Monday, February 20, 2006

I MisS mY DiCk… sO I tOOk hEaD VIAGRA!

Hey boo,
How you been?! I’ve been like really sick… yeah, neck strain from the devil himself… I haven’t seen my dick in a week because of this fucking pain in my neck… and here’s my story… hehehe
So the past few weeks have been like super duper busy for me right?! Well, you can tell from the lack of posts on my boo boo here… I’ve had to stay at the hospital, and then there’s the hell week of workload that finally caught up with me and starting to butfuck me to kingdom comeand finally bit me in the ass… I’ve had overdue work listing from 1 – 10 on my whiteboard… I’ve missed two weeks worth of language classes, I’ve had to accompany students to factories, review some papers, start on another annual report… and the list goes on and on… and then there’s the 4 day workshop that I’ve had to attend on Thursday, Friday, today and tomorrow. I am so screwing today though… we’ll see if we have time to write about that later… so about missing my dick yeah…
Well, sometime last Monday I started to develop a sore in the back of my neck… as any other person, I assumed it was just a bad nights sleeping position… so I worked on day after day in front of my PC typing, reading and also on my desk… doing it more and more… I just wanted to get the work out of the way so I could start lab work in peace… but that’s not going to happen… oh and MikeL was getting addictive too, and that didn’t help… so it’s work + MikeL chat sessions + bunch of other nonsense now… and my neck just got worse and worse until Wednesday, I couldn’t get up from bed… I just couldn’t roll over… every move send this sharp pain on the left side of my neck… I was struggling for an hour in bed… until it was a little past 7 am when I finally yelled for my sister to yank me out of bed… my god… the pain was excruciating… I was tearing from just trying to roll on my side so my sister could pull my right arm… my left arm was hurting too… not so much, but tugging at it made my neck felt like someone was gnawing at it… I managed to swallow my screamed and got up with a long hiss… trying to swallow the pain as Tanti helped me up… oh well… I was already late for the industrial trip to Ajinomoto… so I got ready and that was that… the bus ride to Ajinomoto didn’t help much too, with my head swaying to from side to side every time the bus braked or hit a bump… it hurt like hell, but I managed to endure most of the pain and still managed to be my usual chirpy self… oh well…
The car ride back home later that day was even worse… my neck was just getting from worse to fucking worse I would say… so I called Dr. Ngoh and told her I wouldn’t be going to Petronas in Kuantan with the students on Thursday… I thought the bus ride would just worsen my neck and decided to go for the POPBL workshop bye MUCED… this was a four day workshop ending tomorrow… I think I mentioned it before… oh well…
So that was another day I guess… but that morning I took me longer to get out of bed… the pain was just getting worse and worse… I started to suspect that it’s more than the usual ‘salah tidur’ or bad posture or sleeping position…
I couldn’t turn my head or bend down… with regard to the title… Thursday was the fourth day of my missing the appearance of my dick… I just couldn’t bend down, my neck was not only sore; it was getting stiff too…

A note from Penis@Dick...

Dear Shaz,
I haven’t seen you in days… where have you been? I feel you are there and I felt you guiding me when I pee but I haven’t seen your face…. I miss you.
Your Penis.

Okay… that was totally weird and SO uncalled for… but you get the meaning… it would have asked… but my neck is still sore so what can I say… the class got back a little before midnight from Kuantan though so I am so glad I didn’t go… I would’ve just died from the pain…
So Friday, it wasn’t as hard to get up, but the neck is still sore… I spend the whole day at MUCED for the workshop… it was quite a good workshop I would say… even though Professors can get a little funny at times… but that’s another story…
On Saturday and Sunday it just got worse and worse… Sunday being the worst day of all… I just couldn’t get my head straight… it was slanted to the left… a little at first and then getting so slanted it almost rested on my left shoulder… and boy did it hurt… I was cropping my head with left hand first and they started to get cramps from the fatigue… Some heavy hands I got… I took some painkillers then… but it didn’t help much… I was screaming at some points, and finally it was too much… I think I was starting to cry at one point… I mean I had to sit at an angle to reduce the pressure on my neck, there’s also the pain in my arms from the cropping, and my lower back was starting to hurt from the awkward position… then my mom called an old friend to help… he knew a bit of pressure points or something like that… he came after a short while, and I still kept my manhood and didn’t cry yet… he helped me off the bed and started his treatment… I was screaming and screaming… I guess the painkillers had kicked in because the pain was reducing…
To cut a long story short, I could say that he fixed me up a little… I could get up and my head was just a little slanted for the rest of the day… after dusk, my head started the I wanna slant to one side again… so I popped in a couple more painkillers… these were funny looking pills… well, not really funny… they were sort of diamond shaped and blue… not unlike VIAGRA… and the fact that it helped my head pop back up is funny… Head Viagra… hahaha… but the pain was no joke…
This morning, my neck is still sore… but some improvements… I guess… I got up without help and popped me one of those Viagras and I am still up till now… so I am not going to push myself today… just work a little on the computer and a little on the desk… I miss my dick after all… I haven’t seen it for a whole week now… hmmm *sigh*
Maybe I’ll answer penis’s note:

Dear Dick,
I have been unwell. In a way I am glad that you miss me, at least I know you care. I’ve been at your side all this while, and I could tell that you’ve kept your usual ‘happy times’ even without my presence.

I know… I know… totally uncalled for… but I can’t help it…


Anonymous said...

Your penis letters remind me of the old Reader's Digest columns -- "I'm Joe's Penis". Anyhow -- Stop taking those analgesics and get a good chiropractor.

ynshng said...

oh yea, chiropractor..i was trying to get the word.

anyways,u shud be goin to the hospital to check it out man. sounds pretty serious..

get well soon la :)

SleepingBeauty said...

Alaa... kesian die.
Your friends are right. A lil sore may be due to mis-positioning but when u experience "hell" sore, your body is trying to tell u something. Listen to it! Instead of popping pain-killers all the time, u could try muscle relaxant. It's available in the pharmacies. If that doesn't work, I suggest u seek medical help. Our body is very vulnerable. Don't ignore it.
(haha... spoken like a true health care provider ;p)

Good luck!

Unknown said...

thanx all...
got some help from some experts and with the help of stronger painkillers... I think i am getting better...