**It’s Tanti’s turn for coffee tonight.. Coffee taste so much better when some else makes them.. *sip Yum..**
I woke up at 10:30ish this morning... as usual (I know.. what a bum..) and played a little with Puteri and we dozed off a little more together :P (I know.. what an ass...!!!) There’s just not much to do because we’ve got most of the things done. I am supposed to go through the draft that Ranjit gave yesterday. Ah well, later I though. Had two oranges for breakfast, and then had some coffee. Lazed a bit more and fooled around with my notebook until around lunchtime. I had the leftover lamb chops with fires for lunch. The movers came by and I signed a PD cheque for their payment. He was fussing about me being a rich son; ‘coz I had a checking account or something like that. I just smiled and handed him the cheque quickly. He and his wife (yeah, he had her along..) were happy with the two small rock sculpture thing that Mama gave to them It was far too heavy to bring back. I thought it was ugly too. They seemed all too happy with it. The brought another bag of mandarins for us. Really big ones. Yum..
**Aina just signed in.. she is a nice gal that one.. Recommended her to start a blog**
Now where was I?.. Oh ya.. Chatted a bit with Kamal and Agnes; Agnes was telling me about her Langkawi trip and showing me some photos.. She’s gained some weight but still cute. I was telling Kamal that I’ve been feeling down lately and I don’t know why. I really wanted him to cheer me up.. but knowing him.. I didn’t expect too much.. he’s been a good friend all this time I’ve known him. Always tries his best to help. I made him promise to take me out when I get back to KL.. I need to go out more.. he told me he is getting tired of his current job and feel like getting a real one soon. I’m sure he’ll land one in no time. He’s a good kid that one. So we chatted for a while and he thought I was depressed because of her but I told him no. I didn’t feel like talking about her; not at all. He understood and we talked about other stuff. I was glued to the notebook until about 5:00 pm; when all my online friends had to leave. Amy was on too. She was telling me about her boss and Tehran or something like that. Zool called about the computers.. Looks like I have to part with my beloved notebook.
After that I started to pack stuff again and by 7ish I was all done. Wanted to go down for a swim but ended up eating too much junk food and sat with Mama, Abah and Tanti talking about Tok Ani; we have these serious conversations often. About life and one’s perception and approach in life. Abah is more laid back now; more accepting of God’s will you can say I guess. He is still a tad too grumpy still though. lolz. I guess all dads are. I was still chomping on more mandarins; I think I had like ten today :P. Anyways, we managed to get the packing over with. I ran out of tape though so the boxes are still unsealed; but we managed to get all the critical stuff in the boxes. It’s just the things that we still need and the pillows and bedding left to pack; also what few clothes we left for these few days.. Nathan called at 6 and was telling me about his job as supervisor.. He has 2 assistants.. Cool.. He wants to come over to Penang tomorrow. All welcome.. At least I won’t be too bored tomorrow. We still need to figure out how to pack pillow though. We should get a big box I think.. They’re just so bulky. I have 6 pillows to myself and I am not parting with any of them. You can never have too many.. Especially feather down ones; all mine mine mine... :P
I had to make dinner.. Coz Puteri was bitchin’ and Mama had to take care of her.. I am used to cooking.. Had dinner and was chatting with Lenny for a while. He was telling me that he needed a new phone and his ‘financier’ is getting one for him.. lucky bloke..
Now I am glued to my notebook again (spending what little time I have left with it.. ) blogging and chatting with Simon. He is telling me not to remind him of oranges.. They dun have oranges in London at this time of year apparently.. Oh well, I am going to listen to some more light music and maybe a bit of Maroon 5 as well. Will see you tomorrow.
God Bless..

When you cant tell what is disturbing you.. confusion and sorrow overwhelms you.. Ill feel better after a good nights sleep..
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