So today’s blog will be the last post for this week I guess..
So much for sleeping early last night... I met Nelle online and we started to get creative with our blogs... we chatted for a while... and a while lasted until 3 am... as usual... I did a it of chatting with Tara too... who added me to his list... on Friendster... so that was yesterday’s news...
Today I woke up at 10ish as usual. Coffee was the first agenda of course.. wait.. actually we ran out of creamer and sugar too.. we ran out of onions, chicken, cucumber, garlic, bread, coconut milk and all sorts of other nonsense.. Mama wanted to make Nasi Lemak for breakfast (well.. brunch actually.. or more like lunch.. haha) so I had to go out to get some stuff.. Abah drove me and we made a quick stop at the bank for me to settle some Visa matters... :P lolz.. we went to Giants, as expected. Giants is the nearest supermarket to my place.. actually there’s Cold Storage at Gurney Plaza but parking there is always a bitch.. I headed for the tidbits counter as soon as I got in.. packed two types of asam... some sort of dried sweet-and-salty prune and some haw kor balls (dunno what it is but it tastes nice...) I continued to get other things.. wanted so much to get ice cream but my mind kept saying “Calories... calories... calories... wtf are you thinking..”... so I refrained.. when I got back I saw the maintenance staff three a bucket of chlorine into the pool.. Hmm... no swimming today.. I just hate it when the pool get chlorinated.. the water hurts my eyes and there’s that funky taste.. ah well.. tomorrow then... first thing I did when I got back... coffee!
Lunch was delicious... haven’t had home made Nasi Lemak for a while now... and I really enjoyed it... Rifqah would be jealous... I had second helping too... wtf screw the calories...
So the day went off like any other boring day.. I sms-ed Amy and Salam wishing them Happy Birthday.. Premjit still hasn’t called... as expected... and there’s still bits and stuff popping out to be packed... I fooled around with my notebook a little more... I will be parting with my baby after all... and there was a lot of activity on Friendster... Some of my school friends like Amir Muaz, Shahrin, Kah Woh (who apparently is called Kenny..) and UthayaKumaran has added me to their list... actually they accepted me but who cares.. and then all of a sudden a mail pops in from Prof Nik.. it was so nice... I especially like the was she put “...i guess both parties are busy and thus no mischief...” I hope she’s not being sarcastic because I have been holding back for close to a year now... but she’s nice... I quickly gave her a call because I know she’s at the office from the mail.. it took her sometime but she answered the call... I said hi and we did the usual “How are you?” shit... so then I told her I’ve been very busy and I am still interested and I am moving back to KL... so she tell me they
Ve set up a new pilot unit for rubber or something.. I guess that’d be fine but I am more familiar with palm oil... although I think it would be fun to be away from POME for now... anyways, I told her we’d meet up as soon as I get back to KL... so for now we’ll put a hold on that POME project...
In the afternoon I continued packing the little things that popped up.. adding two more boxes to the pile totaling to about twenty now... we really want to have as little things as possible... too much hassle...
So nothing much happened today... I guess tomorrow’s another day...
Till then.

We'll have to be apart for a while my Love...
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