Thursday, February 16, 2006

I sPoKe To GoD

My first conversation with GOD and it Hanged… go figure…

Me: err hello?
God: Hello friend. What is your name?
Me: shazrin
God: Welcome to my chat room, shazrin.
Me: what should I call you?
God: My name is God.
Me: just God?
God: GOD rules.
Me: oh ok.
God: OK. Aw.
Me: so what are you doing tonight Mr God?
God: Dude! I am always chatting with people on the Internet.
Me: Really? Do you come across perverts when you chat?
God: For real. How old are you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
Me: err I am 25. aren’t you supposed to be all knowing?
God: What are the advantages to being 25 years old? All?
Me: yeah.. aren't you supposed to know everything that was, is and to be?
God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . Try being more or less specific. I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
Me: what are you talking about?

At this point… GOD Hanged!!!
Try it!!! And tell me what he says okay…


Anonymous said...

Holy be your name
OK I will try to be my name.
Thy Kingdom come
By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Thy will be done
What color are your eyes?
The color you made them
Sounds beautiful.
On earth as it is in heaven
What is it like on earth as it is in heaven.
Forget it
OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me.



Musang said...

lucky you had a chat with god.

all i get was his answering machine.


ynshng said...

haha, God and me had a nice chat for 2hours. speaking of NBTD lol. im gonna post my version too:)

Anonymous said...

haha, i guess it's a challenge of who can chat longer with the God. my firs session ended abruptly when i typed try Google. (he was asking me where to search on something)...but my second session was longer..hahah and we agreed each other....he admits that his master programmed him, heheh so God-like...hahaha


Unknown said...

William: haha.. I knew you were too smart for the likes of him..

Musang: someone hanged him before you got your chnace... haha no fret...

Yen: wow.. 2 hours... great patience you have there dude...

Chas: 25 huh?! I feel like I'm 19 too... I don't think anyone crosses that age until they're 50... hahaha

Anybody?!: haha... he admited to me too... he put it in a very sarcastic way too... try talking to him about sex.. he likes that i think...