Wednesday, February 09, 2005

mY LiFe iS sO DuLL

I find this fun....

1. Who did you last go out with?
mY FaMiLy

3. What is the first name on your missed,
received and dialled calls?
missed = NaThAn
received = mE SiStEr AnnA
dialled = mE BuSiNeSs PaRdNeR TaN

4. What do u want to receive on your birthday?

5. What do u want to receive on valentines
Hmm... A BiG BoX oF ChOcOlAtEs... that’s or *ahems...

6. Reach your hand out to the right. What do
you touch?
ThE YeLlOw PaGeS... PuLaU PiNaNg Ed.

7. What do you plan to do for the next
gO FoR a LoNg QuIeT VaCaTiOn..

8. What time did you sleep last night?
4 am

9. What are you going to do 5 hours later?
I wAs oN mY nOteBooK... ChaTtiNg I tHiNk

10. Is there anyone you're thinking of now?
NoT ReAlLy... I wAs ThiNkiNg aBouT KaMaL fOr a WhIle EaRliEr.

11. What was the last thing you touched
before the computer?
mY CoFfEe...

12. When was the last time you browsed
through the Bible?

13. What can you hear besides the
SoMe FiReCrAcKeRs and A MoToRbIkE

14. Why did you answer this?
NuThInGT BeTtEr tO dO

15. Name a few people you saw yesterday
besides the people at home?
mY lAwYeR rAnJiT; JiMmY tHe GuY wHo hAs BeEn TrYiNg tO sElL mE wAtEr fIlTeRs.

16. When was the last time you opened your
school textbooks?
tWo MonThs aGo

17. Do you agree to the saying "Forgive is to

18. When, where was the last time tears
started to roll down your cheek? Why?
a FeW WeEks aGo... wAs WaTcHinG sOme MaLaY DraMa..

19. What makes you happy?

20. What makes you sad?
BeInG BrOkE...

21. What are your favorite books?
tHe PrOdIgAl DaUghThEr bY J. ArChEr.

22. What would you like to have right at this
very moment
tEn MiLion RinGgit.

23. Who will you turn to if you have a huge
problem that not all your friends know about?
NoOnE... My BloG...

24. What's your favorite song at the moment?
ThIs LoVe (Maroon 5)

25. What was the last song that kept ringing
ThaNk YoU by HoMe MaDe KaZoKu

26. What was the best event that happened
last year?
mY GrAduAtIoN...

27. Where are you planning to go for holiday
and with who?
EuRoPe... WiTh PreMjIt and AmY

28. Lastly, what do you like about yourself?
I HaTe MySelF...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanx for the advice man... i really am okay now so no worries okay...