Saturday, March 26, 2005

LaZy tO wRiTe...

Hey Bloggy Boo… it has been a busy weekend for me. I haven’t had the chance to write for a while now… we were out on Saturday… grocery shopping… by the time we came back it was past lunchtime… I hate going to the market… I really do… I always argue with Abah about going to the market… gosh I hate going to the market… we went anyways, because Abah usually gets his way… but we get away by staying in the car… hehehe… Anna and Zul came over…
On Sunday, I had to go to Teluk Intan… to see the site for our new set up… we went in Tan’s car… boy it was a tiring trip… I was baking in the hot sun… :-P
Monday was spent finishing up some of Professor Nik’s bulletin…
Tuesday, I went to UM for a meeting with a IPPP Bulletin’s Editorial members… was 30 minutes late thanks to the flat tire… met Luqman, Jun, Salam, Aifa, and two juniors whom I didn’t ask of their names… Went to the department to see Luqman’s room… he bought a bunch of things from Ikea… I think he’s made the room look so cute… it’s so him… I especially like the plaque of his degree with the First Class (Lulus Dengan Cemerlang) printed across… his parents must be so proud… didn’t get to chat much with him because Mama, Abah and Tanti was already on the way to get me…
I don’t remember much of what happened in the last two days… This means that they were both uneventful and unproductive…
Today was alright… prayers were as usual… uneventful… had a lot to eat… need to lose some weight… Hmm… will write more soon… promise… and I finally got into the Legend of the Green Dragon…

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