Wednesday, February 22, 2006

FeeLiNg beTTeR

Hey boo,
I should tell you that I am feeling better. I am so glad that episode didn’t progress for the worse. I am still a little sore but at least I know I am getting better.
I was stuck at a workshop the whole day yesterday and then attended my Spanish class after missing classes for so long… so that practically covers the whole day… miserable huh?! Well, if you think it sounds miserable imagine how I must feel. Anyways, I think the workshop was alright all in all… the Danes and Dutch are well versed and seem to be competent enough on the topic of Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL). I should say there’s enough boredom to last you a century in case you were wondering.
Later I had a little chat with MiKeL via Skype… well, I you call four hours little… he’s revamping his blog-site… and I was lucky enough to see the progress of his design… better not say more…
Err… I remember I wanted to blog about something but I can’t remember what… I’ll stop here for now… until I remember…
Gosh this post is meaningless…


farahrozhan said...

glad you're feeling less miserable! =)

ynshng said...

hey its gr8 that the neck's fine now:)
have fun~

Unknown said...

thanx all...