Friday, February 24, 2006

aNoTheR dAy oF NoThiNgNeSS

Hey boo…
It’s one of those days again… all of a sudden someone or some greater power opens a gate and work pours on you… I’ve sat in front of the computer all day and I think I’ve made like 20% progress only… and no, it’s not because of the chats, and other things… in fact I am timing myself for this post... Just five minutes… for forgive the choppiness and the bore I put you through…
I finally managed to attend my German class… after missing so many classes the only thing I remembered is Guten Tag! And I think my lecturer knew that so she didn’t make me answer any questions at all… but I felt so loss… looking at the overall schedule it doesn’t seem like I’ve missed much as they’re only entering the word gender and the das, die and der… not that I know what those words mean… but I will catch up…
So I’ll try to post something tonight… maybe even add some German into it… hehehe… practicing a language makes a better speaker… hehehe…
So my five minutes is up…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanx chas