print out the previous department minutes of meeting; apparently nobody received it when I sent out the emails on Friday. They got the message but somehow the attachment (which was the minutes) was missing. Oh well… then the meeting went on from 2:30 pm to 4:05 pm… back to my room… checked my email… damn… more work… oh well…
So that’s it… today!
Oh about the dream I had last night… hmmm… I really don’t know what to make of it… I guess a post on one of the blogs that I visit (RejWiLd… link in the right column) must have influenced it a little… basically I could say the dream was GAY!!! Okay… here is how it went…
I was in some sort of amusement park you see… and I was going on this ride… your are strapped to a little platform that just about fits you body and this is attached to a slingshot-like mechanism… when you are ready you’ll be launched up and you’ll bounce up and down… much like bungee jumping I would say… only this one is set on the lake and you are bouncing above the water… oh well… that’s what I remembered… then somehow or rather I met this guy… he was Chinese I think… early 20s I would say… I think he knew me very well in the dream… I couldn’t tell if I was actually me in the dream… oh… sometimes I am a different person… well, we were talking at some sort of bar by the lake… I was seated next to him… I don’t remember what we said though… but suddenly I was snuggling to him and putting my head on his right shoulder and putting my arms around his waist… err… maybe between the wait and the chest… I remember feeling a bit alarmed in the dream… like saying to myself “What the hell am I doing?!” but I could also feel that the me in the dream is getting comfortable and I think he loves the other guy… it’s freaky… it’s like I’m him… I feel everything he felt then and there… *shivers* we just sat there like that for a while… the other guy, the Chinese dude, fell asleep I think… he was comfortable too apparently… oh well… when we woke up we started to kiss… on the lips… not very much unlike this…

Photo from inmagine.com… my source for nice phtos!!!
I know what you’re thinking…. “Ewwwww” right?! But I tell you this… back there in my dream, it felt good because the dude is a terribly good kisser… errr… that’s sounds SOOOOOOO GAY… but it was a good kiss… and that freaks me… then we went home together… I think it was my house… I didn’t recognize the house though but I could tell it is the me in the dream’s place… it’s a nice place BTW *wink*… then we were getting comfortable again… we were on the bed and snuggling against each other and there was a little more smooching… gosh… It was really weird… after that I woke up… it was 6:45 am… baby niece wants milk… thank god… I don’t know what would’ve happened after that… if I felt everything the me in the dream felt… I might very well end up having a wet one *another shiver*… a gay wet dream… imagine that… I would really freak then…. :P *no offence to you gay dudes out there :P* it’s just not something I am used to…
It’s been distracting me… the thought that is… it’s just a dream after all so I won’t let it get to me…
Oh well… I need to get back to work… I will post again later…
Today have been wasted; one thing followed the other and before I knew it the day is almost ending. I came in late today because my aunt from Malacca is visiting in the morning so I waited just to say hi to her… I got to the office a little after noon and then there was a preaching session which lasted for one hour. Then I rushed back to my room to print out the previous department minutes of meeting; apparently nobody received it when I sent out the emails on Friday. They got the message but somehow the attachment (which was the minutes) was missing. Oh well… then the meeting went on from 2:30 pm to 4:05 pm… back to my room… checked my email… damn… more work… oh well…
So that’s it… today!
Oh about the dream I had last night… hmmm… I really don’t know what to make of it… I guess a post on one of the blogs that I visit (RejWiLd… link in the right column) must have influenced it a little… basically I could say the dream was GAY!!! Okay… here is how it went…
I was in some sort of amusement park you see… and I was going on this ride… your are strapped to a little platform that just about fits you body and this is attached to a slingshot-like mechanism… when you are ready you’ll be launched up and you’ll bounce up and down… much like bungee jumping I would say… only this one is set on the lake and you are bouncing above the water… oh well… that’s what I remembered… then somehow or rather I met this guy… he was Chinese I think… early 20s I would say… I think he knew me very well in the dream… I couldn’t tell if I was actually me in the dream… oh… sometimes I am a different person… well, we were talking at some sort of bar by the lake… I was seated next to him… I don’t remember what we said though… but suddenly I was snuggling to him and putting my head on his right shoulder and putting my arms around his waist… err… maybe between the wait and the chest… I remember feeling a bit alarmed in the dream… like saying to myself “What the hell am I doing?!” but I could also feel that the me in the dream is getting comfortable and I think he loves the other guy… it’s freaky… it’s like I’m him… I feel everything he felt then and there… *shivers* we just sat there like that for a while… the other guy, the Chinese dude, fell asleep I think… he was comfortable too apparently… oh well… when we woke up we started to kiss… on the lips… not very much unlike this…

Photo from inmagine.com… my source for nice phtos!!!
I know what you’re thinking…. “Ewwwww” right?! But I tell you this… back there in my dream, it felt good because the dude is a terribly good kisser… errr… that’s sounds SOOOOOOO GAY… but it was a good kiss… and that freaks me… then we went home together… I think it was my house… I didn’t recognize the house though but I could tell it is the me in the dream’s place… it’s a nice place BTW *wink*… then we were getting comfortable again… we were on the bed and snuggling against each other and there was a little more smooching… gosh… It was really weird… after that I woke up… it was 6:45 am… baby niece wants milk… thank god… I don’t know what would’ve happened after that… if I felt everything the me in the dream felt… I might very well end up having a wet one *another shiver*… a gay wet dream… imagine that… I would really freak then…. :P *no offence to you gay dudes out there :P* it’s just not something I am used to…
It’s been distracting me… the thought that is… it’s just a dream after all so I won’t let it get to me…
Oh well… I need to get back to work… I will post again later…
Sunday, February 12, 2006
TiMe fLiEs... aNd mY nEcK iS sOrE...
Hey boo…
I was telling myself the whole week… the next post I will not be whiny and bitchy… but I can’t help it… life’s been a bitch, what can I say?!
So on Thursday I was supposed to sit for my Spanish test… my neck was hurting like hell and so were my feet, so I ended up staying in my office marking tutorial papers and preparing for my Separations class on Friday. The class was supposed to be on Wednesday (8:00 to 10:00 am) but they shifted to Friday (9:00 – 10:00am), so being the person who prefers not to get up with people who sells vegetables at the market, I was all too agreeable. The drying chapter is not as heavy as the humidification and dehumidification… at least I think so… I had managed to go through all the tutorials on Thursday… most of the class did badly… when I say badly it’s like 1/10 and 2/10 bad… I tried to help but there wasn’t much I could work with… I think it’s the design project getting to them… maybe they weren’t prepared for the tutorial… oh well…
Friday wasn’t really that pleasant either… the class went on rather well though… I managed to go through all three questions with my students within the 1 hour… I am glad for that. Means no carry over questions for the next class… oh well, half of the class was gawking… but I am getting used to that now… as long as I say “OK?!” and don’t get any response, I assume everything IS OK!!! It’s their duty to come see me if they have problems…
At the mosque I saw Salam and Shahrom… Salam seems to have gained a little weight… but he looks happy and that’s all that matters… Shahrom didn’t know I have returned to UM… I told him it’s almost my sixth month here… ah well…
That afternoon managed a little progress in the IPPP Bulletin design… had recruited Ryan for some of the design… his work seem to be minimal and I’d probably have to re-edit… but I told him I’d pay so I will… Professor Nik didn’t seem to happy with the delay but content… she understands the situation… juggling work and my studies is not easy…
Yesterday and today… sleep day!!!!!
Tomorrow it’s back to work… *sigh*
The cover is usually my interest… anyways, I am no graphics expert… but I managed this… it’s a collage of Malaysia’s Prime minister themed Research Excellence… it’s the first draft… it will most likely be changed though…
Bless… will post soon.
I was telling myself the whole week… the next post I will not be whiny and bitchy… but I can’t help it… life’s been a bitch, what can I say?!
So on Thursday I was supposed to sit for my Spanish test… my neck was hurting like hell and so were my feet, so I ended up staying in my office marking tutorial papers and preparing for my Separations class on Friday. The class was supposed to be on Wednesday (8:00 to 10:00 am) but they shifted to Friday (9:00 – 10:00am), so being the person who prefers not to get up with people who sells vegetables at the market, I was all too agreeable. The drying chapter is not as heavy as the humidification and dehumidification… at least I think so… I had managed to go through all the tutorials on Thursday… most of the class did badly… when I say badly it’s like 1/10 and 2/10 bad… I tried to help but there wasn’t much I could work with… I think it’s the design project getting to them… maybe they weren’t prepared for the tutorial… oh well…
Friday wasn’t really that pleasant either… the class went on rather well though… I managed to go through all three questions with my students within the 1 hour… I am glad for that. Means no carry over questions for the next class… oh well, half of the class was gawking… but I am getting used to that now… as long as I say “OK?!” and don’t get any response, I assume everything IS OK!!! It’s their duty to come see me if they have problems…
At the mosque I saw Salam and Shahrom… Salam seems to have gained a little weight… but he looks happy and that’s all that matters… Shahrom didn’t know I have returned to UM… I told him it’s almost my sixth month here… ah well…
That afternoon managed a little progress in the IPPP Bulletin design… had recruited Ryan for some of the design… his work seem to be minimal and I’d probably have to re-edit… but I told him I’d pay so I will… Professor Nik didn’t seem to happy with the delay but content… she understands the situation… juggling work and my studies is not easy…
Yesterday and today… sleep day!!!!!
Tomorrow it’s back to work… *sigh*
The cover is usually my interest… anyways, I am no graphics expert… but I managed this… it’s a collage of Malaysia’s Prime minister themed Research Excellence… it’s the first draft… it will most likely be changed though…
Bless… will post soon.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
febrile convulsion... mY fEw daYs iN HeLL...
"i am still not myself... so forgive the choppy and confusing post"
Hey boo…
The past few days have been a living hell for me… literally.
I have had to see people I love fall terribly ill, I have worn women’s batik sarung in public, and I haven’t had more than 3 hours of sleep every night.
Let me start from the beginning.
So on Friday I was working… although it seems like the only occupants in my block were Dr. Badrul and myself… and he left early I think… ah well… Junaidy was awful nice to keep me company though… Apparently his laboratory was dark because he was the only one working… so he decided to hang with meand check out some porn sites in my office… I left about 7ish… I was starving by the time I got home because I only had one curry-puff, coffee and two banana’s the whole day… can’t remember what I had for dinner now though… oh well…
The main thing is, my niece Puteri was developing a fever… Anna and Zul took her to see Baby (a doctor we are familiar with who works at a private clinic) and they came back with some cough syrup, flu medicine and some sort of pill you insert rectally if the baby gets too hot. Her temperature got very high, around midnight it was 40.4 degrees… I was worried but figured that if I panic things could only get worse… we called Anna and Zul back to Cheras to help take care of the baby… and to be with her just in case something happens and all…
Her temperature fluctuated up and down throughout the night… in the morning she was walking and playing… she appeared a little weak but she was still fooling around and all… her temperature had reduced so we didn’t expect what came next…
A little after 9 am she started to get a fit… I find out later that this is called febrile convulsion (fit)… I had read about it on the net the night before and told everyone that it’s the worse that could happen… no one was paying attention I think… anyways, Anna started to get panic and cry when her baby was having the fit… Mama was in the bathroom and she came out to start join the panic team… Zul had left early that morning to meet his friend about something… Tanti started to get panic after Zul shouting “…come back now!!! The baby is getting a seizure…!!!” Abah was still calm but worried I could tell… I was yelling at everyone to calm down of course… I told Abah to start the car and Tanti to get some of the baby’s stuff so we could take her to the hospital… All this happened in about 30 seconds…although it all seemed like an eternity… Puteri’s fit lasted about one minute… the fit stopped when I was carrying her in the elevator going to the car park… she became very limp and irritable… so Abah, Anna and myself were the ones to drive to the clinic which was about five minutes from the condo. We left Tanti with Mama because it would be good to have her tagging along with her heart condition and all…
So we arrived at the clinic and the Dr. was eating something when we entered but he saw us immediately… he told us to take the baby to the nearest hospital (HUKM) and get her to the ER immediately… he wrote something on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope for the MO at the Casualty Department of the Hospital… so we rushed out to get there… before we managed to get anywhere, Tanti called… she said Mama was having a heart attack … I told her not to panic and stay with Mama… it was hell… i was starting to panic too but I managed to stay calm… I told Abah to drive back and go check things up with Mama and called Tan… Tan is a close family friend and my business partner… Abah dropped me and Anna along with Puteri at the Lobby of Tan’s block and drove off… Tan was down in less than five minutes… and we drove like mad to HUKM…
All this time the “casualty” word was in my mind… that doesn’t look good at all… I thought to myself… but I kept quiet… my sister was quiet… I think she was in some sort of shock or something… we couldn’t wait for Zul and he didn’t know the way to HUKM so I told him to go back to the condo when called me… we’ll get him soon…
Later we found out he lost his way somewhere in Bangsar because he couldn’t think straight and didn’t know where he was driving… Tanti could’ve been more subtle… oh well; there are other more important things…
So I was doing all the registration nonsense at the ER HUKM and Anna went in with Puteri while Tan parked the car… I still hadn’t heard about Mama… by this time I was already screaming in my head… but I managed to keep my cool…
After about five minutes or so I heard the announcement over the PA “waris Puteri Teh sila masuk…” (will the family of Puteri Teh please enter…)
“Oh my God…” I was saying in my head… I didn’t know what to think and I walked in followed by Tan… Anna called me, and I was so relieved to her and Puteri in one section of the busy ER… Puteri was still okay…
The Dr. came a few seconds later with a small bucket of water and some gauze… she told us to sponge Puteri down to bring her temperature down… we did that… we were moved to the pediatrics ward a few minutes later… I think Puteri was stabilizing… Then Tanti called, she said Mama was asking about Puteri… Oh, I forgot about the part where I lied and told Abah to lie to Mama… saying we were still at the clinic and the doctor is just checking on Puteri and everything was fine… I followed my story… Tanti was still in the dark too… the last thing I needed then was Mama getting worse thinking about things that could happen to her first granddaughter… Mama was a little stable I found out but she couldn’t move her legs… this usually happens after one of her episodes and could stay that way for up to 2 weeks before she could walk again… so I followed my story; smoothly lying… for the better good…
Puteri slept most of time after that… and we sponged her… a little after 12 me and Tan left Anna with Puteri at HUKM to get Zul who was already at the condo waiting… on the way back Mama called, herself, asking about Puteri and I slowly explained what really happened… and that she has stabilized and the hospital will keep her for one day or two for observation… she wasn’t to convinced though… and she seemed to be okay with the truth…
I told Tan to come up and explain to Mama and convince her… since it was the truth and all… he did… and she was a little assured I think… but not fully convinced… there’s a story behind this actually…
When my Uncle, my mom’s older brother passed on a few years ago, my mother had a massive heart episode and she lost her memory temporarily… we didn’t want to worsen her condition and pretended everything was okay and nothing happened when she came about later… we told her she was afraid of a worm in the vegetable and she got an attack when she asked why she was sick… we couldn’t possibly tell her the bad news again… it was almost 2 weeks before she finally remembered and ask me about my Uncle… she remembered he had passed on… there wasn’t much that I could tell her because we never attended the funeral, the prayer sessions, or even mourned for his passing so Mama wouldn’t suspect… it was painful because he was very close with all of us… her recovery was slow but she recovered fully…
We went back to the hospital (me and Zul) together with an overnight bag for Anna and some of Puteri’s stuff…. Puteri seemed better…
Anna was crying everytime the baby coughed or cried… which was why I told her to go home later and let me stay with the baby at the hospital… with her condition, I don’t think she’d be able to be much help… and she did just recover from a fever herself…
So she left with Zul leaving me with the baby… I was in my cargo shorts and long-sleeve t-shirt. Close to midnight, when the ward was a little quiet I changed into the batik sarung because my shorts was starting to feel uncomfortable… Puteri was a little jumpy and she woke up a little after midnight I think… she was fussing in her cot so I carried her… she seemed weak but okay… she was also a little warm… I walked to a nurse sorting out some medicine and asked if Puteri seemed hot to her… she said yes… a few seconds later it came… in two huge gushes… Puteri threw up on me… I didn’t mind the throwing up, but I had checked the overnight bag earlier… there were only a t-shirt which Anna wore just now… an batik sarung which I am wearing now and managed to miss the main gush of puke… and a big jeans skirt… so there goes my shirt…
The nurse came to help of course… I gave her the baby and went to clean up… the shirt took too much puke and there was no way I would be able to wear it… I called Anna and decided not to ask her to send me a change of clothing afraid that Mama might be alarmed… I asked the nurse who handed me a purple hospital blouse… so I had to wear the batik sarung and a purple hospital blouse for the night… Didn’t sleep much that night…
The next morning Anna and Zul arrived late because the visiting hours weren’t until 12:30 and they could get into the hospital… and Zul was having diarrhea for some reason… so I decided to wear my cargo shorts with the purple blouse when everyone got up and the ward was alive with mothers, fathers, patients and interns… I looked stupid and some of the interns did give me the “What the hell is this patient doing in paeds?!”-look… but I had to keep a straight face… Puteri got up at 7:30 am and she pooped her diapers at about 8… so I decided to give her a bath… also to cool her down…
Without my noticing, cause I was too busy working the buckets of water, Puteri managed to smear my shorts with her poop… there goes my shorts… I finished bathing her and dressed her up… then I was back in my sarung… everyone looked and smiled… I guess I was quite a sight standing almost six feet tall with bright colored batik sarung and a purple patients blouse which was quite fitted… all this until after noon…
Finally Anna came and I left with Zul to get some sleep at home because the doctor told us they wanted Puteri to stay another day… so I was to stay with her again that night…
Had lunch… arrived home at 2… slept… Zul came to pick me up at 5:30… back at the hospital… sponged her until 4:30am because her fever came back around 7ish… my feet were killing me… slept until about 6 am… got up and cleaned Puteri, gave her medicine and made her milk… oh this time I was just tired but I was properly attired… so it wasn’t too bad… but my feet were killing me… Anna came early that day because I had to be at work… I arrived at the office around noon…
I wasn’t really stable… I was emotional and I was very very very tired…
Stayed until about 7 and went home… Puteri was discharged around 7ish as well…
I took care of her until about 2 am… then I couldn’t take it anymore and Abah and Mama (not yet very well, but she could walk…) had to take over… she had a fever last night too… so they sponged her all night…
I am still very tired… but I need to get some work done…
I will edit this later… but I have to stop now… need to get some work done… and prepare for my class tomorrow… I hate having to teach at 8 am… but it’s the only time the students agreed to… Professor Ali is not complaining so who am I to say anything….
Bless all of you then…
And Thank you FARAH for your support yesterday… you helped… a lot…
Hey boo…
The past few days have been a living hell for me… literally.
I have had to see people I love fall terribly ill, I have worn women’s batik sarung in public, and I haven’t had more than 3 hours of sleep every night.
Let me start from the beginning.
So on Friday I was working… although it seems like the only occupants in my block were Dr. Badrul and myself… and he left early I think… ah well… Junaidy was awful nice to keep me company though… Apparently his laboratory was dark because he was the only one working… so he decided to hang with me
The main thing is, my niece Puteri was developing a fever… Anna and Zul took her to see Baby (a doctor we are familiar with who works at a private clinic) and they came back with some cough syrup, flu medicine and some sort of pill you insert rectally if the baby gets too hot. Her temperature got very high, around midnight it was 40.4 degrees… I was worried but figured that if I panic things could only get worse… we called Anna and Zul back to Cheras to help take care of the baby… and to be with her just in case something happens and all…
Her temperature fluctuated up and down throughout the night… in the morning she was walking and playing… she appeared a little weak but she was still fooling around and all… her temperature had reduced so we didn’t expect what came next…
A little after 9 am she started to get a fit… I find out later that this is called febrile convulsion (fit)… I had read about it on the net the night before and told everyone that it’s the worse that could happen… no one was paying attention I think… anyways, Anna started to get panic and cry when her baby was having the fit… Mama was in the bathroom and she came out to start join the panic team… Zul had left early that morning to meet his friend about something… Tanti started to get panic after Zul shouting “…come back now!!! The baby is getting a seizure…!!!” Abah was still calm but worried I could tell… I was yelling at everyone to calm down of course… I told Abah to start the car and Tanti to get some of the baby’s stuff so we could take her to the hospital… All this happened in about 30 seconds…although it all seemed like an eternity… Puteri’s fit lasted about one minute… the fit stopped when I was carrying her in the elevator going to the car park… she became very limp and irritable… so Abah, Anna and myself were the ones to drive to the clinic which was about five minutes from the condo. We left Tanti with Mama because it would be good to have her tagging along with her heart condition and all…
So we arrived at the clinic and the Dr. was eating something when we entered but he saw us immediately… he told us to take the baby to the nearest hospital (HUKM) and get her to the ER immediately… he wrote something on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope for the MO at the Casualty Department of the Hospital… so we rushed out to get there… before we managed to get anywhere, Tanti called… she said Mama was having a heart attack … I told her not to panic and stay with Mama… it was hell… i was starting to panic too but I managed to stay calm… I told Abah to drive back and go check things up with Mama and called Tan… Tan is a close family friend and my business partner… Abah dropped me and Anna along with Puteri at the Lobby of Tan’s block and drove off… Tan was down in less than five minutes… and we drove like mad to HUKM…
All this time the “casualty” word was in my mind… that doesn’t look good at all… I thought to myself… but I kept quiet… my sister was quiet… I think she was in some sort of shock or something… we couldn’t wait for Zul and he didn’t know the way to HUKM so I told him to go back to the condo when called me… we’ll get him soon…
Later we found out he lost his way somewhere in Bangsar because he couldn’t think straight and didn’t know where he was driving… Tanti could’ve been more subtle… oh well; there are other more important things…
So I was doing all the registration nonsense at the ER HUKM and Anna went in with Puteri while Tan parked the car… I still hadn’t heard about Mama… by this time I was already screaming in my head… but I managed to keep my cool…
After about five minutes or so I heard the announcement over the PA “waris Puteri Teh sila masuk…” (will the family of Puteri Teh please enter…)
“Oh my God…” I was saying in my head… I didn’t know what to think and I walked in followed by Tan… Anna called me, and I was so relieved to her and Puteri in one section of the busy ER… Puteri was still okay…
The Dr. came a few seconds later with a small bucket of water and some gauze… she told us to sponge Puteri down to bring her temperature down… we did that… we were moved to the pediatrics ward a few minutes later… I think Puteri was stabilizing… Then Tanti called, she said Mama was asking about Puteri… Oh, I forgot about the part where I lied and told Abah to lie to Mama… saying we were still at the clinic and the doctor is just checking on Puteri and everything was fine… I followed my story… Tanti was still in the dark too… the last thing I needed then was Mama getting worse thinking about things that could happen to her first granddaughter… Mama was a little stable I found out but she couldn’t move her legs… this usually happens after one of her episodes and could stay that way for up to 2 weeks before she could walk again… so I followed my story; smoothly lying… for the better good…
Puteri slept most of time after that… and we sponged her… a little after 12 me and Tan left Anna with Puteri at HUKM to get Zul who was already at the condo waiting… on the way back Mama called, herself, asking about Puteri and I slowly explained what really happened… and that she has stabilized and the hospital will keep her for one day or two for observation… she wasn’t to convinced though… and she seemed to be okay with the truth…
I told Tan to come up and explain to Mama and convince her… since it was the truth and all… he did… and she was a little assured I think… but not fully convinced… there’s a story behind this actually…
When my Uncle, my mom’s older brother passed on a few years ago, my mother had a massive heart episode and she lost her memory temporarily… we didn’t want to worsen her condition and pretended everything was okay and nothing happened when she came about later… we told her she was afraid of a worm in the vegetable and she got an attack when she asked why she was sick… we couldn’t possibly tell her the bad news again… it was almost 2 weeks before she finally remembered and ask me about my Uncle… she remembered he had passed on… there wasn’t much that I could tell her because we never attended the funeral, the prayer sessions, or even mourned for his passing so Mama wouldn’t suspect… it was painful because he was very close with all of us… her recovery was slow but she recovered fully…
We went back to the hospital (me and Zul) together with an overnight bag for Anna and some of Puteri’s stuff…. Puteri seemed better…
Anna was crying everytime the baby coughed or cried… which was why I told her to go home later and let me stay with the baby at the hospital… with her condition, I don’t think she’d be able to be much help… and she did just recover from a fever herself…
So she left with Zul leaving me with the baby… I was in my cargo shorts and long-sleeve t-shirt. Close to midnight, when the ward was a little quiet I changed into the batik sarung because my shorts was starting to feel uncomfortable… Puteri was a little jumpy and she woke up a little after midnight I think… she was fussing in her cot so I carried her… she seemed weak but okay… she was also a little warm… I walked to a nurse sorting out some medicine and asked if Puteri seemed hot to her… she said yes… a few seconds later it came… in two huge gushes… Puteri threw up on me… I didn’t mind the throwing up, but I had checked the overnight bag earlier… there were only a t-shirt which Anna wore just now… an batik sarung which I am wearing now and managed to miss the main gush of puke… and a big jeans skirt… so there goes my shirt…
The nurse came to help of course… I gave her the baby and went to clean up… the shirt took too much puke and there was no way I would be able to wear it… I called Anna and decided not to ask her to send me a change of clothing afraid that Mama might be alarmed… I asked the nurse who handed me a purple hospital blouse… so I had to wear the batik sarung and a purple hospital blouse for the night… Didn’t sleep much that night…
The next morning Anna and Zul arrived late because the visiting hours weren’t until 12:30 and they could get into the hospital… and Zul was having diarrhea for some reason… so I decided to wear my cargo shorts with the purple blouse when everyone got up and the ward was alive with mothers, fathers, patients and interns… I looked stupid and some of the interns did give me the “What the hell is this patient doing in paeds?!”-look… but I had to keep a straight face… Puteri got up at 7:30 am and she pooped her diapers at about 8… so I decided to give her a bath… also to cool her down…
Without my noticing, cause I was too busy working the buckets of water, Puteri managed to smear my shorts with her poop… there goes my shorts… I finished bathing her and dressed her up… then I was back in my sarung… everyone looked and smiled… I guess I was quite a sight standing almost six feet tall with bright colored batik sarung and a purple patients blouse which was quite fitted… all this until after noon…
Finally Anna came and I left with Zul to get some sleep at home because the doctor told us they wanted Puteri to stay another day… so I was to stay with her again that night…
Had lunch… arrived home at 2… slept… Zul came to pick me up at 5:30… back at the hospital… sponged her until 4:30am because her fever came back around 7ish… my feet were killing me… slept until about 6 am… got up and cleaned Puteri, gave her medicine and made her milk… oh this time I was just tired but I was properly attired… so it wasn’t too bad… but my feet were killing me… Anna came early that day because I had to be at work… I arrived at the office around noon…
I wasn’t really stable… I was emotional and I was very very very tired…
Stayed until about 7 and went home… Puteri was discharged around 7ish as well…
I took care of her until about 2 am… then I couldn’t take it anymore and Abah and Mama (not yet very well, but she could walk…) had to take over… she had a fever last night too… so they sponged her all night…
I am still very tired… but I need to get some work done…
I will edit this later… but I have to stop now… need to get some work done… and prepare for my class tomorrow… I hate having to teach at 8 am… but it’s the only time the students agreed to… Professor Ali is not complaining so who am I to say anything….
Bless all of you then…
And Thank you FARAH for your support yesterday… you helped… a lot…
Friday, February 03, 2006
F*cK... i aM piSSeD
I did my job... and on time too... Suddenly I am the slow one... the sloppy one...
The things is I had to smile... even though in my mind I am saying:
Well FUCK YOU!!! FUCK the whole damned thing... see if I FUCKING care... You FUCKED UP... NOT ME!!! so get the FUCK out of my face!!!
glad that is out of my system... but I am still PISSED!!!
I did my job... and on time too... Suddenly I am the slow one... the sloppy one...
The things is I had to smile... even though in my mind I am saying:
Well FUCK YOU!!! FUCK the whole damned thing... see if I FUCKING care... You FUCKED UP... NOT ME!!! so get the FUCK out of my face!!!
glad that is out of my system... but I am still PISSED!!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
sTaYeD hOmE tHe wHoLe wEEk...
I stayed home the whole week… apart from one trip to the hypermart for groceries I hadn’t stepped out of the house… not even to the pool… I wanted to just rest I guess. Uncle Mie and Abang Fairuz stayed over yesterday and the day before and they wanted to pretty much laze about as well. So I guess we weren’t such boring hosts because we were all lazing about… hehehe
So I was just on MikeL’s blog a moment ago… he was blogging about his new Nike… and I am thinking to myself… I need those… I need those bad… walking around in my boots have given me a bloody ache lately… on Mondays and Wednesdays I make one trip to the Linguistics Faculty for my language class and back… that makes 30 minutes of walking… and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I make two trips back and forth… that is another hour of walking… then there’s the walks to the main office… to my tutorial classes… meeting at the Main Faculty Building… gosh… I don’t think those boots were designed for someone who walked this much… I need proper walking shoes… My orange and yellow shoes don’t match my work attire… which is usually jeans and colored shirts… unless there’s a meeting… then I replace the jeans with proper slacks… and my other shoes… well they’re not for walking too… so I guess it wouldn’t go off too much if I wore Nike to work… so MikeL… you’ve inspired me… to buy shoes….!!!
I should post more pictures here… hmmm…
I stayed home the whole week… apart from one trip to the hypermart for groceries I hadn’t stepped out of the house… not even to the pool… I wanted to just rest I guess. Uncle Mie and Abang Fairuz stayed over yesterday and the day before and they wanted to pretty much laze about as well. So I guess we weren’t such boring hosts because we were all lazing about… hehehe
So I was just on MikeL’s blog a moment ago… he was blogging about his new Nike… and I am thinking to myself… I need those… I need those bad… walking around in my boots have given me a bloody ache lately… on Mondays and Wednesdays I make one trip to the Linguistics Faculty for my language class and back… that makes 30 minutes of walking… and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I make two trips back and forth… that is another hour of walking… then there’s the walks to the main office… to my tutorial classes… meeting at the Main Faculty Building… gosh… I don’t think those boots were designed for someone who walked this much… I need proper walking shoes… My orange and yellow shoes don’t match my work attire… which is usually jeans and colored shirts… unless there’s a meeting… then I replace the jeans with proper slacks… and my other shoes… well they’re not for walking too… so I guess it wouldn’t go off too much if I wore Nike to work… so MikeL… you’ve inspired me… to buy shoes….!!!
I should post more pictures here… hmmm…
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