It’s been all this time and I still don’t have my streamyx… I just don’t get why it should take this long… it can’t be that difficult right?! Sheesh man… blogging on Word is really starting to bug me… :P It’s just getting so damned frustrating… I am starting to change from blogging daily to clumping them together every three days… ah well, it’s not like I have that much to blog about anyways… but that’s not the point here… I really do hope my connection will be up soon… anyways; let’s start from where we left off…
Friday, February 25th 2005
Riza was supposed to come over to discuss something about business… sometimes I think it’s really irritating that our colleagues come to our house to discuss business… just because we are not settled in yet and have loads to do at home still and don’t really go to the office often doesn’t mean we would welcome people into the house for discussions as we would the office… ah well, it’s business after all… but I do hope it would happen less frequent in the future… we managed to settle most of the unpacking of our stuff and there are less stuff left around all over the house… we still need to organize and get some new stuff though… like a shoe cabinet, some shelves and stuff like that… Since Riza was coming… and trying very hard to suck up to me lately… to get me to sign a certain agreement with him… I thought I’d be bitchy… as usual, and make the best of the situation… I hate going out… I’ve made that clear… so I started to complain about my broken charger… I still need a new phone… I just have to find the time to actually go out and scout for one… so I make all this fuss and tell Riza to get a charger for me on his way over… save me a trip out… so he came and he bought me the damned thing… I blew the last one… well… it blew itself actually… some sort of short-circuit which I had nothing to do with… I was all innocent and just wanted to charge my phone when it went boosh on me… I paid Riza for the thing of course… wouldn’t want to be too indebted… :P
Went to Econ Save… not a really nice place but it serves its purpose… everything we need is there and it’s near… so it’ll just have to do…
Nothing much happened this day… I’ll stop here…
Saturday, February 26th 2005
Gosh I am getting lazy… and I don’t remember much that happened too… let’s see… I went to the gym and sauna with Tanti… it was raining that afternoon… Anna and Zul came over… yeah they did… and I followed them back to Vista that night… they are taking me to the screening for Hide and Seek and it was early Sunday morning so they didn’t want to drive here and get me… Slept at Vista…
Sunday, February 27th 2005
Started my day an hour early… I don’t know wtf was wrong with my cell phone… well, everything actually… but the time was an hour ahead… so I woke up at 10:15 am fast time and woke my sister telling her we were going to be late for the show… when it was really just 8:50 am… what about that huh?!... that means I had prayed subuh sometime after five in the morning… sheesh… we managed to get a bite at Pelita SS2 before the show… it was alright… liked Robert de Niro and the cute girl… window-shopped a little and came back to Cheras… There was so many people in 1Utama… gosh… it’s like KLCC on weekends… I hate crowds… :P
So Bloggy Boo… I am sorry it’s choppy… but I am just really distracted… I will write more later okay… till then…
my reign of bitchin’ away… my retreat from this frenzied existence…
Monday, February 28, 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005
BloGgiNg oN WoRd... DaMn
Hello Bloggy Boo… Don’t ask why I am still blogging on Word because I am going to tell you anyway… :P I’ve been neglecting you again because it’s just getting too frustrating to blog and not being able to post it… it’s not really blogging come to think of it because blog is web log so it’s more like log… :P that’s so lame… :P look what no connection has made me become… anyways, an update on bitchy things…
Wednesday, February 23rd 2005
Let’s see… it’s been a few days… Hmmm… yeah we went to Vista that day… to get more stuff from the old apartment… there just seems to be no end to it… I am surprised we have that much stuff with us… I really am… Mama told Riza to meet us there… I don’t know why because it’d been easier to meet him in Cheras… Ah well… she must have her reasons… so we went there and got packing… Anna called and told us to wait until she gets back before we leave so mama took out some chicken and fish (I think you call them Bawal…) for dinner… there’s not much stuff because my sister doesn’t really cook so Tanti just ended frying them… after lunch Abah and I were supposed to go get the Sorento serviced… I don’t know what happened but somewhere along the line Abah got really pissed and didn’t want to go… I prayed Zuhur and asked him nicely… it was better to get that out of the way… so the two of us went out… We left Mama, Tanti and Puteri back in Vista… we got there and this Kia guys goes… The maintenance book is wrong… Sorento should be serviced for the first 1,000 km, then 15,000 km and 30,000 km… not 1,000 km then 10,000 km and 15,000 km… like in the book… we were already in 19,000+ km anyway… so that wasted a few hours of our time… not to mention the drive in KL after lunch hour… sheesh… what a stupid thing to do… you’d think these things should be checked out… wtf is wrong with these people… somewhere along the line I got a call from Telekom asking if they could come over 3:30 to hook up the line… since service was no more I said okay… so we rushed from Setapak back to Cheras and got there at 3:40… I saw the Telekom van parked up front and went up quickly… I think he was already in the telephone room (the things they have in apartments… I think that’s where all the line connection goes… :P) working on the thing… he came a minute later and hooked up our telephone unit… he told me that we wouldn’t be able to use the phone yet today… if they don’t connect I should call that Aishah person again… I paid him and off he goes… I checked the phone and it gave a busy tone all the time… well at least they have connected it I thought… a few more days then… fuck I have been waiting all time already anyway… :P
So we drove back to Vista after a cup of coffee… I even managed to settle Puteri’s laundry somewhere along the line… wonderful aren’t I? hmm… :P ‘perasan’…
We packed another load with us back… on the way back we stopped at a shop to get bread and I told Tanti to get me an X-Choc ice cream… I’ll bitch about that later… :P
When we got back there was a new silver BMW parked at our lot… wtf I thought… anyways, we just parked at the visitor’s lot and I left the guy a note… he hand a shitty lot three levels down apparently… maybe he was in a rush… Tanti’s turn to make coffee… I was so beat that night I didn’t even blog… retired early… still no internet connection…
Hang on… Kamal called me… yeah he did… and I forgot to wish him Happy belated B’day again… what an ass I am… I was hoping he’d call… he told me about the job he got at Petronas… good for him… I am so happy for him… but I can’t help but to envy these people… and him too… it’s like I told Dr. Nik… career-wise I am going nowhere… I might have the money… so that’s why I like to get the exposure… she agreed too… it’s like Reef said… about leaving the comfort zone… everyone might think that I have… but I don’t think I have… I have always been a businessman all along… even during my undergrad days… it’s like when I see everyone advance it makes me feel like I haven’t advanced in life… and that really suck... it really does… I am happy for them… my friends that is… but I feel so inferior in comparison… it’s stupid I know… I am self employed… why would someone want to be employed right… but I do somehow… I am stupid… fuck it… the call from Kamal was nice though… hmm… although he didn’t seem to happy for someone giving good news… I didn’t even hear him laugh… or I don’t remember at least… he seemed eager to end the call too… and there were plenty silent moments too… I even asked what was wrong but he just kept quiet and didn’t even notice my question… I think… I guess he was tired or something… there can’t always be something up right… stupid ole’ me…
Missed my swim and sauna too… X-Choc was still in the freezer…
Thursday, February 24th 2005
I stayed home… hoping the TM Net people would come hook us up… they didn’t… I didn’t get much done today… I lazed around literally… I don’t even remember much that happened…
In the afternoon I tried calling Aishah lady again because the phone still had busy tone on it… she finally got the thing hooked around 5:30 pm…
Tanti and I went for our workout at the gym around 5:35pm… managed 2 km on the treadmill… not too good but I don’t want to stress myself too much… what with a history and all… so we went for sauna after that… the guy sauna was off for some reason… I went down to look for the maintenance guy and could find anyone… I was waiting for about a half hour until this Pakistani guy (I think he was Paskitani… :P) asks the guard to call the guy… this guy comes about five minutes later and turns the thing on… a good half hour wasted I thought… fuck that man… Tanti was done earlier because her sauna was already on and she went for a dip in the pool while I went for my sauna… I told her she could go back first but she wanted to wait… we were done at around 7ish…
Got back… Mama told me Nathan called while I as out… he called a little later… he wanted to tell me his PC was okay and asked how to download Mozilla Firefox… and some stuff about Streamyx… I was the info line as usual… I mean it’s not like I am complaining… Premjit called earlier to ask about the R^2 in excel graphs… Aziz about pdf files and stuff… Nathan about how to make mayonnaise, how to make coleslaw, and about English sentences too… some even call to ask for phone numbers… :P high time I set up my own 1-800 number… lolz
After that I had dinner… catfish… for the first time… it wasn’t bad... but didn’t really like it… Mama told me to make muffins because Anna was coming with Zul and Brein and his wife was coming too… I made some wheat muffins… I didn’t know how to control the damned oven though… It was gas fired… never operated one of those in a long time… what’s worse is that it didn’t have that usual gas mark 1, 2, 3 or 4… just low or high…. Damn it… my muffins turned out a little burnt in the bottom but the guests didn’t seem to mind… and we didn’t have anything else to serve anyway… with Puteri around shopping has been difficult…so I guess it’ll have to do… it’s was delicious though… except for the bottom that is… damned oven…
Tanti’s turn to make coffee… hmm… nothing else happened… Hang on… there’s something I just saw on 8 TV quickie just now… was all crap… I almost wept…
They were doing a feature on Sepet… the movie… they had some dudes on to appear and win some tickets… Adam and Marion was live from Sunway Pyramid… so this big Chinese guy (or dude as Adam put it…) comes on smiling… and it was communication hell… he was really big… Adam and Marion had to look up… well not really.. But he was big and tall… so…
Marion goes: wow… you’re really tough… do you work out?..
Big Dude: Yeah I work a lot…
Looking all serious… darn… on national TV too… Adam tried to clear things out… but that’s not all…
Marion & Adam (can’t remember which): Tell us your name…
Big Dude: Ek Tee…
Marion: Aik Tee…?
Adam: like Ek Tee?
Big Dude: Like America Tokyo…
Adam & Marion: Ohhhhh….
Looking all stupid and confused… sheesh… by this time I could bear to look anymore… :P
Adam & Marion: So give us your best impression of Sepet
The Big Dude makes some stupid face with a stupid grin and rolling his eyes and all… I was laughing out already… I didn’t think he understood what sepet was… that or he was just determined to make a fool of himself on TV… I guess Adam couldn’t take much more and says…
Adam: Dude what are you doing?
He stretches his eyes and makes a sepet look and shows the other guy… I didn’t get much already because I was laughing and was looking away… but poor guy… maybe the place was noisy or something… I mean he got all the questions wrong if you could call it that…. Sheesh… but I am not laughing at him… that’s not nice… I guess it could happen to anyone… but it was too much… :P
Oh it’s past 1 am already… I wanna catch some shut eye…
Wednesday, February 23rd 2005
Let’s see… it’s been a few days… Hmmm… yeah we went to Vista that day… to get more stuff from the old apartment… there just seems to be no end to it… I am surprised we have that much stuff with us… I really am… Mama told Riza to meet us there… I don’t know why because it’d been easier to meet him in Cheras… Ah well… she must have her reasons… so we went there and got packing… Anna called and told us to wait until she gets back before we leave so mama took out some chicken and fish (I think you call them Bawal…) for dinner… there’s not much stuff because my sister doesn’t really cook so Tanti just ended frying them… after lunch Abah and I were supposed to go get the Sorento serviced… I don’t know what happened but somewhere along the line Abah got really pissed and didn’t want to go… I prayed Zuhur and asked him nicely… it was better to get that out of the way… so the two of us went out… We left Mama, Tanti and Puteri back in Vista… we got there and this Kia guys goes… The maintenance book is wrong… Sorento should be serviced for the first 1,000 km, then 15,000 km and 30,000 km… not 1,000 km then 10,000 km and 15,000 km… like in the book… we were already in 19,000+ km anyway… so that wasted a few hours of our time… not to mention the drive in KL after lunch hour… sheesh… what a stupid thing to do… you’d think these things should be checked out… wtf is wrong with these people… somewhere along the line I got a call from Telekom asking if they could come over 3:30 to hook up the line… since service was no more I said okay… so we rushed from Setapak back to Cheras and got there at 3:40… I saw the Telekom van parked up front and went up quickly… I think he was already in the telephone room (the things they have in apartments… I think that’s where all the line connection goes… :P) working on the thing… he came a minute later and hooked up our telephone unit… he told me that we wouldn’t be able to use the phone yet today… if they don’t connect I should call that Aishah person again… I paid him and off he goes… I checked the phone and it gave a busy tone all the time… well at least they have connected it I thought… a few more days then… fuck I have been waiting all time already anyway… :P
So we drove back to Vista after a cup of coffee… I even managed to settle Puteri’s laundry somewhere along the line… wonderful aren’t I? hmm… :P ‘perasan’…
We packed another load with us back… on the way back we stopped at a shop to get bread and I told Tanti to get me an X-Choc ice cream… I’ll bitch about that later… :P
When we got back there was a new silver BMW parked at our lot… wtf I thought… anyways, we just parked at the visitor’s lot and I left the guy a note… he hand a shitty lot three levels down apparently… maybe he was in a rush… Tanti’s turn to make coffee… I was so beat that night I didn’t even blog… retired early… still no internet connection…
Hang on… Kamal called me… yeah he did… and I forgot to wish him Happy belated B’day again… what an ass I am… I was hoping he’d call… he told me about the job he got at Petronas… good for him… I am so happy for him… but I can’t help but to envy these people… and him too… it’s like I told Dr. Nik… career-wise I am going nowhere… I might have the money… so that’s why I like to get the exposure… she agreed too… it’s like Reef said… about leaving the comfort zone… everyone might think that I have… but I don’t think I have… I have always been a businessman all along… even during my undergrad days… it’s like when I see everyone advance it makes me feel like I haven’t advanced in life… and that really suck... it really does… I am happy for them… my friends that is… but I feel so inferior in comparison… it’s stupid I know… I am self employed… why would someone want to be employed right… but I do somehow… I am stupid… fuck it… the call from Kamal was nice though… hmm… although he didn’t seem to happy for someone giving good news… I didn’t even hear him laugh… or I don’t remember at least… he seemed eager to end the call too… and there were plenty silent moments too… I even asked what was wrong but he just kept quiet and didn’t even notice my question… I think… I guess he was tired or something… there can’t always be something up right… stupid ole’ me…
Missed my swim and sauna too… X-Choc was still in the freezer…
Thursday, February 24th 2005
I stayed home… hoping the TM Net people would come hook us up… they didn’t… I didn’t get much done today… I lazed around literally… I don’t even remember much that happened…
In the afternoon I tried calling Aishah lady again because the phone still had busy tone on it… she finally got the thing hooked around 5:30 pm…
Tanti and I went for our workout at the gym around 5:35pm… managed 2 km on the treadmill… not too good but I don’t want to stress myself too much… what with a history and all… so we went for sauna after that… the guy sauna was off for some reason… I went down to look for the maintenance guy and could find anyone… I was waiting for about a half hour until this Pakistani guy (I think he was Paskitani… :P) asks the guard to call the guy… this guy comes about five minutes later and turns the thing on… a good half hour wasted I thought… fuck that man… Tanti was done earlier because her sauna was already on and she went for a dip in the pool while I went for my sauna… I told her she could go back first but she wanted to wait… we were done at around 7ish…
Got back… Mama told me Nathan called while I as out… he called a little later… he wanted to tell me his PC was okay and asked how to download Mozilla Firefox… and some stuff about Streamyx… I was the info line as usual… I mean it’s not like I am complaining… Premjit called earlier to ask about the R^2 in excel graphs… Aziz about pdf files and stuff… Nathan about how to make mayonnaise, how to make coleslaw, and about English sentences too… some even call to ask for phone numbers… :P high time I set up my own 1-800 number… lolz
After that I had dinner… catfish… for the first time… it wasn’t bad... but didn’t really like it… Mama told me to make muffins because Anna was coming with Zul and Brein and his wife was coming too… I made some wheat muffins… I didn’t know how to control the damned oven though… It was gas fired… never operated one of those in a long time… what’s worse is that it didn’t have that usual gas mark 1, 2, 3 or 4… just low or high…. Damn it… my muffins turned out a little burnt in the bottom but the guests didn’t seem to mind… and we didn’t have anything else to serve anyway… with Puteri around shopping has been difficult…so I guess it’ll have to do… it’s was delicious though… except for the bottom that is… damned oven…
Tanti’s turn to make coffee… hmm… nothing else happened… Hang on… there’s something I just saw on 8 TV quickie just now… was all crap… I almost wept…
They were doing a feature on Sepet… the movie… they had some dudes on to appear and win some tickets… Adam and Marion was live from Sunway Pyramid… so this big Chinese guy (or dude as Adam put it…) comes on smiling… and it was communication hell… he was really big… Adam and Marion had to look up… well not really.. But he was big and tall… so…
Marion goes: wow… you’re really tough… do you work out?..
Big Dude: Yeah I work a lot…
Looking all serious… darn… on national TV too… Adam tried to clear things out… but that’s not all…
Marion & Adam (can’t remember which): Tell us your name…
Big Dude: Ek Tee…
Marion: Aik Tee…?
Adam: like Ek Tee?
Big Dude: Like America Tokyo…
Adam & Marion: Ohhhhh….
Looking all stupid and confused… sheesh… by this time I could bear to look anymore… :P
Adam & Marion: So give us your best impression of Sepet
The Big Dude makes some stupid face with a stupid grin and rolling his eyes and all… I was laughing out already… I didn’t think he understood what sepet was… that or he was just determined to make a fool of himself on TV… I guess Adam couldn’t take much more and says…
Adam: Dude what are you doing?
He stretches his eyes and makes a sepet look and shows the other guy… I didn’t get much already because I was laughing and was looking away… but poor guy… maybe the place was noisy or something… I mean he got all the questions wrong if you could call it that…. Sheesh… but I am not laughing at him… that’s not nice… I guess it could happen to anyone… but it was too much… :P
Oh it’s past 1 am already… I wanna catch some shut eye…
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
StiLl OfFLiNe...
Hello Bloggy Boo… I am sorry but I’ve got no choice but to neglect you… It’s so frustrating to blog without being able to post it. I am trying my best though… and hopefully these few blogs will be posted soon… amen.
So it’s been 2 days already… let’s start from Monday.
Monday, February 21st 2005
It’s been a long time sine I’ve set foot in University of Malaya campus… oh how I miss the place… if I had my way, I’d be furthering my studies for the next twenty years I guess… well, by half past eleven I called Prof. Nik Meriam to see whether she was in her office or not. (I still call her Dr. Nik though, even though she’s a full Professor, but she told me once that she just prefer plain old Dr. Nik… so I’ll just stick to that… I am so proud and honored though… for some reason to have her as my supervisor and sometimes employer too… her jobs doesn’t pay much, but often it gives me some exposure and new experiences… that and I just like to help…) she answered and told me she’d be in her IPPP office. So ten minutes later I was already knocking on her door… we started off with the usual how-are-you-s and how-are-things talk… then we moved on to a job she had for me… actually I already have enough on my hands, but she wanted me to be the Director for the Research Bulletin or something like that… well, it seems interesting to be able to go through some articles and being able to write… I love to write… she bragged on how it is hard to find people who can write in English and how I am resourceful with the Internet and all… how can I say no? That and the fact that I loved to write… So I took the job… adding to the pile of brown folders I had on my desk… It’s going to be difficult with my limited resources for now… without a notebook and no internet connection (I’ll bitch about that in a while… :P) so she gave me a stack of past editions for me to go through and told me she’d left the materials at home… we’d go get later if you don’t mind… she said… yeah sure… I go… so then we moved on to discussing my Masters… When she told me there’s a chance to change my project to rubber related stuff earlier… I was already thinking about it, and I asked my mom about it too… so I’ve made up my mind to go into rubber… so I listened to her suggestions on both rubber and POME… but I told her later that I’ve decided to go into rubber… being more sure after listening to her… we chatted a little more… by then it was already a little into lunchtime so we went to the cafeteria in IPPP… she said she’s go there only during emergencies because the food was only tolerable… She had some ‘lauk’ and I had coffee… we chatted with her KP for a while then headed back to her office to get my stuff before we leave. She took me to her house then. She showed be around her big house on the slope… it had a good view, quiet environment, good design, well furnished and the garden is matured and well managed too… it was really a nice place… she took the materials she wanted to give me, gave me a bit of briefing on the stuff… some inaugural lectures and some other articles… and she sent me back to Vista… Abah, Mama and Puteri were waiting there… Riza was already there… he came to see Mama about some business… we took more stuff with us and went back to Cheras… We had missed the appointment with Kia… I had also missed a promised meet-up with Kamal… I couldn’t call him because he broke his cellphone and I meant to call him at home but I totally forgot… I hope he doesn’t mind… Premjit called later asking about some Excel stuff… how the R^2 ~ 1.0 stuff… I the evening I and Tanti went for a swim and sauna too… got about half an hour of sauna and 9 ½ laps in the pool… the ½ is because my left leg cramped halfway across… I made a new friend too… a new sauna date… he is a young Indian man… Ganesh I think he told me his name was… ah well… he only goes once a week… he teaches Music at Ampang but he seems like a nice intelligent guy… had to pick something up from Hamid that night and give to Tan…
Tuesday, February 22nd 2005
Went to Telekom first thing in the morning (… by my standards that’s 10:30 am… :P) to ask wtf is going on… it’s been like 11 days and my line is still not hooked up… WTF man?!... so I told this nice gal at Telekom (tried my best not to flirt… :P but ended up spending 20 minutes with her… :P) and she made some calls… apparently there were some confusion about the address… the bitch in Penang got it wrong… so we settled that… so I went all big-eyed and asked… “can you get the thing hooked up today? Pleasee….”… she considered for a while… whispered to a gal next to her and took out a phone to call the ‘pemasangan section’ they call it… she spoke on the phone for a while and gave me bad news… she was so nice about it too… apparently, all the ports in the area is full… WTF I thought… How can that be?... WTF is wrong with you people? If 200 people live in the area there should be enough ports for 200 people right… WTF man..?! I had an ‘Ally McBeal Moment’… :P so I smiled and asked… “Macam mana kalau macam ni? Tak boleh tolong ke?” she wrote down the phone number of the other section and gave me her phone number too… she said call the woman (a certain Pn Aishah) and if I can’t get hooked... call her… I really needed her to disconnect my old line in Penang because we have new people living there… I wouldn’t want unwanted bills… :P So that was a good whole morning wasted there… we drove around and got nasi lemak…
Tang came to hook up Tanti’s air conditioning… Riza came later to discuss about some agreements… More agreements for me to go through and write up… :P *sigh
Tan came to pick up Hamid’s proposal… Anna and Zul came over after 7 to see Puteri… Did a bit of laundry at 1 am… now here I am.. blogging… on Microsoft Word… shit…
I hope they get us hooked up soon… better go to sleep now…
So it’s been 2 days already… let’s start from Monday.
Monday, February 21st 2005
It’s been a long time sine I’ve set foot in University of Malaya campus… oh how I miss the place… if I had my way, I’d be furthering my studies for the next twenty years I guess… well, by half past eleven I called Prof. Nik Meriam to see whether she was in her office or not. (I still call her Dr. Nik though, even though she’s a full Professor, but she told me once that she just prefer plain old Dr. Nik… so I’ll just stick to that… I am so proud and honored though… for some reason to have her as my supervisor and sometimes employer too… her jobs doesn’t pay much, but often it gives me some exposure and new experiences… that and I just like to help…) she answered and told me she’d be in her IPPP office. So ten minutes later I was already knocking on her door… we started off with the usual how-are-you-s and how-are-things talk… then we moved on to a job she had for me… actually I already have enough on my hands, but she wanted me to be the Director for the Research Bulletin or something like that… well, it seems interesting to be able to go through some articles and being able to write… I love to write… she bragged on how it is hard to find people who can write in English and how I am resourceful with the Internet and all… how can I say no? That and the fact that I loved to write… So I took the job… adding to the pile of brown folders I had on my desk… It’s going to be difficult with my limited resources for now… without a notebook and no internet connection (I’ll bitch about that in a while… :P) so she gave me a stack of past editions for me to go through and told me she’d left the materials at home… we’d go get later if you don’t mind… she said… yeah sure… I go… so then we moved on to discussing my Masters… When she told me there’s a chance to change my project to rubber related stuff earlier… I was already thinking about it, and I asked my mom about it too… so I’ve made up my mind to go into rubber… so I listened to her suggestions on both rubber and POME… but I told her later that I’ve decided to go into rubber… being more sure after listening to her… we chatted a little more… by then it was already a little into lunchtime so we went to the cafeteria in IPPP… she said she’s go there only during emergencies because the food was only tolerable… She had some ‘lauk’ and I had coffee… we chatted with her KP for a while then headed back to her office to get my stuff before we leave. She took me to her house then. She showed be around her big house on the slope… it had a good view, quiet environment, good design, well furnished and the garden is matured and well managed too… it was really a nice place… she took the materials she wanted to give me, gave me a bit of briefing on the stuff… some inaugural lectures and some other articles… and she sent me back to Vista… Abah, Mama and Puteri were waiting there… Riza was already there… he came to see Mama about some business… we took more stuff with us and went back to Cheras… We had missed the appointment with Kia… I had also missed a promised meet-up with Kamal… I couldn’t call him because he broke his cellphone and I meant to call him at home but I totally forgot… I hope he doesn’t mind… Premjit called later asking about some Excel stuff… how the R^2 ~ 1.0 stuff… I the evening I and Tanti went for a swim and sauna too… got about half an hour of sauna and 9 ½ laps in the pool… the ½ is because my left leg cramped halfway across… I made a new friend too… a new sauna date… he is a young Indian man… Ganesh I think he told me his name was… ah well… he only goes once a week… he teaches Music at Ampang but he seems like a nice intelligent guy… had to pick something up from Hamid that night and give to Tan…
Tuesday, February 22nd 2005
Went to Telekom first thing in the morning (… by my standards that’s 10:30 am… :P) to ask wtf is going on… it’s been like 11 days and my line is still not hooked up… WTF man?!... so I told this nice gal at Telekom (tried my best not to flirt… :P but ended up spending 20 minutes with her… :P) and she made some calls… apparently there were some confusion about the address… the bitch in Penang got it wrong… so we settled that… so I went all big-eyed and asked… “can you get the thing hooked up today? Pleasee….”… she considered for a while… whispered to a gal next to her and took out a phone to call the ‘pemasangan section’ they call it… she spoke on the phone for a while and gave me bad news… she was so nice about it too… apparently, all the ports in the area is full… WTF I thought… How can that be?... WTF is wrong with you people? If 200 people live in the area there should be enough ports for 200 people right… WTF man..?! I had an ‘Ally McBeal Moment’… :P so I smiled and asked… “Macam mana kalau macam ni? Tak boleh tolong ke?” she wrote down the phone number of the other section and gave me her phone number too… she said call the woman (a certain Pn Aishah) and if I can’t get hooked... call her… I really needed her to disconnect my old line in Penang because we have new people living there… I wouldn’t want unwanted bills… :P So that was a good whole morning wasted there… we drove around and got nasi lemak…
Tang came to hook up Tanti’s air conditioning… Riza came later to discuss about some agreements… More agreements for me to go through and write up… :P *sigh
Tan came to pick up Hamid’s proposal… Anna and Zul came over after 7 to see Puteri… Did a bit of laundry at 1 am… now here I am.. blogging… on Microsoft Word… shit…
I hope they get us hooked up soon… better go to sleep now…
Sunday, February 20, 2005
BaCk In KL aNd CaTcHiNg uP...
Hello Bloggy Boo… I am sorry for neglecting you… again… :P
So I’ve moved back to KL… I’ve been offline for almost a whole week now… in fact I still am… I am just typing all this nonsense into Microsoft Word so I don’t forget all the things that I want to bitch on my blog this week… I meant to write things down… like as notes or something, but it’s just too bitching troublesome… So I’ll just bitch on what I can remember thus far :P
Let’s see…
Monday, February 14th 2005
All the packing was practically done… the house looked emptier with all the boxes out of the way… hang on.. have I blogged on Monday… wtf… whatever… so the only agenda for the day was settling the other agreements with Ranjit and clear off some bitching legal matters regarding a certain bitch of a company… okay I won’t go there… the meeting was rather short because Abah and Tanti had Puteri waiting in the car… so we tried to settle everything as fast as we could… Ranjit was especially helpful today… he was playing his part to make sure the landlord for our apartment don’t get smart and forfeit all our deposit :P… He played it cool so we got back our money…
As if the day wasn’t exciting enough… serves me right for complaining how dull it’s been… the car air conditioning cease to function… in fact it started to blow some bitch hot air through… wtf… we though… we’ll be traveling to KL tomorrow… we can’t afford this… :P so we rush to the nearest; the only Kia agent in Penang… It was closing and they told us to come back tomorrow morning… so we drove back in the large four-wheel-drive mobile sauna… by the time we got home all of us were drenched in sweat… that’s it no sauna for today… Oh… we also stopped by Kedai Telekom to get the transfer forms in… we were the last customers arriving two minutes before closing time… I think the Telekom people remembered me and my sister from when we registered because most of them seem to have some stupid grin on their faces… :P so I managed to settle another matter today… They promised that my internet connection will be restored within three days in KL… Yeah f*cking right…!!! It’s almost a week now and no internet yet… and they haven’t even disconnected my line in Penang… wtf man... wtf man… I know… you get the point… I get carried away sometimes…
Tuesday, Febtruary 15th 2005
We started the day early with Abah and I driving over to Kia for them to fix the bloody air conditioning… so we got there and some of them started to mess around with the car.. taking some parts out and testing this and that… I just sat there like an idiot… not interested… so after two hours or so… they brought over an old guy… from their other shop… and this bloke tell us they don’t have the part that is damaged… apparently the compressor unit didn’t function… so they tell us they have to write to KL and order the bloody thing and it’s going to take a bloody week or so… wtf… I thought… so we’ll drive in the sauna… so we drove back home… wasting two hours or so of the day… We started loading the car as soon as we got home because Faizah (the new tenant…) was already there… now she’s another bitch piece of work… but let’s not bitch about her today… so we started loading what we had left… which was mostly decorations that were fragile and stuff like that… so then we realized that there was no way the car could take everything… so we folded the two back seats so the back space was all for stuff… it was like a small lorry or something… still it couldn’t take all our stuff… so me and Tanti decided to take some of the bags and take the bus to KL… we took about eight bag and a big flower bouquet with us… darn… oh I forgot to mention earlier we decided to leave the PC with Ranjit because the bitch was a no show… so I took the hard disk out because it had all our data and all… I mean screw them right?! :P in the process I managed to get myself two nasty cuts on my index finger… Ouch….! Some skin was scraped and I think flesh too… motherf*cking graphics card… so then Faiza’s dad dropped my sister and I at Komtar because the Plusliner ran out of ticket and we managed to get the 3:30pm bus… there was about an hour plus or so of waiting at that time… so Mama and Abah took Puteri and they were off in the sauna… so we waited there and we had our last nasi kandar near the post office and then had some McD ice cream… by the time the bus came we already dead on our feet… the fatigue was getting to us I guess… as if that wasn’t bad enough… the bus-man was making some stupid face when he saw me loading that absurd amount of bags into the luggage compartment… and anther stupid guy even asked… “… berniaga ke?..” Yeah right…! Berniaga my ass… F*ck off man… but I just smiled… so we were off with the air conditioning cooling us down… poor Mama, Abah and Puteri I thought… I was bitching in the bus about how I am going to bitch about all this on my blog… and my sister kept saying yeah yeah… well… it was a bitchy day… that much I can conclude… Tan picked us up when we arrived at Puduraya at about 8:30pm… we drove to the new condominium he got for us… at first it seems like some stupid ass in the middle of nowhere condo… but now I think I like this place… so we settled in that night… I guess it wasn’t such a bad day but was bitchy nonetheless…
The next few days were mostly unpacking… in fact we are not unpacking still… so on Friday we sent Puteri to Anna… she’ll stay for the weekend with Anna and Zul… Nothing much happened… aside from me knocking my middle finger… yeah next to the one I got cut from a few days before… with a bloody hammer… I was trying to hang a wall clock and I must tell you… Raja Shazrin + Hammer just will not work okay… So I was bitching the next few days on how my finger hurt and stuff… Oh I forgot to mention about the washing machine… at first the condo came with this old washing machine… the type where the wash and the spin were separated… so I bitched to the agent about that… I mean wtf man… how the hell do you use that thing… so he got us a new one… I don’t think I was too much because he got us a new one :P…
Thursday, February 17th 2005
The agent brought the tenancy agreement for me to sign… gosh he is such a suck up…
Meeting with Tay, Ang and Shuib… more of makan actually… hey I am not complaining…
Friday, February 18th 2005
Finally got the air conditioning working for the Kia Sorento… yaay….
Saturday, February 19th 2005
I don’t remember much about today but I had a dream about Kamal… it was some weird dream about us in some place… it seems a little like Istanbul with a little of some other places too… I guess it was because it was his birthday and all… oh and I forgot to wish him… damn… anyways…
I was hooking up the 80GB of hard disk into my old Pentium III 733 MHz… so the total space was now 100GB and the RAM was 448 MB… It’s making some funky sound when I turnh on Winamp… it’ll just have to do for now… I better go get my Sony Vaio TR3 soon.. :P I also tried to hook up Zul’z Pentium II but ended up burning the unit… at least I think its burn… was making some funky short-circuit sound when I turned it on so I just pulled the plug… I guess it’s been kept unused for too long… it wasn’t my fault… no sir… not at all… ah well… I still need a network card though…
Sunday, February 20th 2005
Today we had a couple of meeting with Ari and his brother in law about our JV agreement… He should have signed the damn thing long ago but I guess he wanted some money first… some up front cash… damn him… actually we had a couple more meetings earlier but I wont talk about that because I don’t really recall what happened… :P anyways, Tan advanced some cash to him so he seems content… I am glad one thing is out of the way…
We went around; Tan showed us some short route to the new office and some other places for grocery shopping and all… I had beriyani rice with and absurd amount of gravy (mostly oil actually…) but who bloody cares… Oh wait something else comes to mind…
I think it was on Friday that I met Kak Umi on our way back home after dropping of Puteri… She had the dumbest reactions… at least I thought it was dumd… so she sees me right… and she goes… “… oh how chubby… how chubby… chubby nyer… chubby ek?!... chubby nyer… eh chubby… “ and on and on… that b*tch… I could just smile but Lord knows I was so close to just snapping at her… “WTF is your problem… why the f*ck do you give a damn… shut the f*ck up…” that kind of thing… but I smiled… I was bitching about it the whole day though… In fact I still am bitching about it… darn it… wtf man…
Oh I met Jindra too today at Vista… I said “… eh hi…” and got some stupid who-the-fuck-are-you look from him… “you duduk sini ke?..” I continued and I got a oh-it’s-this-kid-but-do-you-give-a-damn-where-I-live-what-is-this-place-not-suitable-or-something look from him… he nods so bloody stupidly and goes “.. erm u-huh..” before storming off without another word… wtf was that all about?! How come he’s nice to all the other guys and not to me…?! I don’t think I’ve ever done anything to piss him off… ah shucks… who gives a f*ck right?! Erm… actually I do… enough about that…
Today I was thinking about Kamal a little so I sms-ed him… my messages were pending… he called a little later… I know it sounds lame and all… but I sort of knew he was going to call and I knew he was calling when my phone rang… I guess I must be psychic or something stupid like that… but he did call… he must be psychic too because he didn’t get my messages and yet he called me… I guess he cheered me up a little… we chatted for a while… and he told me that he dropped his phone when he was on his motorbike and some car drove over it… ouch… that’s the end of that then… poor Kamal…
So today we finally hooked up the new washer and I as doing laundry up till 1:30 am… hang on it’s tomorrow already… :P so I was watering and feeding me plant B-Complex like Paul told me too… he said my plant was skinny… hope this helps… felt silly though, giving my vitamins to my plant.. but wtf… if it helps… Tanti was bitching about how it was my turn to make coffee today.. so I made her coffee… hmm… I guess I should stop… its already a long post… or rather will be a long post when I post it… I should give the stupid Telekom people a call tomorrow… :P
Gosh its 3 am already… I’ve got a busy schedule tomorrow… my day starts at 8 am… wtf… I better go sleep… So bye for now…
So I’ve moved back to KL… I’ve been offline for almost a whole week now… in fact I still am… I am just typing all this nonsense into Microsoft Word so I don’t forget all the things that I want to bitch on my blog this week… I meant to write things down… like as notes or something, but it’s just too bitching troublesome… So I’ll just bitch on what I can remember thus far :P
Let’s see…
Monday, February 14th 2005
All the packing was practically done… the house looked emptier with all the boxes out of the way… hang on.. have I blogged on Monday… wtf… whatever… so the only agenda for the day was settling the other agreements with Ranjit and clear off some bitching legal matters regarding a certain bitch of a company… okay I won’t go there… the meeting was rather short because Abah and Tanti had Puteri waiting in the car… so we tried to settle everything as fast as we could… Ranjit was especially helpful today… he was playing his part to make sure the landlord for our apartment don’t get smart and forfeit all our deposit :P… He played it cool so we got back our money…
As if the day wasn’t exciting enough… serves me right for complaining how dull it’s been… the car air conditioning cease to function… in fact it started to blow some bitch hot air through… wtf… we though… we’ll be traveling to KL tomorrow… we can’t afford this… :P so we rush to the nearest; the only Kia agent in Penang… It was closing and they told us to come back tomorrow morning… so we drove back in the large four-wheel-drive mobile sauna… by the time we got home all of us were drenched in sweat… that’s it no sauna for today… Oh… we also stopped by Kedai Telekom to get the transfer forms in… we were the last customers arriving two minutes before closing time… I think the Telekom people remembered me and my sister from when we registered because most of them seem to have some stupid grin on their faces… :P so I managed to settle another matter today… They promised that my internet connection will be restored within three days in KL… Yeah f*cking right…!!! It’s almost a week now and no internet yet… and they haven’t even disconnected my line in Penang… wtf man... wtf man… I know… you get the point… I get carried away sometimes…
Tuesday, Febtruary 15th 2005
We started the day early with Abah and I driving over to Kia for them to fix the bloody air conditioning… so we got there and some of them started to mess around with the car.. taking some parts out and testing this and that… I just sat there like an idiot… not interested… so after two hours or so… they brought over an old guy… from their other shop… and this bloke tell us they don’t have the part that is damaged… apparently the compressor unit didn’t function… so they tell us they have to write to KL and order the bloody thing and it’s going to take a bloody week or so… wtf… I thought… so we’ll drive in the sauna… so we drove back home… wasting two hours or so of the day… We started loading the car as soon as we got home because Faizah (the new tenant…) was already there… now she’s another bitch piece of work… but let’s not bitch about her today… so we started loading what we had left… which was mostly decorations that were fragile and stuff like that… so then we realized that there was no way the car could take everything… so we folded the two back seats so the back space was all for stuff… it was like a small lorry or something… still it couldn’t take all our stuff… so me and Tanti decided to take some of the bags and take the bus to KL… we took about eight bag and a big flower bouquet with us… darn… oh I forgot to mention earlier we decided to leave the PC with Ranjit because the bitch was a no show… so I took the hard disk out because it had all our data and all… I mean screw them right?! :P in the process I managed to get myself two nasty cuts on my index finger… Ouch….! Some skin was scraped and I think flesh too… motherf*cking graphics card… so then Faiza’s dad dropped my sister and I at Komtar because the Plusliner ran out of ticket and we managed to get the 3:30pm bus… there was about an hour plus or so of waiting at that time… so Mama and Abah took Puteri and they were off in the sauna… so we waited there and we had our last nasi kandar near the post office and then had some McD ice cream… by the time the bus came we already dead on our feet… the fatigue was getting to us I guess… as if that wasn’t bad enough… the bus-man was making some stupid face when he saw me loading that absurd amount of bags into the luggage compartment… and anther stupid guy even asked… “… berniaga ke?..” Yeah right…! Berniaga my ass… F*ck off man… but I just smiled… so we were off with the air conditioning cooling us down… poor Mama, Abah and Puteri I thought… I was bitching in the bus about how I am going to bitch about all this on my blog… and my sister kept saying yeah yeah… well… it was a bitchy day… that much I can conclude… Tan picked us up when we arrived at Puduraya at about 8:30pm… we drove to the new condominium he got for us… at first it seems like some stupid ass in the middle of nowhere condo… but now I think I like this place… so we settled in that night… I guess it wasn’t such a bad day but was bitchy nonetheless…
The next few days were mostly unpacking… in fact we are not unpacking still… so on Friday we sent Puteri to Anna… she’ll stay for the weekend with Anna and Zul… Nothing much happened… aside from me knocking my middle finger… yeah next to the one I got cut from a few days before… with a bloody hammer… I was trying to hang a wall clock and I must tell you… Raja Shazrin + Hammer just will not work okay… So I was bitching the next few days on how my finger hurt and stuff… Oh I forgot to mention about the washing machine… at first the condo came with this old washing machine… the type where the wash and the spin were separated… so I bitched to the agent about that… I mean wtf man… how the hell do you use that thing… so he got us a new one… I don’t think I was too much because he got us a new one :P…
Thursday, February 17th 2005
The agent brought the tenancy agreement for me to sign… gosh he is such a suck up…
Meeting with Tay, Ang and Shuib… more of makan actually… hey I am not complaining…
Friday, February 18th 2005
Finally got the air conditioning working for the Kia Sorento… yaay….
Saturday, February 19th 2005
I don’t remember much about today but I had a dream about Kamal… it was some weird dream about us in some place… it seems a little like Istanbul with a little of some other places too… I guess it was because it was his birthday and all… oh and I forgot to wish him… damn… anyways…
I was hooking up the 80GB of hard disk into my old Pentium III 733 MHz… so the total space was now 100GB and the RAM was 448 MB… It’s making some funky sound when I turnh on Winamp… it’ll just have to do for now… I better go get my Sony Vaio TR3 soon.. :P I also tried to hook up Zul’z Pentium II but ended up burning the unit… at least I think its burn… was making some funky short-circuit sound when I turned it on so I just pulled the plug… I guess it’s been kept unused for too long… it wasn’t my fault… no sir… not at all… ah well… I still need a network card though…
Sunday, February 20th 2005
Today we had a couple of meeting with Ari and his brother in law about our JV agreement… He should have signed the damn thing long ago but I guess he wanted some money first… some up front cash… damn him… actually we had a couple more meetings earlier but I wont talk about that because I don’t really recall what happened… :P anyways, Tan advanced some cash to him so he seems content… I am glad one thing is out of the way…
We went around; Tan showed us some short route to the new office and some other places for grocery shopping and all… I had beriyani rice with and absurd amount of gravy (mostly oil actually…) but who bloody cares… Oh wait something else comes to mind…
I think it was on Friday that I met Kak Umi on our way back home after dropping of Puteri… She had the dumbest reactions… at least I thought it was dumd… so she sees me right… and she goes… “… oh how chubby… how chubby… chubby nyer… chubby ek?!... chubby nyer… eh chubby… “ and on and on… that b*tch… I could just smile but Lord knows I was so close to just snapping at her… “WTF is your problem… why the f*ck do you give a damn… shut the f*ck up…” that kind of thing… but I smiled… I was bitching about it the whole day though… In fact I still am bitching about it… darn it… wtf man…
Oh I met Jindra too today at Vista… I said “… eh hi…” and got some stupid who-the-fuck-are-you look from him… “you duduk sini ke?..” I continued and I got a oh-it’s-this-kid-but-do-you-give-a-damn-where-I-live-what-is-this-place-not-suitable-or-something look from him… he nods so bloody stupidly and goes “.. erm u-huh..” before storming off without another word… wtf was that all about?! How come he’s nice to all the other guys and not to me…?! I don’t think I’ve ever done anything to piss him off… ah shucks… who gives a f*ck right?! Erm… actually I do… enough about that…
Today I was thinking about Kamal a little so I sms-ed him… my messages were pending… he called a little later… I know it sounds lame and all… but I sort of knew he was going to call and I knew he was calling when my phone rang… I guess I must be psychic or something stupid like that… but he did call… he must be psychic too because he didn’t get my messages and yet he called me… I guess he cheered me up a little… we chatted for a while… and he told me that he dropped his phone when he was on his motorbike and some car drove over it… ouch… that’s the end of that then… poor Kamal…
So today we finally hooked up the new washer and I as doing laundry up till 1:30 am… hang on it’s tomorrow already… :P so I was watering and feeding me plant B-Complex like Paul told me too… he said my plant was skinny… hope this helps… felt silly though, giving my vitamins to my plant.. but wtf… if it helps… Tanti was bitching about how it was my turn to make coffee today.. so I made her coffee… hmm… I guess I should stop… its already a long post… or rather will be a long post when I post it… I should give the stupid Telekom people a call tomorrow… :P
Gosh its 3 am already… I’ve got a busy schedule tomorrow… my day starts at 8 am… wtf… I better go sleep… So bye for now…
Monday, February 14, 2005
I aM sTiLL cOnNeCteD....
Hello Bloggy Boo.... We meet again today... Just because that ass didn’t come and puck up the notebook today as promised... we are not going to sit around and wait for him though... we’ll just drop if of at the Ranjit’s and he’ll have to go pick em’ up himself.... That bitch...
Anyways, today the house is finally rid of almost all of our things... the movers took less than 10 minutes moving the things down into a large covered lorry... I gave what little information I have about our new place in Cheras... His name is Azman... He so sounded like Mr Os... He didn’t look it though... Well, I was amazed at how fast they managed to chew down the pile of twenty nine boxes... including some loose pieces of wood... Don’t even ask why we have wood.... My father has this thing about wood and making things... He made our TV console.... and he seems to be collection tools and other stuff as well... so there’s quite a load of stuff.... Ah well... oh I forgot to mention the guy freaked when he saw the amount of boxes and asked for more money... Mama made me sign another cheque... ah well... I would have paid more anyways... it’s no easy task moving things about... certainly no easy task...
So we went to Ranjit’s today to get some more legal matter done... and for him to settle our tenancy matters as well... As usual... the landlord tries to play cheeky and try to keep the security deposit... Ranjit was so cool and funny about it.. The landlord is his best friend after all... so we managed to settle the matter without... how should I put it... cash-shed.... :P
So we drove around for a while after that.. to see Penang before we leave; as if we are not coming back... ceh...; and we even decided to have Nasi Kandar for dinner.... we each packed a packet... a huge packet that all of us chomped down to nothing.... hehehe...
Stopped by the pharmacist to get Mama’s Kerlone and the pharmacist was all smiley and telling me he ran out of my diet pills... I told him he was lucky that I was in stock... hehehe :P actually I’ve stop taking for a while now... which explains the excess fat deposits here and there :P
We managed to catch Kedai Telekom just under 4:30 pm... My sister and I were one of the last customers today I think... so I told them to disconnect and transfer my line and streamyx account to KL... Gave that long address and headed off... but apparently it takes some time because I am still connected// hence blogging now... :P
I am going to have to reformat this notebook soon though... **Restore Factory Settings**
My hands still hurt from tying all those boxes yesterday.... I am also sleepy... had only a few hours of sleep last night.... burning all my document onto a cd and backing them up....
There’s less activity in friendster today too... I got a reply from Alvin... an ex-schoolmate of mine... he gave me three lines and hope you are doing fine.... honestly I was expecting a little more... It really pains you sometimes when you write them and get a few lines back... it’s just cold... it’s like I am pathetic and I have nothing better to do than to beg people to be my friend... sheesh... anyways, I was happy that he replied.

PrAiSeS to BaNaNa NeLLe
**Nelle is such a sweet gal... been chatting a lot with her lately... I regret not knowing her back in uni... maybe I’ll get to know her better when I get back... she’s so down to earth... and she’s so open... that’s what I like about her.. not too conservative but not too wild either... well, from what I reckon at least.... hey enough about her.. I don’t want her to get mad... am writing about her without her permission.. :P**
So I guess that’s all up to now....
Anyways, today the house is finally rid of almost all of our things... the movers took less than 10 minutes moving the things down into a large covered lorry... I gave what little information I have about our new place in Cheras... His name is Azman... He so sounded like Mr Os... He didn’t look it though... Well, I was amazed at how fast they managed to chew down the pile of twenty nine boxes... including some loose pieces of wood... Don’t even ask why we have wood.... My father has this thing about wood and making things... He made our TV console.... and he seems to be collection tools and other stuff as well... so there’s quite a load of stuff.... Ah well... oh I forgot to mention the guy freaked when he saw the amount of boxes and asked for more money... Mama made me sign another cheque... ah well... I would have paid more anyways... it’s no easy task moving things about... certainly no easy task...
So we went to Ranjit’s today to get some more legal matter done... and for him to settle our tenancy matters as well... As usual... the landlord tries to play cheeky and try to keep the security deposit... Ranjit was so cool and funny about it.. The landlord is his best friend after all... so we managed to settle the matter without... how should I put it... cash-shed.... :P
So we drove around for a while after that.. to see Penang before we leave; as if we are not coming back... ceh...; and we even decided to have Nasi Kandar for dinner.... we each packed a packet... a huge packet that all of us chomped down to nothing.... hehehe...
Stopped by the pharmacist to get Mama’s Kerlone and the pharmacist was all smiley and telling me he ran out of my diet pills... I told him he was lucky that I was in stock... hehehe :P actually I’ve stop taking for a while now... which explains the excess fat deposits here and there :P
We managed to catch Kedai Telekom just under 4:30 pm... My sister and I were one of the last customers today I think... so I told them to disconnect and transfer my line and streamyx account to KL... Gave that long address and headed off... but apparently it takes some time because I am still connected// hence blogging now... :P
I am going to have to reformat this notebook soon though... **Restore Factory Settings**
My hands still hurt from tying all those boxes yesterday.... I am also sleepy... had only a few hours of sleep last night.... burning all my document onto a cd and backing them up....
There’s less activity in friendster today too... I got a reply from Alvin... an ex-schoolmate of mine... he gave me three lines and hope you are doing fine.... honestly I was expecting a little more... It really pains you sometimes when you write them and get a few lines back... it’s just cold... it’s like I am pathetic and I have nothing better to do than to beg people to be my friend... sheesh... anyways, I was happy that he replied.

PrAiSeS to BaNaNa NeLLe
**Nelle is such a sweet gal... been chatting a lot with her lately... I regret not knowing her back in uni... maybe I’ll get to know her better when I get back... she’s so down to earth... and she’s so open... that’s what I like about her.. not too conservative but not too wild either... well, from what I reckon at least.... hey enough about her.. I don’t want her to get mad... am writing about her without her permission.. :P**
So I guess that’s all up to now....
foRgiVe mE fOr I aM a BiTcH...
Hello Bloggy Boo... We are still together today... Today would have to be the day I say goodbye to my notebook... We are leaving for KL on Tuesday. Everything is packed and nicely listed. The movers will be here tomorrow morning to pick up the boxes and stuff... or rather this morning...
I have spent the last few hours tying boxes so they don’t come apart during transport... I have blisters on my hands because of that... anyways, I have just showered; gosh the tying and packing really did give me a workout; because I was sweating like a pig... I had missed my sauna and swimming routine today so I hope this makes up for some of it...
I’ve got some response from Amir... and I found Keshminder on his friends list... he still looks like when he was in school.. well, maybe a little better... I wonder what it’s like to meet some of my school friends again.. Kah Woh seems to have matured a little... how time has passed...
When we move back to KL I am sure going to miss certain parts of Penang... My 8 ½ feet deep pool, the big condominium, no traffic jams, waking up to see the sea everyday, my notebook and Gurney Drive... but I guess it’s for the better... considering how I’ve been bitchin’ about being lonely and all... sometimes I don’t understand what I want... there’s always something amiss... maybe it’s just because I am a bitch that’s hard to please... or maybe because I am just an unthankful bastard, or maybe I just want a better life... don’t we all...?! wtf are you saying?! Don’t be selfish you ungrateful bitch... You of all people should know that you have much to thank for and you are more fortunate than others... I guess... Forgive me... forgive me for being unthankful... forgive me for being a bitch... forgive me for not being content... forgive me for not trying harder to be happy... forgive me...
I think I am going to sleep now... I’ll try and have a short post later today okay... so sleep well Bloggy...
I have spent the last few hours tying boxes so they don’t come apart during transport... I have blisters on my hands because of that... anyways, I have just showered; gosh the tying and packing really did give me a workout; because I was sweating like a pig... I had missed my sauna and swimming routine today so I hope this makes up for some of it...
I’ve got some response from Amir... and I found Keshminder on his friends list... he still looks like when he was in school.. well, maybe a little better... I wonder what it’s like to meet some of my school friends again.. Kah Woh seems to have matured a little... how time has passed...
When we move back to KL I am sure going to miss certain parts of Penang... My 8 ½ feet deep pool, the big condominium, no traffic jams, waking up to see the sea everyday, my notebook and Gurney Drive... but I guess it’s for the better... considering how I’ve been bitchin’ about being lonely and all... sometimes I don’t understand what I want... there’s always something amiss... maybe it’s just because I am a bitch that’s hard to please... or maybe because I am just an unthankful bastard, or maybe I just want a better life... don’t we all...?! wtf are you saying?! Don’t be selfish you ungrateful bitch... You of all people should know that you have much to thank for and you are more fortunate than others... I guess... Forgive me... forgive me for being unthankful... forgive me for being a bitch... forgive me for not being content... forgive me for not trying harder to be happy... forgive me...
I think I am going to sleep now... I’ll try and have a short post later today okay... so sleep well Bloggy...

Sunday, February 13, 2005
bYe bYe mY LoVe...
Hello Bloggy Boo... I have bad news for you.. we have to be apart for a while.. I have to return my notebook and I have to transfer my account to KL.. that might take a while so be patient okay.. I guess I will miss you more than you miss me.. =(
So today’s blog will be the last post for this week I guess..
So much for sleeping early last night... I met Nelle online and we started to get creative with our blogs... we chatted for a while... and a while lasted until 3 am... as usual... I did a it of chatting with Tara too... who added me to his list... on Friendster... so that was yesterday’s news...
Today I woke up at 10ish as usual. Coffee was the first agenda of course.. wait.. actually we ran out of creamer and sugar too.. we ran out of onions, chicken, cucumber, garlic, bread, coconut milk and all sorts of other nonsense.. Mama wanted to make Nasi Lemak for breakfast (well.. brunch actually.. or more like lunch.. haha) so I had to go out to get some stuff.. Abah drove me and we made a quick stop at the bank for me to settle some Visa matters... :P lolz.. we went to Giants, as expected. Giants is the nearest supermarket to my place.. actually there’s Cold Storage at Gurney Plaza but parking there is always a bitch.. I headed for the tidbits counter as soon as I got in.. packed two types of asam... some sort of dried sweet-and-salty prune and some haw kor balls (dunno what it is but it tastes nice...) I continued to get other things.. wanted so much to get ice cream but my mind kept saying “Calories... calories... calories... wtf are you thinking..”... so I refrained.. when I got back I saw the maintenance staff three a bucket of chlorine into the pool.. Hmm... no swimming today.. I just hate it when the pool get chlorinated.. the water hurts my eyes and there’s that funky taste.. ah well.. tomorrow then... first thing I did when I got back... coffee!
Lunch was delicious... haven’t had home made Nasi Lemak for a while now... and I really enjoyed it... Rifqah would be jealous... I had second helping too... wtf screw the calories...
So the day went off like any other boring day.. I sms-ed Amy and Salam wishing them Happy Birthday.. Premjit still hasn’t called... as expected... and there’s still bits and stuff popping out to be packed... I fooled around with my notebook a little more... I will be parting with my baby after all... and there was a lot of activity on Friendster... Some of my school friends like Amir Muaz, Shahrin, Kah Woh (who apparently is called Kenny..) and UthayaKumaran has added me to their list... actually they accepted me but who cares.. and then all of a sudden a mail pops in from Prof Nik.. it was so nice... I especially like the was she put “...i guess both parties are busy and thus no mischief...” I hope she’s not being sarcastic because I have been holding back for close to a year now... but she’s nice... I quickly gave her a call because I know she’s at the office from the mail.. it took her sometime but she answered the call... I said hi and we did the usual “How are you?” shit... so then I told her I’ve been very busy and I am still interested and I am moving back to KL... so she tell me they
Ve set up a new pilot unit for rubber or something.. I guess that’d be fine but I am more familiar with palm oil... although I think it would be fun to be away from POME for now... anyways, I told her we’d meet up as soon as I get back to KL... so for now we’ll put a hold on that POME project...
In the afternoon I continued packing the little things that popped up.. adding two more boxes to the pile totaling to about twenty now... we really want to have as little things as possible... too much hassle...
So nothing much happened today... I guess tomorrow’s another day...
Till then.

We'll have to be apart for a while my Love...
So today’s blog will be the last post for this week I guess..
So much for sleeping early last night... I met Nelle online and we started to get creative with our blogs... we chatted for a while... and a while lasted until 3 am... as usual... I did a it of chatting with Tara too... who added me to his list... on Friendster... so that was yesterday’s news...
Today I woke up at 10ish as usual. Coffee was the first agenda of course.. wait.. actually we ran out of creamer and sugar too.. we ran out of onions, chicken, cucumber, garlic, bread, coconut milk and all sorts of other nonsense.. Mama wanted to make Nasi Lemak for breakfast (well.. brunch actually.. or more like lunch.. haha) so I had to go out to get some stuff.. Abah drove me and we made a quick stop at the bank for me to settle some Visa matters... :P lolz.. we went to Giants, as expected. Giants is the nearest supermarket to my place.. actually there’s Cold Storage at Gurney Plaza but parking there is always a bitch.. I headed for the tidbits counter as soon as I got in.. packed two types of asam... some sort of dried sweet-and-salty prune and some haw kor balls (dunno what it is but it tastes nice...) I continued to get other things.. wanted so much to get ice cream but my mind kept saying “Calories... calories... calories... wtf are you thinking..”... so I refrained.. when I got back I saw the maintenance staff three a bucket of chlorine into the pool.. Hmm... no swimming today.. I just hate it when the pool get chlorinated.. the water hurts my eyes and there’s that funky taste.. ah well.. tomorrow then... first thing I did when I got back... coffee!
Lunch was delicious... haven’t had home made Nasi Lemak for a while now... and I really enjoyed it... Rifqah would be jealous... I had second helping too... wtf screw the calories...
So the day went off like any other boring day.. I sms-ed Amy and Salam wishing them Happy Birthday.. Premjit still hasn’t called... as expected... and there’s still bits and stuff popping out to be packed... I fooled around with my notebook a little more... I will be parting with my baby after all... and there was a lot of activity on Friendster... Some of my school friends like Amir Muaz, Shahrin, Kah Woh (who apparently is called Kenny..) and UthayaKumaran has added me to their list... actually they accepted me but who cares.. and then all of a sudden a mail pops in from Prof Nik.. it was so nice... I especially like the was she put “...i guess both parties are busy and thus no mischief...” I hope she’s not being sarcastic because I have been holding back for close to a year now... but she’s nice... I quickly gave her a call because I know she’s at the office from the mail.. it took her sometime but she answered the call... I said hi and we did the usual “How are you?” shit... so then I told her I’ve been very busy and I am still interested and I am moving back to KL... so she tell me they
Ve set up a new pilot unit for rubber or something.. I guess that’d be fine but I am more familiar with palm oil... although I think it would be fun to be away from POME for now... anyways, I told her we’d meet up as soon as I get back to KL... so for now we’ll put a hold on that POME project...
In the afternoon I continued packing the little things that popped up.. adding two more boxes to the pile totaling to about twenty now... we really want to have as little things as possible... too much hassle...
So nothing much happened today... I guess tomorrow’s another day...
Till then.

We'll have to be apart for a while my Love...
Saturday, February 12, 2005
my misery
Hello Bloggy Boo.. I know I promised an eventful day but it turns out today is just another uneventful and insignificant day.
With all the things packed and tucked away cooking and getting be seems to be more difficult everyday. We can’t even cook a decent meal properly. Anyways, it’s going to just be a few more days so I guess everyone is taking it rather well.. the mugs have to be washed constantly because we only left out four.. :P
It’s actually funny because I think today is especially uneventful.. I woke up close to 11 am.. as usual :P and had breakfast.. well it’s more like coffee.. straight black.. we ran out of creamer too apparently. I am not too fond of black coffee. Fooled around a little on my notebook and chatted with Shafiq for a while.
Went for prayers at 1 o’clock and it was the usual mosque on Kelawai Street.. The preach was about Hijrah.. as expected.. I can’t help but to think we are moving too. So I hope it’s going bring us good fortune. I was sitting in the front row as usual. Today I didn’t see any young men at the front row, usually there’s a few, and I appeared as a contrast with a fitting black top and tight black jeans amongst old men in sarongs mostly bearded. It doesn’t help that most were wearing turbans too :P. anyways, we were all in the house of God and we all had one purpose to be there so I just sat there.. regardless.. I don’t think anyone even noticed; anyone but me that is. After prayers crossing the street was a bitch.. usually there’s be a policeman manning the traffic to help us cross.. maybe because it’s a holiday..
At home lunch was already prepared.. I was really starting to miss Mama’s cooking because she seldom cooks nowadays; since Puteri was born. I miss us eating together too.. we have to take turns nowadays just in case she wakes up.. today however, she was conveniently asleep and Mama had cooked lunch.. Thank you God for this.. I enjoyed even though it wasn’t really a big feast because it was difficult to cook without proper utensils and not to mention the food itself.. but it was nice and I am really happy.
I did a bit of laundry too and putting away more clothes that we are not planning to wear these few days to save space in the bag.. the car can only take so much after all..
In the evening I got a good sauna and swim session.. even though I was in the sauna alone I enjoyed it nonetheless.. actually I was happy that it was empty because I had a lot on my mind and needed the solitary time to think. Tanti joined me for the swim afterwards.
Oh I forgot to mention I met Premjit online.. She’s in KL for the CNY apparently.. I miss her so much.. she seems to be doing okay in Bintulu.. She promised to call but I am not expecting much. She forgets all the time.
So there.. Another day has passed.. Without meaning.. Miserable..
With all the things packed and tucked away cooking and getting be seems to be more difficult everyday. We can’t even cook a decent meal properly. Anyways, it’s going to just be a few more days so I guess everyone is taking it rather well.. the mugs have to be washed constantly because we only left out four.. :P
It’s actually funny because I think today is especially uneventful.. I woke up close to 11 am.. as usual :P and had breakfast.. well it’s more like coffee.. straight black.. we ran out of creamer too apparently. I am not too fond of black coffee. Fooled around a little on my notebook and chatted with Shafiq for a while.
Went for prayers at 1 o’clock and it was the usual mosque on Kelawai Street.. The preach was about Hijrah.. as expected.. I can’t help but to think we are moving too. So I hope it’s going bring us good fortune. I was sitting in the front row as usual. Today I didn’t see any young men at the front row, usually there’s a few, and I appeared as a contrast with a fitting black top and tight black jeans amongst old men in sarongs mostly bearded. It doesn’t help that most were wearing turbans too :P. anyways, we were all in the house of God and we all had one purpose to be there so I just sat there.. regardless.. I don’t think anyone even noticed; anyone but me that is. After prayers crossing the street was a bitch.. usually there’s be a policeman manning the traffic to help us cross.. maybe because it’s a holiday..
At home lunch was already prepared.. I was really starting to miss Mama’s cooking because she seldom cooks nowadays; since Puteri was born. I miss us eating together too.. we have to take turns nowadays just in case she wakes up.. today however, she was conveniently asleep and Mama had cooked lunch.. Thank you God for this.. I enjoyed even though it wasn’t really a big feast because it was difficult to cook without proper utensils and not to mention the food itself.. but it was nice and I am really happy.
I did a bit of laundry too and putting away more clothes that we are not planning to wear these few days to save space in the bag.. the car can only take so much after all..
In the evening I got a good sauna and swim session.. even though I was in the sauna alone I enjoyed it nonetheless.. actually I was happy that it was empty because I had a lot on my mind and needed the solitary time to think. Tanti joined me for the swim afterwards.
Oh I forgot to mention I met Premjit online.. She’s in KL for the CNY apparently.. I miss her so much.. she seems to be doing okay in Bintulu.. She promised to call but I am not expecting much. She forgets all the time.
So there.. Another day has passed.. Without meaning.. Miserable..
Friday, February 11, 2005
sLeEpY.... ZzZzZzzzz
Hey Bloggy Boo.. I don’t think I’d be able to write much tonight because I feel so sleepy.. since I’ve missed yesterday let’s start from where we left of.. let’s see..
Wed 9th February 2004
Nathan had sms-ed the day before saying he’d come over to Penang for the CNY. At fist I though it’d be uncomfortable for him what with our house looking like the tsunami had hit it.. But we managed to get most of the things that were lying around into respective boxes. So it wasn’t too embarrassing to receive a guest. I had stacked the boxes near the hallway nicely separating them by which ones that are going with the movers and ones that we are taking with us in the car. Oh gosh I am starting on the packing talk again. Enough about that..
I woke up at about 10 am when Puteri was fussing to be carried around.. yeah we’ve spoilt her that way.. :P anyways I kept quiet and forced myself to stay in bed. I got up almost half past noon. My stomach was beginning to give me the signals.. “Get up BITCH... I am hungry...” so I got up and had coffee. It’s really a norm now.. I just got to have coffee in the morning or I’ll be phased out the whole day. Even back in uni..
I called Nathan to confirm whether he was coming and he told me he’d be coming in the afternoon (I think he said 6 pm..) so there was plenty of time. I was worried that I’d miss his call and he’d be waiting at the jetty.. so all was alright. After we picked up Nathan we went to Tesco to get some stuff for dinner because most of the things have already been packed so we need to make something easy to eat. I decided on roasted chicken; fries; and some coleslaw.. I cooked the chicken and Tanti made the side dishes while Mama took care of Puteri.
Nathan, Tanti and I was on Neopets until well after 3 am playing games to accumulate our neopoints.. Tanti retired sometime after 3 and I and Nathan went on till close to 5 am..
Thurs 10th February 2005
I got up at 9 am this morning; <4 hours sleep.. we had coffee again for breakfast; Abah was nice enough to have mugs ready by the we got up. So coffee was the first agenday of the day. We had sausages; fries and toast for breakfast. Then we continued to glue ou faces to the PC playing with our Neopets again. I felt better cause it was really longing to meet up with some of my friends. Ah well..
So there’s not much that happened today.. we dropped Nathan off at the jetty at 5:30 pm so he could catch the 6 o’clock to Kuala Ketil.
Came back and continued on with Neopets.. gosh it’s addictive..
It’s 1 am now and I haven’t had dinner. I think I am going to make myself some sandwiches..
Hopefully some interesting things will happen for me to blog about tomorrow.
Wed 9th February 2004
Nathan had sms-ed the day before saying he’d come over to Penang for the CNY. At fist I though it’d be uncomfortable for him what with our house looking like the tsunami had hit it.. But we managed to get most of the things that were lying around into respective boxes. So it wasn’t too embarrassing to receive a guest. I had stacked the boxes near the hallway nicely separating them by which ones that are going with the movers and ones that we are taking with us in the car. Oh gosh I am starting on the packing talk again. Enough about that..
I woke up at about 10 am when Puteri was fussing to be carried around.. yeah we’ve spoilt her that way.. :P anyways I kept quiet and forced myself to stay in bed. I got up almost half past noon. My stomach was beginning to give me the signals.. “Get up BITCH... I am hungry...” so I got up and had coffee. It’s really a norm now.. I just got to have coffee in the morning or I’ll be phased out the whole day. Even back in uni..
I called Nathan to confirm whether he was coming and he told me he’d be coming in the afternoon (I think he said 6 pm..) so there was plenty of time. I was worried that I’d miss his call and he’d be waiting at the jetty.. so all was alright. After we picked up Nathan we went to Tesco to get some stuff for dinner because most of the things have already been packed so we need to make something easy to eat. I decided on roasted chicken; fries; and some coleslaw.. I cooked the chicken and Tanti made the side dishes while Mama took care of Puteri.
Nathan, Tanti and I was on Neopets until well after 3 am playing games to accumulate our neopoints.. Tanti retired sometime after 3 and I and Nathan went on till close to 5 am..
Thurs 10th February 2005
I got up at 9 am this morning; <4 hours sleep.. we had coffee again for breakfast; Abah was nice enough to have mugs ready by the we got up. So coffee was the first agenday of the day. We had sausages; fries and toast for breakfast. Then we continued to glue ou faces to the PC playing with our Neopets again. I felt better cause it was really longing to meet up with some of my friends. Ah well..
So there’s not much that happened today.. we dropped Nathan off at the jetty at 5:30 pm so he could catch the 6 o’clock to Kuala Ketil.
Came back and continued on with Neopets.. gosh it’s addictive..
It’s 1 am now and I haven’t had dinner. I think I am going to make myself some sandwiches..
Hopefully some interesting things will happen for me to blog about tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
mY LiFe iS sO DuLL
I find this fun....
1. Who did you last go out with?
mY FaMiLy
3. What is the first name on your missed,
received and dialled calls?
missed = NaThAn
received = mE SiStEr AnnA
dialled = mE BuSiNeSs PaRdNeR TaN
4. What do u want to receive on your birthday?
5. What do u want to receive on valentines
Hmm... A BiG BoX oF ChOcOlAtEs... that’s or *ahems...
6. Reach your hand out to the right. What do
you touch?
ThE YeLlOw PaGeS... PuLaU PiNaNg Ed.
7. What do you plan to do for the next
gO FoR a LoNg QuIeT VaCaTiOn..
8. What time did you sleep last night?
4 am
9. What are you going to do 5 hours later?
I wAs oN mY nOteBooK... ChaTtiNg I tHiNk
10. Is there anyone you're thinking of now?
NoT ReAlLy... I wAs ThiNkiNg aBouT KaMaL fOr a WhIle EaRliEr.
11. What was the last thing you touched
before the computer?
mY CoFfEe...
12. When was the last time you browsed
through the Bible?
13. What can you hear besides the
SoMe FiReCrAcKeRs and A MoToRbIkE
14. Why did you answer this?
NuThInGT BeTtEr tO dO
15. Name a few people you saw yesterday
besides the people at home?
mY lAwYeR rAnJiT; JiMmY tHe GuY wHo hAs BeEn TrYiNg tO sElL mE wAtEr fIlTeRs.
16. When was the last time you opened your
school textbooks?
tWo MonThs aGo
17. Do you agree to the saying "Forgive is to
18. When, where was the last time tears
started to roll down your cheek? Why?
a FeW WeEks aGo... wAs WaTcHinG sOme MaLaY DraMa..
19. What makes you happy?
20. What makes you sad?
BeInG BrOkE...
21. What are your favorite books?
tHe PrOdIgAl DaUghThEr bY J. ArChEr.
22. What would you like to have right at this
very moment
tEn MiLion RinGgit.
23. Who will you turn to if you have a huge
problem that not all your friends know about?
NoOnE... My BloG...
24. What's your favorite song at the moment?
ThIs LoVe (Maroon 5)
25. What was the last song that kept ringing
ThaNk YoU by HoMe MaDe KaZoKu
26. What was the best event that happened
last year?
mY GrAduAtIoN...
27. Where are you planning to go for holiday
and with who?
EuRoPe... WiTh PreMjIt and AmY
28. Lastly, what do you like about yourself?
I HaTe MySelF...
1. Who did you last go out with?
mY FaMiLy
3. What is the first name on your missed,
received and dialled calls?
missed = NaThAn
received = mE SiStEr AnnA
dialled = mE BuSiNeSs PaRdNeR TaN
4. What do u want to receive on your birthday?
5. What do u want to receive on valentines
Hmm... A BiG BoX oF ChOcOlAtEs... that’s or *ahems...
6. Reach your hand out to the right. What do
you touch?
ThE YeLlOw PaGeS... PuLaU PiNaNg Ed.
7. What do you plan to do for the next
gO FoR a LoNg QuIeT VaCaTiOn..
8. What time did you sleep last night?
4 am
9. What are you going to do 5 hours later?
I wAs oN mY nOteBooK... ChaTtiNg I tHiNk
10. Is there anyone you're thinking of now?
NoT ReAlLy... I wAs ThiNkiNg aBouT KaMaL fOr a WhIle EaRliEr.
11. What was the last thing you touched
before the computer?
mY CoFfEe...
12. When was the last time you browsed
through the Bible?
13. What can you hear besides the
SoMe FiReCrAcKeRs and A MoToRbIkE
14. Why did you answer this?
NuThInGT BeTtEr tO dO
15. Name a few people you saw yesterday
besides the people at home?
mY lAwYeR rAnJiT; JiMmY tHe GuY wHo hAs BeEn TrYiNg tO sElL mE wAtEr fIlTeRs.
16. When was the last time you opened your
school textbooks?
tWo MonThs aGo
17. Do you agree to the saying "Forgive is to
18. When, where was the last time tears
started to roll down your cheek? Why?
a FeW WeEks aGo... wAs WaTcHinG sOme MaLaY DraMa..
19. What makes you happy?
20. What makes you sad?
BeInG BrOkE...
21. What are your favorite books?
tHe PrOdIgAl DaUghThEr bY J. ArChEr.
22. What would you like to have right at this
very moment
tEn MiLion RinGgit.
23. Who will you turn to if you have a huge
problem that not all your friends know about?
NoOnE... My BloG...
24. What's your favorite song at the moment?
ThIs LoVe (Maroon 5)
25. What was the last song that kept ringing
ThaNk YoU by HoMe MaDe KaZoKu
26. What was the best event that happened
last year?
mY GrAduAtIoN...
27. Where are you planning to go for holiday
and with who?
EuRoPe... WiTh PreMjIt and AmY
28. Lastly, what do you like about yourself?
I HaTe MySelF...
AnOtHeR DaY SpEnT aT HoMe... ArrGhHhH...
Hello Bloggy.. Let me start by saying today we’ve completed most of our packing. Amen!!!
**It’s Tanti’s turn for coffee tonight.. Coffee taste so much better when some else makes them.. *sip Yum..**
I woke up at 10:30ish this morning... as usual (I know.. what a bum..) and played a little with Puteri and we dozed off a little more together :P (I know.. what an ass...!!!) There’s just not much to do because we’ve got most of the things done. I am supposed to go through the draft that Ranjit gave yesterday. Ah well, later I though. Had two oranges for breakfast, and then had some coffee. Lazed a bit more and fooled around with my notebook until around lunchtime. I had the leftover lamb chops with fires for lunch. The movers came by and I signed a PD cheque for their payment. He was fussing about me being a rich son; ‘coz I had a checking account or something like that. I just smiled and handed him the cheque quickly. He and his wife (yeah, he had her along..) were happy with the two small rock sculpture thing that Mama gave to them It was far too heavy to bring back. I thought it was ugly too. They seemed all too happy with it. The brought another bag of mandarins for us. Really big ones. Yum..
**Aina just signed in.. she is a nice gal that one.. Recommended her to start a blog**
Now where was I?.. Oh ya.. Chatted a bit with Kamal and Agnes; Agnes was telling me about her Langkawi trip and showing me some photos.. She’s gained some weight but still cute. I was telling Kamal that I’ve been feeling down lately and I don’t know why. I really wanted him to cheer me up.. but knowing him.. I didn’t expect too much.. he’s been a good friend all this time I’ve known him. Always tries his best to help. I made him promise to take me out when I get back to KL.. I need to go out more.. he told me he is getting tired of his current job and feel like getting a real one soon. I’m sure he’ll land one in no time. He’s a good kid that one. So we chatted for a while and he thought I was depressed because of her but I told him no. I didn’t feel like talking about her; not at all. He understood and we talked about other stuff. I was glued to the notebook until about 5:00 pm; when all my online friends had to leave. Amy was on too. She was telling me about her boss and Tehran or something like that. Zool called about the computers.. Looks like I have to part with my beloved notebook.
After that I started to pack stuff again and by 7ish I was all done. Wanted to go down for a swim but ended up eating too much junk food and sat with Mama, Abah and Tanti talking about Tok Ani; we have these serious conversations often. About life and one’s perception and approach in life. Abah is more laid back now; more accepting of God’s will you can say I guess. He is still a tad too grumpy still though. lolz. I guess all dads are. I was still chomping on more mandarins; I think I had like ten today :P. Anyways, we managed to get the packing over with. I ran out of tape though so the boxes are still unsealed; but we managed to get all the critical stuff in the boxes. It’s just the things that we still need and the pillows and bedding left to pack; also what few clothes we left for these few days.. Nathan called at 6 and was telling me about his job as supervisor.. He has 2 assistants.. Cool.. He wants to come over to Penang tomorrow. All welcome.. At least I won’t be too bored tomorrow. We still need to figure out how to pack pillow though. We should get a big box I think.. They’re just so bulky. I have 6 pillows to myself and I am not parting with any of them. You can never have too many.. Especially feather down ones; all mine mine mine... :P
I had to make dinner.. Coz Puteri was bitchin’ and Mama had to take care of her.. I am used to cooking.. Had dinner and was chatting with Lenny for a while. He was telling me that he needed a new phone and his ‘financier’ is getting one for him.. lucky bloke..
Now I am glued to my notebook again (spending what little time I have left with it.. ) blogging and chatting with Simon. He is telling me not to remind him of oranges.. They dun have oranges in London at this time of year apparently.. Oh well, I am going to listen to some more light music and maybe a bit of Maroon 5 as well. Will see you tomorrow.
God Bless..

When you cant tell what is disturbing you.. confusion and sorrow overwhelms you.. Ill feel better after a good nights sleep..
**It’s Tanti’s turn for coffee tonight.. Coffee taste so much better when some else makes them.. *sip Yum..**
I woke up at 10:30ish this morning... as usual (I know.. what a bum..) and played a little with Puteri and we dozed off a little more together :P (I know.. what an ass...!!!) There’s just not much to do because we’ve got most of the things done. I am supposed to go through the draft that Ranjit gave yesterday. Ah well, later I though. Had two oranges for breakfast, and then had some coffee. Lazed a bit more and fooled around with my notebook until around lunchtime. I had the leftover lamb chops with fires for lunch. The movers came by and I signed a PD cheque for their payment. He was fussing about me being a rich son; ‘coz I had a checking account or something like that. I just smiled and handed him the cheque quickly. He and his wife (yeah, he had her along..) were happy with the two small rock sculpture thing that Mama gave to them It was far too heavy to bring back. I thought it was ugly too. They seemed all too happy with it. The brought another bag of mandarins for us. Really big ones. Yum..
**Aina just signed in.. she is a nice gal that one.. Recommended her to start a blog**
Now where was I?.. Oh ya.. Chatted a bit with Kamal and Agnes; Agnes was telling me about her Langkawi trip and showing me some photos.. She’s gained some weight but still cute. I was telling Kamal that I’ve been feeling down lately and I don’t know why. I really wanted him to cheer me up.. but knowing him.. I didn’t expect too much.. he’s been a good friend all this time I’ve known him. Always tries his best to help. I made him promise to take me out when I get back to KL.. I need to go out more.. he told me he is getting tired of his current job and feel like getting a real one soon. I’m sure he’ll land one in no time. He’s a good kid that one. So we chatted for a while and he thought I was depressed because of her but I told him no. I didn’t feel like talking about her; not at all. He understood and we talked about other stuff. I was glued to the notebook until about 5:00 pm; when all my online friends had to leave. Amy was on too. She was telling me about her boss and Tehran or something like that. Zool called about the computers.. Looks like I have to part with my beloved notebook.
After that I started to pack stuff again and by 7ish I was all done. Wanted to go down for a swim but ended up eating too much junk food and sat with Mama, Abah and Tanti talking about Tok Ani; we have these serious conversations often. About life and one’s perception and approach in life. Abah is more laid back now; more accepting of God’s will you can say I guess. He is still a tad too grumpy still though. lolz. I guess all dads are. I was still chomping on more mandarins; I think I had like ten today :P. Anyways, we managed to get the packing over with. I ran out of tape though so the boxes are still unsealed; but we managed to get all the critical stuff in the boxes. It’s just the things that we still need and the pillows and bedding left to pack; also what few clothes we left for these few days.. Nathan called at 6 and was telling me about his job as supervisor.. He has 2 assistants.. Cool.. He wants to come over to Penang tomorrow. All welcome.. At least I won’t be too bored tomorrow. We still need to figure out how to pack pillow though. We should get a big box I think.. They’re just so bulky. I have 6 pillows to myself and I am not parting with any of them. You can never have too many.. Especially feather down ones; all mine mine mine... :P
I had to make dinner.. Coz Puteri was bitchin’ and Mama had to take care of her.. I am used to cooking.. Had dinner and was chatting with Lenny for a while. He was telling me that he needed a new phone and his ‘financier’ is getting one for him.. lucky bloke..
Now I am glued to my notebook again (spending what little time I have left with it.. ) blogging and chatting with Simon. He is telling me not to remind him of oranges.. They dun have oranges in London at this time of year apparently.. Oh well, I am going to listen to some more light music and maybe a bit of Maroon 5 as well. Will see you tomorrow.
God Bless..

When you cant tell what is disturbing you.. confusion and sorrow overwhelms you.. Ill feel better after a good nights sleep..
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Thank You... by Home Made Kazoku
This is a really cool song... It's in Japanese but I found the translation on someone's blog and I can so relate to this... I dedicate this to all those who have helped me... I'll remember all of you...
To all the people who have supported me..
This heartfelt rhapsody goes out to you
To send you my feelings of appreciation
Thank you...I really thank you
Wherever you may be,
I'm grateful for you
When the town was dyed red with twilight,
I found myself casually strolling the streets
As evening comes, more people come and go,
And I stopped for a moment
My cell phone went off, as though to fill
This gap that opened up in my heart
You are not alone, for you see
We all will support one another...
One day now
When I was feeling troubled,
And frightened of the future
You were there, though you said nothing
You softly reached out your hand to me
My sadness diminished to one-half
My happiness swelled twice over
If our places were reversed,
I promise that I will come rushing to your side
Far away, far away, no matter how far you are
Within the time that flows by
The memories of the times we spent together
Will never ever disappear
I won't cry; to my family, and girlfriend
And all the people I've come to know
Thank you...because of you
I can step out with confidence
Nobody can go on living just on their own
We each take care of one another
And talk it over when we misunderstand each other
I wanna throw my head back and laugh together
And yet why do we sometimes insult each other
And hurt one another
I love you so much it's almost silly
It's a little embarrassing, but I really mean it
Maybe everyone's unusually shy
And face-to-face, it's so hard
To say anything
You actually wanna say something
But something gets in the way, and you play it off
On occasion we should let it all out
For in words there resides a strange power
It's so easy, I'll start it off
We can do it
I will be there
Just forever
Just like you were there for me
To all the people who have supported me..
This heartfelt rhapsody goes out to you
To send you my feelings of appreciation
Thank you...I really thank you
Wherever you may be,
I'm grateful for you
When the town was dyed red with twilight,
I found myself casually strolling the streets
As evening comes, more people come and go,
And I stopped for a moment
My cell phone went off, as though to fill
This gap that opened up in my heart
You are not alone, for you see
We all will support one another...
One day now
When I was feeling troubled,
And frightened of the future
You were there, though you said nothing
You softly reached out your hand to me
My sadness diminished to one-half
My happiness swelled twice over
If our places were reversed,
I promise that I will come rushing to your side
Far away, far away, no matter how far you are
Within the time that flows by
The memories of the times we spent together
Will never ever disappear
I won't cry; to my family, and girlfriend
And all the people I've come to know
Thank you...because of you
I can step out with confidence
Nobody can go on living just on their own
We each take care of one another
And talk it over when we misunderstand each other
I wanna throw my head back and laugh together
And yet why do we sometimes insult each other
And hurt one another
I love you so much it's almost silly
It's a little embarrassing, but I really mean it
Maybe everyone's unusually shy
And face-to-face, it's so hard
To say anything
You actually wanna say something
But something gets in the way, and you play it off
On occasion we should let it all out
For in words there resides a strange power
It's so easy, I'll start it off
We can do it
I will be there
Just forever
Just like you were there for me
AnOtHeR dAy iN PeNanG... and counting down...
Hey Blog.. I am very tired now so I don’t imagine that I can write much. Sorry about yesterday.. I was preoccupied the whole day and couldn’t write anything. Let’s see now.. Yesterday was basically still packing.. Well we got most of the stuff in the boxes.. hey wait a minute.. It’s just the 7th.. Well actually the 8th; but I did write yesterday. Well, actually after blogging I continued packing with Tanti. It just seemed like there’s not much time to do it later. Anyways, I managed to pack up the kitchen into four large boxes.. I know, cool. Well, actually not the whole kitchen; we left out four of everything we need like plates, flatware, mugs, the lot for us to use in the meantime. There’s also a few pots and pans for us to get by. It’s not really easy; and you wonder the things that accumulate after some time; enough for a sweat by the time you are done. I went through two rolls of tape to pack them up nicely. Actually I am quite proud of my work.. it was Tanti’s turn to make coffee so she made coffee and Mama came out sometime at 2 am to look. Oh, we have this deal where we take turns making the drink (coffee; milo; cocoa; tea; but coffee is a favorite..) By the time we were through it was like 4:30 am. I was really beat. The house looked like it was swept by the Tsunami.. newspapers and plastic; packing sponge; boxes were everywhere. I had nicely stacked the packed boxes in one corner and the things we are going to be taking with us in another; well, what little I could (my micro Hi-Fi, my PS, the VCR, VCD player, speakers, printers.. the rest we still need... :P) the list of what we are taking with us was numbered to 20. There’s no way the car will take all of that. Ah well.. We’ll have to risk t and pack some more of the things. Ok enough about packing.
I got up at 10; Abah was waking Tanti up because the baby was crying and he wanted her to change the diapers. I tried my best to keep my eyes closed; wanted to sleep a bit more. I was lying around a bit more then had to get up because Mama came out and wanted us to finish packing and get other stuff done. I needed to go to the bank to settle some credit card bill (which is dangerously still in the five digit range.. Gosh..) and need to go pay for the car. I got up and took a shower; and got ready to get up. By the time I was done Abah was already downstairs trying out folding the backseat to see how much space we could make.. Apparently a lot.. I signed the two cheques at home because I didn’t want to waste time at the bank; made sure I wrote the account numbers at the reverse side; and left. The bank was awfully crowded; even the road was jammed. I had to jump out of the car on the road because some lady in a Mercedes Benz didn’t know where to chuck that car of hers (Malaysian have the habit of trying to park their cars nearest possible to their destination. Regardless of law and being a nuisance to others.. I am surprised she didn’t drive her damned car into the bank.. sheesh.) I walked the few meters and Abah said he’d wait around. I went to get the number from one bank and found that I was 30 numbers behind. I went to the bank next door and settled my credit card matters first. The officers are really nice (Maybank Pulau Tikus... long live...!), they approached me as soon as I stepped in; they know me by name. They asked why I haven’t been around and I explained how I’ve been in KL and all. I went to see Chai straight away; she’s the officer who usually handles my stuff; well, actually I went to the other lady but she came all the way and told me to go to her table.. she’s a nice one that Chai. We had some small talk about the new year and all; and the usual “How’s business..” talk. She made extra copies for all the documents for me and I was off. I went next door again; still 10 behind. I stood there and watched that red display went ding every five minutes or so.. sheesh I thought when the express cheque counter caught my eye. Hehehe.. I was fed up with the waiting and went there and played stupid. I handed the guy the two cheques and he said it might take a while because I was supposed to wait.. I played the “Oh really..?!” and he processed me right away. I know I am mean; but hey, I did stand there for more then five minutes. I walked out and Abah was waiting patiently across the street. I really should get a drivers license; he’s been very patient driving me around; but hey, he’s not complaining. Tanti called earlier to remind me to get cooking oil and look for more boxes. I forgot all about it and by the time I remembered we were already at home. We’ll go again later; Abah said. I went up; it was well after noon then. Tanti had made burger but I had no appetite. I had cold water to drink and told myself I’d eat later. Mama reminded me we have a meeting with the lawyer; Ranjit at 3:00. I was rocking Puteri on the bouncer while I was checking my email. Mama was eating. I dozed off for like 2o minutes; gosh I wanted to sleep more but the baby was fussing every time I stopped rocking the damned thing. Mama was not ready by 2:45 as well and she called Ranjit to inform him we might be late; he said to come at 4:00 because the documents weren’t ready anyways. So I got a little more time. So Ranjit finally finished all the drafts; we had the usual business chit chat and left. We took the baby along for a spin as well, and drove around. Gorgetown was all jammed with people and cars. They must be shopping for the Chinese New Year. The baby went pooped in the car and was fussing so I and Tanti changed her on the move in the backseat. We really are becoming good sitter. Mama wanted to eat lamb chops because it was Tanti’s birthday and all. We stopped by Giants and bought the stuff we needed to cook. I went out back afterwards and asked if I could take some boxes.. The Manager was so helpful. He even climbed in the big bin to choose some nice big ones for me. His worker even came out and commented about him being in there. If I were a woman I could swear this man was hitting on me. Ah well, my luck to run into a nice helpful guy. I had ice cream on the way back.
We got back and Mama seasoned the chops; Tanti made coleslaw and French fries. I was chatting wit Pradeep for a while then left for sauna. Got 15 minutes and went for the usual swim. Tanti joined me. Jimmy was there and was trying to get me to his demos on the filters again. I came up; changed; prayed and stated on the chops (I made a deal with Mama, she season the thing and I’d cook it. Better than having to do both :P). We realised then we didn’t have enough knives because we packed them in last night. We had two sets so Mama and Abah ate first while I and Tanti stayed with the baby. We had dinner later and I couldn’t finish my two pieces. I chuck what I couldn’t finish in the fridge; I’ll finish them tomorrow. Pradeep logged on again at 11:30 and we continued until about 2:00.. I think. He was telling me to chill about her. He read my Blog. I m still not over her but I am coping. What with work and packing. I’ll get over it. Chatted with Aina for a bit too.
Now here I am again.. sheesh it’s almost 4 am again. Ah well, I am off to bed then. Ciao for now.

ThIs rEaLlY CoNnEcTs tO tHe wAy I aM FeLliNg tOdAy...
I got up at 10; Abah was waking Tanti up because the baby was crying and he wanted her to change the diapers. I tried my best to keep my eyes closed; wanted to sleep a bit more. I was lying around a bit more then had to get up because Mama came out and wanted us to finish packing and get other stuff done. I needed to go to the bank to settle some credit card bill (which is dangerously still in the five digit range.. Gosh..) and need to go pay for the car. I got up and took a shower; and got ready to get up. By the time I was done Abah was already downstairs trying out folding the backseat to see how much space we could make.. Apparently a lot.. I signed the two cheques at home because I didn’t want to waste time at the bank; made sure I wrote the account numbers at the reverse side; and left. The bank was awfully crowded; even the road was jammed. I had to jump out of the car on the road because some lady in a Mercedes Benz didn’t know where to chuck that car of hers (Malaysian have the habit of trying to park their cars nearest possible to their destination. Regardless of law and being a nuisance to others.. I am surprised she didn’t drive her damned car into the bank.. sheesh.) I walked the few meters and Abah said he’d wait around. I went to get the number from one bank and found that I was 30 numbers behind. I went to the bank next door and settled my credit card matters first. The officers are really nice (Maybank Pulau Tikus... long live...!), they approached me as soon as I stepped in; they know me by name. They asked why I haven’t been around and I explained how I’ve been in KL and all. I went to see Chai straight away; she’s the officer who usually handles my stuff; well, actually I went to the other lady but she came all the way and told me to go to her table.. she’s a nice one that Chai. We had some small talk about the new year and all; and the usual “How’s business..” talk. She made extra copies for all the documents for me and I was off. I went next door again; still 10 behind. I stood there and watched that red display went ding every five minutes or so.. sheesh I thought when the express cheque counter caught my eye. Hehehe.. I was fed up with the waiting and went there and played stupid. I handed the guy the two cheques and he said it might take a while because I was supposed to wait.. I played the “Oh really..?!” and he processed me right away. I know I am mean; but hey, I did stand there for more then five minutes. I walked out and Abah was waiting patiently across the street. I really should get a drivers license; he’s been very patient driving me around; but hey, he’s not complaining. Tanti called earlier to remind me to get cooking oil and look for more boxes. I forgot all about it and by the time I remembered we were already at home. We’ll go again later; Abah said. I went up; it was well after noon then. Tanti had made burger but I had no appetite. I had cold water to drink and told myself I’d eat later. Mama reminded me we have a meeting with the lawyer; Ranjit at 3:00. I was rocking Puteri on the bouncer while I was checking my email. Mama was eating. I dozed off for like 2o minutes; gosh I wanted to sleep more but the baby was fussing every time I stopped rocking the damned thing. Mama was not ready by 2:45 as well and she called Ranjit to inform him we might be late; he said to come at 4:00 because the documents weren’t ready anyways. So I got a little more time. So Ranjit finally finished all the drafts; we had the usual business chit chat and left. We took the baby along for a spin as well, and drove around. Gorgetown was all jammed with people and cars. They must be shopping for the Chinese New Year. The baby went pooped in the car and was fussing so I and Tanti changed her on the move in the backseat. We really are becoming good sitter. Mama wanted to eat lamb chops because it was Tanti’s birthday and all. We stopped by Giants and bought the stuff we needed to cook. I went out back afterwards and asked if I could take some boxes.. The Manager was so helpful. He even climbed in the big bin to choose some nice big ones for me. His worker even came out and commented about him being in there. If I were a woman I could swear this man was hitting on me. Ah well, my luck to run into a nice helpful guy. I had ice cream on the way back.
We got back and Mama seasoned the chops; Tanti made coleslaw and French fries. I was chatting wit Pradeep for a while then left for sauna. Got 15 minutes and went for the usual swim. Tanti joined me. Jimmy was there and was trying to get me to his demos on the filters again. I came up; changed; prayed and stated on the chops (I made a deal with Mama, she season the thing and I’d cook it. Better than having to do both :P). We realised then we didn’t have enough knives because we packed them in last night. We had two sets so Mama and Abah ate first while I and Tanti stayed with the baby. We had dinner later and I couldn’t finish my two pieces. I chuck what I couldn’t finish in the fridge; I’ll finish them tomorrow. Pradeep logged on again at 11:30 and we continued until about 2:00.. I think. He was telling me to chill about her. He read my Blog. I m still not over her but I am coping. What with work and packing. I’ll get over it. Chatted with Aina for a bit too.
Now here I am again.. sheesh it’s almost 4 am again. Ah well, I am off to bed then. Ciao for now.

ThIs rEaLlY CoNnEcTs tO tHe wAy I aM FeLliNg tOdAy...
Sunday, February 06, 2005
PaCkiNg PaCkiNg.................. *sigh
Hello Bloggy Boo. Yet another day has passed... boy I sound like some old novel... nothing much happened today. I spent most of the time packing up my clothes into boxes... well, actually it’s more like one box. There’s actually a lot more to pack up. When you really look at it; it’s the small stuff that’s really the fuss. They are either too fragile to be put into a box; to big to be put into a box. So we are listing down the items we are going take with us in the car and the items we are sending back via the movers. Hmm... the computers and other breakable stuff like vases Mama is insisting we take with us; so basically everything else will be packed and sent back. Time really does fly; I just realised it’s just a few days more before we actually move; and Tanti’s birthday is the day after tomorrow. I guess the gift will have to wait. Hmm... I hope she doesn’t mind. We’ll make it up to her.
*Making myself instant noodle now... Yum... Tesco really sells em’ cheap; just RM1.60 for packs of five... better go check on it*
I saw Suhaimi and his red Satria again today. He had a guy friend and they had the car parked up front; the hood was up and the other guy had his top of and peering into the engine of the car. I guess there must be something wrong with it. Suhaimi did tell me the car was in the workshop yesterday. He sms-ed me; he does that sometimes, sounding nice and cute, and asking for a job. He said he didn’t mind even if there was an opening for a driver at my place. I am really up to my head now with my own problems and I can’t think about his just yet... maybe later... I promise.
Mama is as usual giving herself a headache about moving; to her everything seemed to be so difficult; I guess she’s just thinking about us.
Puteri was nice today though. She didn’t cry too much. I found out that rocking the bouncer back and forth puts her to sleep; plus it gives me the workout I need... just like in TV Media... ^_^
*Noodle too hot to eat....*
I went for a swim again today. It is hard to keep to a program, that’s why I am trying my best not to skip my swimming session even for a day... Sauna was okay; although I only stayed in for 17 minutes because Haido-san had the thing so hot, it was like 150 degrees in there... after that was my swim. The pool had some crowd; the was two Chinese chicks; one teaching the other how to swim (although to me they both seem to be in the dark...) and two younger Chinese kids fooling around. I didn’t give to much attention to them because there are a lot of things going in my mind.
I am still not over her ^_^ turning me down; there’s a lot of work; packing; and Ranjit is so damned slow... He better get things done by Monday...
Nawal is in Kedah. Her cousin’s wedding should be today or was it tomorrow... Erm.. ah well... I sms-ed her... she keeps logging off without warning when we chat so I say what’s up... she gave some lame excuse about her computer being broken. Ah well... she asked whether I’d be at the wedding... well of course not, I wasn’t invited. I invited her to come over to Penang if she’s free... it would be nice to meet up. We’ll se how that goes.
I think that’s all for tonight.
*Making myself instant noodle now... Yum... Tesco really sells em’ cheap; just RM1.60 for packs of five... better go check on it*
I saw Suhaimi and his red Satria again today. He had a guy friend and they had the car parked up front; the hood was up and the other guy had his top of and peering into the engine of the car. I guess there must be something wrong with it. Suhaimi did tell me the car was in the workshop yesterday. He sms-ed me; he does that sometimes, sounding nice and cute, and asking for a job. He said he didn’t mind even if there was an opening for a driver at my place. I am really up to my head now with my own problems and I can’t think about his just yet... maybe later... I promise.
Mama is as usual giving herself a headache about moving; to her everything seemed to be so difficult; I guess she’s just thinking about us.
Puteri was nice today though. She didn’t cry too much. I found out that rocking the bouncer back and forth puts her to sleep; plus it gives me the workout I need... just like in TV Media... ^_^
*Noodle too hot to eat....*
I went for a swim again today. It is hard to keep to a program, that’s why I am trying my best not to skip my swimming session even for a day... Sauna was okay; although I only stayed in for 17 minutes because Haido-san had the thing so hot, it was like 150 degrees in there... after that was my swim. The pool had some crowd; the was two Chinese chicks; one teaching the other how to swim (although to me they both seem to be in the dark...) and two younger Chinese kids fooling around. I didn’t give to much attention to them because there are a lot of things going in my mind.
I am still not over her ^_^ turning me down; there’s a lot of work; packing; and Ranjit is so damned slow... He better get things done by Monday...
Nawal is in Kedah. Her cousin’s wedding should be today or was it tomorrow... Erm.. ah well... I sms-ed her... she keeps logging off without warning when we chat so I say what’s up... she gave some lame excuse about her computer being broken. Ah well... she asked whether I’d be at the wedding... well of course not, I wasn’t invited. I invited her to come over to Penang if she’s free... it would be nice to meet up. We’ll se how that goes.
I think that’s all for tonight.
Friday, February 04, 2005
Is ThaT MuFFinS I SmeLL?! Yess....
Hey Blogy Boo… there’s not much to write today… I did start a little on the packing. I packed most of the stationery and book in my room and put it into a box. I just realized how much stationery I have. There’s like two dozen erasers, a few packets of pens, a few boxes of staples; etc etc. I am glad that is out of the way. I don’t imagine there ‘that’ much more to pack. It’ just a few more stuff and my clothes. I don’t have that much to begin with.
Mama has been bugging me to make her muffins. I finally made a batch today. Chocolate with chocolate chips and sultanas; it turned out really nice. Hmmm… I have made a lot of those already. I can make muffins without even looking at the recipe nowadays. I can even make my own recipe when it comes to muffins. Although there was that one instant with the chicken muffin; that didn’t turn out too well and ended up in the trash.

MuFFiN: I LiKe MaKiNg MuFFiNs oN mY fReE TiMe
I managed to get some of the agreements settled though. I finally sent it to Tan to review. I hope he’ll get back to me soon. I didn’t see to many people online too today… Hmmm,,, everyone must be preparing for the holidays.
Time sure does move without us noticing at times. I went for a swim again today. I wanted to go for sauna again but Mama says that it can’t be good to do it everyday. Ah well, a swim should be enough for today.
Mama has been bugging me to make her muffins. I finally made a batch today. Chocolate with chocolate chips and sultanas; it turned out really nice. Hmmm… I have made a lot of those already. I can make muffins without even looking at the recipe nowadays. I can even make my own recipe when it comes to muffins. Although there was that one instant with the chicken muffin; that didn’t turn out too well and ended up in the trash.

MuFFiN: I LiKe MaKiNg MuFFiNs oN mY fReE TiMe
I managed to get some of the agreements settled though. I finally sent it to Tan to review. I hope he’ll get back to me soon. I didn’t see to many people online too today… Hmmm,,, everyone must be preparing for the holidays.
Time sure does move without us noticing at times. I went for a swim again today. I wanted to go for sauna again but Mama says that it can’t be good to do it everyday. Ah well, a swim should be enough for today.
GoSh... ReJEcTioN iS PaiNfuL....
Hello Bloggy Boo…. Hehehe… That’s cute… Hmm I was just so beat last night I didn’t have the energy to update my blog. I spent the whole day doing nothing… Nothing just wears you down really… :-P Actually, I spent the day reviewing some agreements (yeah I know… still….) and thinking up a few clauses to add… you can never be to careful in this business. Our lawyer; Ranjit was supposed to send us three more agreements for me to review but maybe he’s busy with court. I hope he gets them done today though. its really important. Riza called a few times asking me to send over some documents to him… they aren’t ready yet so I made some lame excuses to brush him off… gosh he’s persistent.
The Bank Manager from Hong Kong replied my e-mail… I think he thinks that I am Hamid… Oh well, I just forwarded the e-mail to Hamid. Hopefully that deal will go through quickly. Lord knows it’s been delayed far too long. Many people, myself included have put too much effort into that. If the funding are finally available, I hope it will take off. Enough about business then…
Hmmm… Yesterday, I told the girl I like that I like her… well, actually I told her a long time ago, but she just told me she’s available again so I sort of just suggested that we …. Hmmm… how should I put it… give it a try… she doesn’t seem too responsive to the suggestion though. I should understand that. I know her well after all. She said it’s not fair to make me the rebound guy. Although I wouldn’t have minded one little bit. She’s so beautiful. She can be bitchy at times… I give you that much :-P… but that’s what I like about her. I know that she may have some bad qualities in her that says “Stay away…” but I just cant help how I feel. She told me that I am too nice for her and she doesn’t want to hurt me but I think that I am just not good enough for her I guess. Ah well, I’ll wait it out… I guess she needs some time to recuperate from her last relationship. She also told me that she’s been in many so I should know to stay away from her. I do know that, but still I am stupid and stubborn. Rejection is painful though. I should tell you guys out there. We are still close though, at least that’s what I think, and I hope we stay that way. She told me not to wait even. It’s not like I got much of a choice. I am just a hopeless guy when it comes to relationships. I’ve never been in one…. Being 24 it must be pathetic huh?! Ah well, all in good time (yeah right!!!)… but I will wait… and let time reveal what God has installed for me… in the meantime, I’ll just pretend nothing happened.
In the afternoon, I had my swim and usual sauna session. My weight hasn’t gone down that much but I think my skin is clearing up… Sauna helps… After sauna I sat by the pool a while watching Japanese kids practice their swimming with their trainer. Gosh they can even do the butterfly thingy. I have yet to learn how to swim properly. By the time I went up it was already half past seven. Tanti was carrying Puteri round the dining table again… “Fly her to India”… Mama would say… the baby just likes to be carried… we all know we really shouldn’t encourage her but she’s the first and she deserves all the pampering… she’s SO CUTE after all… she fussed a little more until about half past ten… when she slept Mama came out to have so instant noodle. Tanti made her a bowl with egg and mushrooms. The Tesco brand one is really not too bad; considering a pack of five only cost RM1.60. Abah asked whether I wanted dinner and I old him later. Tanti was glued to her computer again… she’s like that since I’ve got us connected to the net… Thank god for broadband… she’ll just be glued to the computer; downloading anime; updating forums; and stuff like that. The computer is just on everyday 10 am to 3am… she kept telling me it was my turn to make the drink… we take turns to make each other coffee of Milo… whichever… I was still chatting… when I finally made the drinks it was a little past midnight. I didn’t feel like eating anymore. I guess it’s good; I really didn’t need the extra weight. I finished chatting with my friends and turned off my notebook.
Me and Tanti then caught episode 120 of Naruto (nothing happened… it’s really annoying… our initial idea of allowing 20 episodes past before we watch is really good… if we have the patience that is… at least Naruto and gang is starting to fight…) and I finally slept at about two am.
Today is a new day; I am going to get some packing done. I hope it’ll be more fun in KL… Hmmm… We’ll see…
The Bank Manager from Hong Kong replied my e-mail… I think he thinks that I am Hamid… Oh well, I just forwarded the e-mail to Hamid. Hopefully that deal will go through quickly. Lord knows it’s been delayed far too long. Many people, myself included have put too much effort into that. If the funding are finally available, I hope it will take off. Enough about business then…
Hmmm… Yesterday, I told the girl I like that I like her… well, actually I told her a long time ago, but she just told me she’s available again so I sort of just suggested that we …. Hmmm… how should I put it… give it a try… she doesn’t seem too responsive to the suggestion though. I should understand that. I know her well after all. She said it’s not fair to make me the rebound guy. Although I wouldn’t have minded one little bit. She’s so beautiful. She can be bitchy at times… I give you that much :-P… but that’s what I like about her. I know that she may have some bad qualities in her that says “Stay away…” but I just cant help how I feel. She told me that I am too nice for her and she doesn’t want to hurt me but I think that I am just not good enough for her I guess. Ah well, I’ll wait it out… I guess she needs some time to recuperate from her last relationship. She also told me that she’s been in many so I should know to stay away from her. I do know that, but still I am stupid and stubborn. Rejection is painful though. I should tell you guys out there. We are still close though, at least that’s what I think, and I hope we stay that way. She told me not to wait even. It’s not like I got much of a choice. I am just a hopeless guy when it comes to relationships. I’ve never been in one…. Being 24 it must be pathetic huh?! Ah well, all in good time (yeah right!!!)… but I will wait… and let time reveal what God has installed for me… in the meantime, I’ll just pretend nothing happened.
In the afternoon, I had my swim and usual sauna session. My weight hasn’t gone down that much but I think my skin is clearing up… Sauna helps… After sauna I sat by the pool a while watching Japanese kids practice their swimming with their trainer. Gosh they can even do the butterfly thingy. I have yet to learn how to swim properly. By the time I went up it was already half past seven. Tanti was carrying Puteri round the dining table again… “Fly her to India”… Mama would say… the baby just likes to be carried… we all know we really shouldn’t encourage her but she’s the first and she deserves all the pampering… she’s SO CUTE after all… she fussed a little more until about half past ten… when she slept Mama came out to have so instant noodle. Tanti made her a bowl with egg and mushrooms. The Tesco brand one is really not too bad; considering a pack of five only cost RM1.60. Abah asked whether I wanted dinner and I old him later. Tanti was glued to her computer again… she’s like that since I’ve got us connected to the net… Thank god for broadband… she’ll just be glued to the computer; downloading anime; updating forums; and stuff like that. The computer is just on everyday 10 am to 3am… she kept telling me it was my turn to make the drink… we take turns to make each other coffee of Milo… whichever… I was still chatting… when I finally made the drinks it was a little past midnight. I didn’t feel like eating anymore. I guess it’s good; I really didn’t need the extra weight. I finished chatting with my friends and turned off my notebook.
Me and Tanti then caught episode 120 of Naruto (nothing happened… it’s really annoying… our initial idea of allowing 20 episodes past before we watch is really good… if we have the patience that is… at least Naruto and gang is starting to fight…) and I finally slept at about two am.
Today is a new day; I am going to get some packing done. I hope it’ll be more fun in KL… Hmmm… We’ll see…
Thursday, February 03, 2005
tOo MuCh FrEe TiMe...
WHO & WHAT comes to your mind when
these things are mentioned?
~~Work…. Hmm… I’d rather be in bed…
~~A BiG FaT MeaL…
~~NaP TiMe
~~NeeD to STicK to the WoRkouT… LooSe The BeLLy…
~~Versace, Prada, CK, BOSS, BVLGARI, Gucci… all damages to the CrEDit CaRd LiMit…
~~Hmm… I can DowNloaD iT or GeT iT a ThE PaSaR MaLaM… I ReAlLy aM a ChEapskatE… :P
~~Hmm… This Love… She Weeel Beeee LoVeD… MaRooN5 is CooL..
~~MerCeDes BenZ… S-Class…
~~NiCe… I WaNt.. I wAnT… Hmm… ThiS iS GoNNa MaKe Me FAT!!!
~~Huh?! I doN’t DrInK..
Cream Puff
~~SeXy…. Erk… I am no PeRveRt…
~~ThE sKy… mY SwIm… Hmm..
~~iS SeReNe… goT that fRoM RaVeN…
~~ThE RoYal ColOR.. In MaLaYsIA ThAt iS..
~~LoTsA ViTamiN C…
~~My HaiR, My EyEs… ME….
---Which do you Prefer---
~~ReD… it’S SeXy…
~~BoTh.. ‘coZ I aM SelFisH… anD I DO deserve BOTH… :P
~~RiCkY MaRTiN… I WaNt My BoDy tO LooK LiKe ThAt…
~~I HaTe ConcErTs… CrOwdED anD HoT… WoulD RaThER StaY HoMe aNd LisTeN to a cD…
~~CSI… I cAn’T StanD ThE OthEr guY…
~~ErK… NoNe…
~~LiFe… DeAth iS NoT thE SoluTioN…
1.If you were the very last person on earth,
what would be the last thing you do before
you die?
~~PraY tO GoD ThaT I’d Go To HeaVeN WhEn I DiE…
2.If you could kill someone with no problems
at all, who would it be?
~~I CaN’t DecIde… WhO’s ThE CaUsE oF WaR and SuffERinG…
3. Do you agree with same-sex marraiges?
~~eRm… I aM GoinG To HaVe To gO with NO…
4.If you were in a party at Europe and
someone with the same sex kissed you on
the lips, what would you do?
~~I’d SaY… “I tHiNk yOu MiStooK mE fOr SomEoNe ElsE…” … So I aM a NiCe PeRsoN… :P
5.If you could turn back time, What year
you turn the time back to?
~~I WoulDn’t… I TrUsT ThAt GoD DiD WhAt Is BeSt…
6.If you could change your age, what age
would you change yourself into?
~~19… heY BuT I aM aLwAys 19…
----About secrets----
1.Do you have a crush?
2.Is he/she in your friends list?
~~I think sO…
3.How long has he/she been your crush?
~~3 YeaRs… GoSh ThaT SoUnDs PhaTheTic…
4.What is first letter of his/her name?
~~ErrRRrmmMMmm… R… LikE Me..
5.Name a song that you want to personally
~~ShE WeeeLll be LovvvvvvvEeedDD….
6.In your whole life, have you ever puffed the
magic dragon?
~~WhAT ThE HeLL KiNd oF QuEsTiON iS ThaT… HeLL NO!!!
7.When was the last time you got drunk?
~~NeVeR iS ThE AnsWeR tO ThAt…
1. What did you do yesterday?
~~LaUnDrY; ReVieD sOmE LeGaL DoCuMenTs; SwIm; SaUnA; WaTcH JaPaNeSe AnImE; BlOg; UpDatE FrIeNdStER; SlEEp; ChAt… ThAt’s All ThAT CaMe To MiNd…
2. Would you rather do something else?
~~HeLL Ya… I’d RaThEr Be ShoPPing WiTh a LiMitLeSs CreDiT CaRd ThAt ThE BiLL I dOn’T HaVe To PaY…
3. Met any new person?
~~YeAh.. oNe… a JaPaNeSe GuY wHo Owns A ChaIn Of JaP ReStaUraNts in PeNaNg anD KL…
4. What did you eat?
5. Bought anything?
~~BunCh Of ThInGs… CaN’t ReMemBeR…
6. Tell me something memorable from
~~Hmmm…. Well… Hmmm… NuThInG…
these things are mentioned?
~~Work…. Hmm… I’d rather be in bed…
~~A BiG FaT MeaL…
~~NaP TiMe
~~NeeD to STicK to the WoRkouT… LooSe The BeLLy…
~~Versace, Prada, CK, BOSS, BVLGARI, Gucci… all damages to the CrEDit CaRd LiMit…
~~Hmm… I can DowNloaD iT or GeT iT a ThE PaSaR MaLaM… I ReAlLy aM a ChEapskatE… :P
~~Hmm… This Love… She Weeel Beeee LoVeD… MaRooN5 is CooL..
~~MerCeDes BenZ… S-Class…
~~NiCe… I WaNt.. I wAnT… Hmm… ThiS iS GoNNa MaKe Me FAT!!!
~~Huh?! I doN’t DrInK..
Cream Puff
~~SeXy…. Erk… I am no PeRveRt…
~~ThE sKy… mY SwIm… Hmm..
~~iS SeReNe… goT that fRoM RaVeN…
~~ThE RoYal ColOR.. In MaLaYsIA ThAt iS..
~~LoTsA ViTamiN C…
~~My HaiR, My EyEs… ME….
---Which do you Prefer---
~~ReD… it’S SeXy…
~~BoTh.. ‘coZ I aM SelFisH… anD I DO deserve BOTH… :P
~~RiCkY MaRTiN… I WaNt My BoDy tO LooK LiKe ThAt…
~~I HaTe ConcErTs… CrOwdED anD HoT… WoulD RaThER StaY HoMe aNd LisTeN to a cD…
~~CSI… I cAn’T StanD ThE OthEr guY…
~~ErK… NoNe…
~~LiFe… DeAth iS NoT thE SoluTioN…
1.If you were the very last person on earth,
what would be the last thing you do before
you die?
~~PraY tO GoD ThaT I’d Go To HeaVeN WhEn I DiE…
2.If you could kill someone with no problems
at all, who would it be?
~~I CaN’t DecIde… WhO’s ThE CaUsE oF WaR and SuffERinG…
3. Do you agree with same-sex marraiges?
~~eRm… I aM GoinG To HaVe To gO with NO…
4.If you were in a party at Europe and
someone with the same sex kissed you on
the lips, what would you do?
~~I’d SaY… “I tHiNk yOu MiStooK mE fOr SomEoNe ElsE…” … So I aM a NiCe PeRsoN… :P
5.If you could turn back time, What year
you turn the time back to?
~~I WoulDn’t… I TrUsT ThAt GoD DiD WhAt Is BeSt…
6.If you could change your age, what age
would you change yourself into?
~~19… heY BuT I aM aLwAys 19…
----About secrets----
1.Do you have a crush?
2.Is he/she in your friends list?
~~I think sO…
3.How long has he/she been your crush?
~~3 YeaRs… GoSh ThaT SoUnDs PhaTheTic…
4.What is first letter of his/her name?
~~ErrRRrmmMMmm… R… LikE Me..
5.Name a song that you want to personally
~~ShE WeeeLll be LovvvvvvvEeedDD….
6.In your whole life, have you ever puffed the
magic dragon?
~~WhAT ThE HeLL KiNd oF QuEsTiON iS ThaT… HeLL NO!!!
7.When was the last time you got drunk?
~~NeVeR iS ThE AnsWeR tO ThAt…
1. What did you do yesterday?
~~LaUnDrY; ReVieD sOmE LeGaL DoCuMenTs; SwIm; SaUnA; WaTcH JaPaNeSe AnImE; BlOg; UpDatE FrIeNdStER; SlEEp; ChAt… ThAt’s All ThAT CaMe To MiNd…
2. Would you rather do something else?
~~HeLL Ya… I’d RaThEr Be ShoPPing WiTh a LiMitLeSs CreDiT CaRd ThAt ThE BiLL I dOn’T HaVe To PaY…
3. Met any new person?
~~YeAh.. oNe… a JaPaNeSe GuY wHo Owns A ChaIn Of JaP ReStaUraNts in PeNaNg anD KL…
4. What did you eat?
5. Bought anything?
~~BunCh Of ThInGs… CaN’t ReMemBeR…
6. Tell me something memorable from
~~Hmmm…. Well… Hmmm… NuThInG…
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
More Agreements... *sigh*
Hey blog… Today passed on without much significance. I say that all the time. Well, that’s how I feel honestly. There’s not much work to do (not that I am complaining), not physical work at least. Most of what I do involves reviewing papers and meeting people; and lately it more of the paperwork. Much of it is to make sure we can go back to KL again. In a way I am kind of sad that we are leaving Penang. I especially like our condo here. Gurney Drive is really a nice place to be. Next to Amman, Jordan this is the place I most recommend. There’s not much activity; but at the same time not too dead.
Gosh this song is nice: Thank You! by Home Made Kazoku
I really meant to write something last night but I was too tired. After Tan left it was already after 7 pm. After moving the baby cot and PC to his car I had very little energy left. The plan to go for a swim and sauna had to be postponed. Well, Anna got a ride back to KL from Tan. It’s safer that way. I don’t think Abah is too comfortable having her travel alone. I don’t think she’s coming back though. There’s just no point. She’s going to start work on the 11th and we have to be in KL before the 15th. Gosh there a lot to pack. I hate moving. Even though it’s just mostly clothes and books; thank god for fully furnished apartments. I hope the new one will be as nice as this one. Well by the time she got home it was already half past midnight. Tanti and I were watching Elfen Lied; we saw the whole season; all twelve episodes direct in one go; and slept at four am. Well, almost. Quite a good Japanese anime that one; a little gruesome at some points but the storyline’s good and I especially like the song at the beginning of each episode.
By the time I got up it was already a quarter past noon. Gosh I was hungry. Had lunch and waited for Ranjit to send over the agreement for me to review. He sent one over at three. He promised three but only one came. Oh well… the one he sent needed a lot of amendments. *sigh* it is my job after all. I spent a few hours chatting to Kamal and played a little of chess and pool with him. On Yahoo that is. He beat the crap out of me. My first time of Yahoo Pool didn’t end up to nicely with me having 3 balls left behind. We spoke of relationships too. He didn’t agree too much with the way I see things though. He is a nice man that one. Better than I am. I hope he made the right choice. I hope I will too…
I have to outline another agreement with Riza now. Will write more soon.
Gosh this song is nice: Thank You! by Home Made Kazoku
I really meant to write something last night but I was too tired. After Tan left it was already after 7 pm. After moving the baby cot and PC to his car I had very little energy left. The plan to go for a swim and sauna had to be postponed. Well, Anna got a ride back to KL from Tan. It’s safer that way. I don’t think Abah is too comfortable having her travel alone. I don’t think she’s coming back though. There’s just no point. She’s going to start work on the 11th and we have to be in KL before the 15th. Gosh there a lot to pack. I hate moving. Even though it’s just mostly clothes and books; thank god for fully furnished apartments. I hope the new one will be as nice as this one. Well by the time she got home it was already half past midnight. Tanti and I were watching Elfen Lied; we saw the whole season; all twelve episodes direct in one go; and slept at four am. Well, almost. Quite a good Japanese anime that one; a little gruesome at some points but the storyline’s good and I especially like the song at the beginning of each episode.
By the time I got up it was already a quarter past noon. Gosh I was hungry. Had lunch and waited for Ranjit to send over the agreement for me to review. He sent one over at three. He promised three but only one came. Oh well… the one he sent needed a lot of amendments. *sigh* it is my job after all. I spent a few hours chatting to Kamal and played a little of chess and pool with him. On Yahoo that is. He beat the crap out of me. My first time of Yahoo Pool didn’t end up to nicely with me having 3 balls left behind. We spoke of relationships too. He didn’t agree too much with the way I see things though. He is a nice man that one. Better than I am. I hope he made the right choice. I hope I will too…
I have to outline another agreement with Riza now. Will write more soon.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Another boring day
Today is one of those days where nothing happened; and passed on without any significance. The lawyer cancelled our meeting at three; he called at 1:00 pm; gosh… was looking forward to get these legal matters out of my head once and for all. Apparently some emergency came up; something that couldn’t be postponed. Well, I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow then. Tan had driven all the way from KL; by the time I called him to tell him today’s meeting is off he was already somewhere near Taiping. Oh well… he’ll just have to stay the night. The meeting tomorrow is important. The agreements must be reviewed and completed as soon as possible. As soon as operations start in Teluk Intan most of my problems would be solved. We’d be able to move back to KL. Hmmm… Tan was telling us that he managed to see a few a few condo unit near his place. Personally I am not to excited about living in Cheras; but hey the man already went through all the trouble.
If there is something I could remember from today is Rizal calling; again and again. Asking all sorts of things about the concession. Gosh he is persistent… and kinda annoying too. But I guess he wants his share of the benefits…
I had to go out of the house still though; even though the meeting was cancelled; we needed to get some groceries… I hate going out… my sister had to make a few stops at a few banks so we drove around town making the stops. By the time we got home it was already close to 3. We had our late lunch; or breakfast rather; and I managed to go thru’ some of my emails. Nothing significant though.
I think I’ll go play with my Neopet now… till tomorrow then.
If there is something I could remember from today is Rizal calling; again and again. Asking all sorts of things about the concession. Gosh he is persistent… and kinda annoying too. But I guess he wants his share of the benefits…
I had to go out of the house still though; even though the meeting was cancelled; we needed to get some groceries… I hate going out… my sister had to make a few stops at a few banks so we drove around town making the stops. By the time we got home it was already close to 3. We had our late lunch; or breakfast rather; and I managed to go thru’ some of my emails. Nothing significant though.
I think I’ll go play with my Neopet now… till tomorrow then.
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