my reign of bitchin’ away… my retreat from this frenzied existence…
Friday, September 18, 2009
SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa...
Selamat Hari Raya to all.
Come what may...
This Ramadhan ends with a pleasant surprise from the Almighty Allah. Faridah is now 7 weeks pregnant. We are expecting another baby. May he or she be healthy and properous always.
We are driving back to Penang today. All those I love will be close to me. How generous life has been. I hope everyone is as fortunate.
SI, thanks for all your support. Happy Birthday again.
posted from my iPhone
Thursday, September 17, 2009
nO cOmPRoMiSeS...
It’s always when there is a crisis that I turn to you for comfort… for some sense of release and closure. I guess it’s because you’re the only one that I can completely honest with. No secrets… no regrets… and no charges…
I don’t think it’s fair that I am always given choices… ultimatums… I hate them… especially when it involves people that you so dearly love… how can you choose one from the other? In this case it’s a lose-lose situation for me no matter what the choice. I don’t know. Maybe I attract problems like this. Even though it’s just a matter of compromise on one party for it to be a win-win situation... Why should I give in? Why should I be at the losing end?
In this case… when it comes to family… I will never ever compromise… no matter what the price!
Despite Eid being just around the corner… I feel so alone.

I like Salam’s statement today: “… before we turn to stone”
I can’t help but to wonder whether it’s too late in my case though… whether I have already turn to stone…
I have shed enough tears over this matter!
Come what may…
Saturday, September 05, 2009
nONsEnSe fRoM tHe NiGhT...
I managed to squeeze gym in today's schedule. Thanks to Faridah
working late today. It wasn't a great workout but I managed to break
out some sweat... So I guess it wasn't so bad. Sham wanted me to edit
some of the dates on the invoices that I gave him yesterday. Something
about the accountant wanting the invoice and PO dates to match. Beats
me... As long as I get paid I don't really care what dates he want on
those invoices.
<i>meanie</i> was on IM too today. I am glad that every day this
bothers me less and less. Although there is a little part of me deep
inside that hopes and longs for a hello. Hmmmm. What's past should
stay that way. I doesn't hurt to reminisce though. Even though SI
doesn't agree.
Mr. KAZ seem to think that I should approach <i>meanie</i> and get it
over with. He thinks that I should just let it all go and pretend
nothing happened. Perhaps he's right. Perhaps that might just do the
trick. Or... Perhaps it could make things worse. Perhaps I will be
badly humiliated. Perhaps I will get hurt somemore. Perhaps. Perhaps.
Perhaps. Let it go <s>bitch</s>. It's time to move on.
Now there's something that should be bothering me... For some reason
it's just lingering. I never could get much progress. Not without
some sort of interuprion that is. Pisses me off really.
You know what else pisses me off? The fact that you can't upload
pictures on blogger using iPhone. Well. At least I don't know how that
is. For now anyways.
Fauzi must be in enjoying Sweden now. I hope all is well for him
there. Even though I don't agree with him wasting six months there I
hope he has a good time and learn a thing or two. Perhaps Faridah is
right. Opportunities like this doesn't come often. But six months is a
long time. But then again who am I to talk about wasting time. I am
spending four years just to finish my damned masters degree. I mean
people caN do two PhDs with that much time.
Well. It's almost 3 AM and 3 G sucks. I'll try and post this.
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, September 03, 2009
It’s been a while since I posted anything… aside from pictures and one liners that is.
Life’s been pretty stressful lately. The pressure of completing my thesis is really starting to get to me. That and many other things... Why do I keep stressing myself over trivial things???

If one wants to cuddle it should be simple and clear…
Why is there always a need for so much drama in life? The meanie ordeal is still fresh in my mind… meanie still affects my state of mind. Even when meanie logs on IM it bothers me… I keep telling myself it’s all behind me but deep inside I know… it still bothers me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
A GifT fRoM a fReN oF MiNe...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Blogging on my IPhone
I saw the iblogger application. The lite version didn't allow photo posting so I might just go through safari for now. It will be good practice for typing on the keypad. Well, hope I can keep this up.
Wish me luck.
Monday, April 13, 2009
It’s been a difficult month for me. Deadlines and promises really do catch up to you somehow... whether you like it or not. Funny how life has all this surprises installed for you. The things that you least expected sometimes just pops up. Well… I am sure it’d be pretty boring otherwise eh?! Hmmm…
The meanie ordeal is unfortunately still haunting me. Somehow a day is not complete; a blog post is not complete; unless I put meanie into the equation. I don’t understand my obsession to torture myself over this but I just can’t help myself. I have found out that meanie still hates me though. I constantly still ask myself where I went wrong or what I could’ve done differently…
Monday, April 06, 2009
Terengganu turned out to be very pleasant. It turned out the wedding wasn’t the main event after all. The whole trip... the time in the car, the food adventure, the hotel room, the sleep over at Tok Su’s, and the drive back... was something I really needed. I am glad I went along for the trip. When Aziz called on Saturday asking if we could meet on Sunday I was a little disappointed that we had to leave so quickly. But then again it was like I expect to be disappointed so I wasn’t really bothered too much by it...
That’s how I am taking life day by day for now... I just accept... just do as I am told... just do as per requested...
I know it sounds miserable and all but actually it is quite alright. I mean just saying yes to everything is much easier. I mean if meanie thinks that I am the worst possible being to ever exist on earth; there must be something wrong right? I must’ve been pretty awful right?! So the least I could do is accommodate wherever and whenever possible. Perhaps then I will not be such an awful person to be around... *sigh*
I really don’t understand why I am still clinging to this... it has been months now... there’s plenty to keep my mind busy but somehow I can’t keep it out of my head for more than a day at a time... it is like a malignant cancer that keeps coming back... I really hope that I can just walk away from all this... go to Europe... Mallorca as Salam suggested... but there’s so much things to do... so many commitments...

... memories
This is really becoming an obsession... an obsession to make my life miserable...
Well... at least I have some theories on the problem... we’ll take another day to work on this...
Thursday, April 02, 2009
It’s funny how when your mind is busy with work all the pain is taken away. It acts like anesthetics for the aches in your heart I suppose. Honestly, I could really use the distractions. How sick is that? I need someone to distract me from all my distractions… how’s that for being sick in the head eh?!
I will be driving back to Terengganu for a wedding for the weekend. I am looking forward to this particular distraction.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
nEw mE pRoJecT... aDDiTiOnS...
Dear Boo,
Maybe I should focus on losing weight... that’ll take my mind off things for a moment... have been feeling a little heavy lately...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dear Boo,
My last post was on the 8th of March... the day after God bestowed me with a lovely baby girl. I have been fairly busy with many things since then. Keeping myself busy on purpose.... lest I go insane. The heart is a fragile thing I have come to learn. It is also stubborn at most of the time I could swear has a mind of its own. I always say We can’t help how we feel... but how we act upon our feelings is who we really are. I don’t believe that God will punish us for how we feel. I mean we don’t decide how and what we feel. We can just react to them... and when it comes to matters of the heart, we tend to act more foolishly.
Sometimes... most of the times lately... I feel that I could just curl up to one corner and vanish into nothingness... that’s it! the end of raja shazrin... one less bitch in this world....
why am I trapped?!
Mr. kaz said something to me yesterday... it wasn’t like me to pry... but I did... I couldn’t help it... I asked... about meanie. I regretted it... but I haven’t been able to sleep... I had this nightmare that meanie was staring at me and scolding me... *sobs*
The rule was simple: Manja pada yang Sayang
Easier said than done apparently...
So... what do I do? I run away... as far as I can...
Of chances and what could have been...
Dear meanie,
I know you must really hate me... but I am not a perfect person. There’s many things that I wish I didn’t do. But still I continue learning. Never ever did I mean to do those things to you. I should’ve said before I left... I want you to know... I’ve found out a reason for me. I want to change who I used to be... who I am... a reason to start over... and the reason is you... yes... you...
I am sorry if I hurt you... it’s the most painful thing that I’ve had to live with everyday... and all the pain and ache that I put you through... I’d do anything to take it all away. I’d do anything to make you feel better.
If I were given the chance... I’d show you that I care... a side of me you didn’t know... and a the reason for all that I do... it’s you.
Sometimes... most of the times... I hate myself...
I’d rather look at my back
It’s been a while since I’ve look in the mirror... I don’t think I ever will again...
It’s my fault...
Serves me right...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Today, 7th March 2009 at 8:46am... I became a father to a lovely princess...
I am blessed by God with all the best things in life...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
HoNg KoNg bLuEs...
It’s my fourth day here in Hong Kong and the last time I saw the sun shine was minutes before touchdown in Hong Kong International Airport. It was and is still like the whole place was shrouded with white cloud. Visibility is not so good too. It is so misty and hazy I could barely see past the harbour. Hmmm... the temperature is a nice 18 degrees thought. Cool enough not to make you sweat but warm enough so you don’t have to put on a jacket. I could get used to this...

For some reason I can’t get meanie out of my mind. I was lying in bed yesterday and *BAM*... meanie... it was instinctively that I grabbed my P1i and started browsing on memories of meanie... for the first time in five months I am finally able to look at meanie and smile...
I miss meanie...
Then something hadn’t expected happened. I missed my wife... I miss our one sided arguments... I missed being with someone... I miss MSO... I miss SI...
Maybe... just maybe... the loneliness puts out the anger... just like love cancels hate... I don’t know. It’s silly. But like many times before I feel like I am ready to move on again.
One day at a time then
About acceptance and about lying to oneself...
Dear meanie,
If I had another chance to answer... I’d say I don’t know... I’d say I really truly honestly don’t know... I’d say I meant no harm... I meant not any discomfort... I meant not any spite... and I hadn’t meant to care so much. I’d say I was stupid... I’d say I was foolish... I’d say I was selfish... I’d say I unknowingly took advantage... I’d say please don’t hate me... I’d say give me a second chance...
But I didn’t...
I said sorry instead.... I said sorry... I was... I am... but I wasn’t just that... I am not just that... I don’t know anymore... I don’t.
This doesn’t mean anything...
I am sorry... for everything... I am sorry for me... I am sorry for honesty...
That’s it...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The past few days have been very hectic. I have been caught up with errands and bills and all things that have got nothing to do with getting my thesis done. Which is sad really; because as it has been in the past, these things that take up much of my time does not really help me much... especially so when it comes to the matter of getting my thesis done. *sigh* I don’t see why I am complaining here now when it is clear that these things that I am complaining about is as a matter of fact a necessity. Ramblings... now there’s a reason.
Today I had lunch with Luqman. I was on the cross trainer when he called asking if I could join him for lunch. I jumped at the invitation as I

sometimes I feel like screaming...
I don’t know what else to write...
I guess I’ll just quit when I am ahead and say Good night
Thursday, February 26, 2009
wHeRe's mY sHouLdEr tO cRy oN?!
Today was a horrible day for me... hangs on... it’s 2 am already... well... yesterday then...
Yesterday was a horrible day for me. I was taught a lesson: no matter how much you tell yourself you’re not going to care, you just can’t help it if you do. You can’t help how you feel... nor can control how your body reacts... or even how you react for that matter.
I thought it’d just be like any other day for me at the Department. I had purposely driven up to the Department because they started implementing the access card system at the parking block. I didn’t see the point of paying RM50 for what few days in the semester we have left. Anyway, as usual I had these little errands that just pops up in the Lab. So I saw to them one by one. It started out as a good day really... aside from the traffic being really bad it wasn’t a bad start at all.
And then there was X... henceforth known as meanie
At the very sight my body started to have this reaction... it was a mixture of stomach butterflies, anger, sadness, shivers and hope all stirred up which resulted into an immediate stiffness of the body which ultimately translates into a blue-red-flushed-faced robot-like-walking lil’ ole’ me... I cursed myself afterward for having behaved like that; even though it wasn’t voluntary at all.
So that was the end of what might have turned out to be a good day. I was forcibly switched into zombie mode. Well, I kept busy all day to distract myself. I had no one to turn to... no one to talk to... no shoulder to cry on...

... where’s my shoulder to cry on?!
Then came MSO... my sweet dear MSO... well I did see SI first. But SI made it clear he’d have none of this nonsense from me for
OMG it’s 3 am already... I should go to bed... got an appointment with Nora tomorrow... my new PT.
Maybe I can hope for a better day tomorrow. Oh dear God give me strength...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
wHy oH wHy?
Today turned out quite well for me... I managed to haul myself to the gym and managed to get some work done afterward...
I met my Personal Trainer to be... Nora... she’s young but easy to get along with... they all are actually... but I am going to give it a go anyways... I really do need to lose those pounds... today I weighed 86kgs! Or at least that’s what the scale shows. Much work to be done... enough said.

much much much work to be done...
You know something Boo...?!
These past few days I can’t get my mind of X... everything I see that reminds me of X stresses me out... as if the thought of X drains me of my energy. I know it’s happening... but I just don’t know why...
Why me?
Why now?
Why ever?
Why does it affect me so?
I am doing that talking to myself thing again Boo... I was telling myself yesterday how stupid I was for letting this happen... for thinking too much of it... of X... this is wrong... so wrong... I should stop!
Damn I could use a venti hazelnut hot chocolate now... damn X...

Why? Why? Why? Oh why do I feel like I don’t want to be free from X...
Maybe it’s the damned I care problem...
I should stop...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
PiCKinG uP wHeRe yOu LeFt oFF...
Picking up where you left off is not so easy... especially with blogging... you just don’t keep the pace if you don’t practice. I remember that I used to be able to cough out a post every single day... and I just wrote about nothing... about everything... but now... it’s just becoming more and more difficult... but some people say that old habits die hard... so I guess I’ll cling on to that. After all it just requires practice.
You know what..?! This is exactly how it is with my thesis as well... you know when I get started it becomes easier... but getting started... well... getting started is always a bitch...
And the bitch gets bigger and bigger each day... and before you realise it you’re already in

Damn it! Where did I go wrong?! Why had I left writing my thesis pending too long... why didn’t I prioritise? Why? Why? Why?
My baby is coming... Faridah is due next month. The doctor says it will be some time around 14th March; but her feet is often swollen and stuff which is a sign that it is close I was told; so I guess we could expect anything at this point in time. Well... at least the shopping part is done and over. So as far as requisites in terms of supplies I am somewhat ready. Although I need to get the baby cot out of the storeroom so I could air out the thing... mentally I am taking this one day at a time... excited... but one day at a time I keep telling myself. I am still trying to get used to husband-hood and now I have to get into father-hood pulak... one day at a time...
Well... on another note. She’s still nagging me every day to get our own place... I don’t understand why is it so difficult for her to understand my situation... or her refusal to understand. I guess when I told her to dream on she thought I was kidding... but I don’t understand why and don’t know how much more I could actually take... much more I suppose... but sometimes... I ask myself “what did I ever do to have to (take it)”... I shouldn’t say anymore... *sigh*
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I have just added this blog to the notes function on FB... Evidently all my posts will appear on my profile on FB... the import was smooth and easy... all I had to do was key in the URL and all my previous posts were imported onto the notes function... easy peasy... the only thing is... do I really want this much exposure...?! Another point worth mentioning is: there is NO undo function! Haha...
So, the first thing that comes to mind was: OMG, there goes my privacy...
Then, I thought: Who the hell will bother with my lengthy and boring posts..?!
No one... that’s who... so all in all I guess it’s not that bad.
... relieved...

Maybe this will give me some motivation to pick up blogging again... I also need to look into recovering my old posts lost to that WordPress ordeal...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
nEw mE pRoJecT!!!
I hereby launch the NEW ME PROJECT...!
Current status...

and the target...

I know... I know.... but one can dream...