Friday, February 04, 2005

Is ThaT MuFFinS I SmeLL?! Yess....

Hey Blogy Boo… there’s not much to write today… I did start a little on the packing. I packed most of the stationery and book in my room and put it into a box. I just realized how much stationery I have. There’s like two dozen erasers, a few packets of pens, a few boxes of staples; etc etc. I am glad that is out of the way. I don’t imagine there ‘that’ much more to pack. It’ just a few more stuff and my clothes. I don’t have that much to begin with.
Mama has been bugging me to make her muffins. I finally made a batch today. Chocolate with chocolate chips and sultanas; it turned out really nice. Hmmm… I have made a lot of those already. I can make muffins without even looking at the recipe nowadays. I can even make my own recipe when it comes to muffins. Although there was that one instant with the chicken muffin; that didn’t turn out too well and ended up in the trash.

MuFFiN: I LiKe MaKiNg MuFFiNs oN mY fReE TiMe

I managed to get some of the agreements settled though. I finally sent it to Tan to review. I hope he’ll get back to me soon. I didn’t see to many people online too today… Hmmm,,, everyone must be preparing for the holidays.
Time sure does move without us noticing at times. I went for a swim again today. I wanted to go for sauna again but Mama says that it can’t be good to do it everyday. Ah well, a swim should be enough for today.

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