Saturday, March 12, 2005

FiNaLLy... a pRoDuCtIvE DaY...

Just got out of the shower… the water pressure is really starting to piss me off… it’s really bad… if you flush the toilet, the shower almost never works… sheesh… but the problem is this only happens with the shower… maybe it’s the damned water heating system they installed… damn it…
Hmmm… today was quite a productive day, as it turns out… I managed to sort out a few things with Professor Nik Meriam regarding the IPPP Bulletin and my Masters program as well… I picked up the cheque from Mama Anne… and we even managed to clear more stuff from Vista… not bad… not bad… Let’s start from the beginning…
The morning was pretty quiet… just the way I like it… Joyce called a few times… I didn’t pick up… the last thing I want is some broker kissing my ass early in the morning… you can only take so much of Yang Mulia this and Yang Mulia that before it starts to irritate you… :P I was working on the Inventions 2004 article for the IPPP Bulletin… the write up wasn’t too difficult and the pictures were easy enough to source… the harder part would be the write-up for the Innovation article and actually putting everything in place… the MSTF article will also be difficult to do… ah well… should be a good exposure for me…
Prayers was informative as usual… although I can’t remember a single thing from it… :P
The it was off for my meeting with Professor Nik Meriam… when I arrived slightly before 3 pm she was already in her office… I entered and she told me to sit while she sort out some things with her assistant… a guy from Kelantan… he was so blur I can’t help but to giggle when Professor Nik Meriam imitated him in her Kelantanese dialect about some passports or something like that which he wasn’t too sure what to make of… then it was down to the IPPP Bulletin which we quickly got out of our way… she handed me the cheque for IPPP Directory translation that I helped her with… a modest but meaningful amount :P. I asked her about my Masters project and she told me Devaraj was supposed to see her today too… so I waited for Devaraj to come… while she finished some paperwork… She made me a Cappuccino but it was not as thick as I prefer it to be… ah well, better than nothing… Devaraj arrived and we discussed on my Masters project… he was quite helpful and was very keen to be my co-supervisor. He would be a good candidate because he is quite versed, an expert actually, in the field… we finished up at about 6 pm and I gave Luqman a call… he picked me up at IPS gate nd took me to his room… made a quick stop at the Copier at 12th college where Ryan was working… part time of course… chatted with Luqman for a while over the Capri Son he bought for me… I was interrupted by Shafiq who was in the area… he insisted to see me even though I told him today wasn’t a good day… he made it seem like it couldn’t wait… so I saw him and it turns out he just wanted to ask for a job… ah well… what can I say… he hasn’t changed a bit…
Abah picked me up after Maghrib and we went to Mama Anne’s house to collect a cheque from her… the usual rent money for the Terengganu house… we had coffee and some sort of malay kuih… can’t remember what they called it… Lopang I think… :P
Anne showed me the whole house… it was quite big… they were still settling down so there were many boxes still unpacked… Semi was working on their WiFi… we left for Vista and Anna had bought KFC for dinner… started loading our stuff into the car after stuffing down 3 pieces of KFC and some cheesy wedges… then back to Venice Hill and here I am now…
It’s my turn to make coffee so I’ll stop for now before Tanti starts bitching about it…
Will write more if I am not too sleepy…

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