Today have been wasted; one thing followed the other and before I knew it the day is almost ending. I came in late today because my aunt from Malacca is visiting in the morning so I waited just to say hi to her… I got to the office a little after noon and then there was a preaching session which lasted for one hour. Then I rushed back to my room to print out the previous department minutes of meeting; apparently nobody received it when I sent out the emails on Friday. They got the message but somehow the attachment (which was the minutes) was missing. Oh well… then the meeting went on from 2:30 pm to 4:05 pm… back to my room… checked my email… damn… more work… oh well…
So that’s it… today!
Oh about the dream I had last night… hmmm… I really don’t know what to make of it… I guess a post on one of the blogs that I visit (RejWiLd… link in the right column) must have influenced it a little… basically I could say the dream was GAY!!! Okay… here is how it went…
I was in some sort of amusement park you see… and I was going on this ride… your are strapped to a little platform that just about fits you body and this is attached to a slingshot-like mechanism… when you are ready you’ll be launched up and you’ll bounce up and down… much like bungee jumping I would say… only this one is set on the lake and you are bouncing above the water… oh well… that’s what I remembered… then somehow or rather I met this guy… he was Chinese I think… early 20s I would say… I think he knew me very well in the dream… I couldn’t tell if I was actually me in the dream… oh… sometimes I am a different person… well, we were talking at some sort of bar by the lake… I was seated next to him… I don’t remember what we said though… but suddenly I was snuggling to him and putting my head on his right shoulder and putting my arms around his waist… err… maybe between the wait and the chest… I remember feeling a bit alarmed in the dream… like saying to myself “What the hell am I doing?!” but I could also feel that the me in the dream is getting comfortable and I think he loves the other guy… it’s freaky… it’s like I’m him… I feel everything he felt then and there… *shivers* we just sat there like that for a while… the other guy, the Chinese dude, fell asleep I think… he was comfortable too apparently… oh well… when we woke up we started to kiss… on the lips… not very much unlike this…

Photo from… my source for nice phtos!!!
I know what you’re thinking…. “Ewwwww” right?! But I tell you this… back there in my dream, it felt good because the dude is a terribly good kisser… errr… that’s sounds SOOOOOOO GAY… but it was a good kiss… and that freaks me… then we went home together… I think it was my house… I didn’t recognize the house though but I could tell it is the me in the dream’s place… it’s a nice place BTW *wink*… then we were getting comfortable again… we were on the bed and snuggling against each other and there was a little more smooching… gosh… It was really weird… after that I woke up… it was 6:45 am… baby niece wants milk… thank god… I don’t know what would’ve happened after that… if I felt everything the me in the dream felt… I might very well end up having a wet one *another shiver*… a gay wet dream… imagine that… I would really freak then…. :P *no offence to you gay dudes out there :P* it’s just not something I am used to…
It’s been distracting me… the thought that is… it’s just a dream after all so I won’t let it get to me…
Oh well… I need to get back to work… I will post again later…
tell me what you think it means kay... errr... or don't i want to know?!
be pround being a gay.......zarinn isap belon ek? used to like chinese hehehe now ermmm xtastela
hisap belon?! what does that mean?!... *confused*
thanx nathan... :)
cant imagine how u kiss with a guy...
err just for the record, you're 110% straight right?!
Jo: apprently i can imagine... :P
FaRaH: yes... all straight...
I must say, it is kind of freaky. To add that final bit about a wet dream, that's the cherry on the sundae. A Chinese guy, eh??? Subconscious thoughts sometimes manifest through dreams, but then I've heard of more bizarre dreams. Don't sweat it.
Embrace your new self.
Love kissing picture btw. Take care.
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