I got up at 10; Abah was waking Tanti up because the baby was crying and he wanted her to change the diapers. I tried my best to keep my eyes closed; wanted to sleep a bit more. I was lying around a bit more then had to get up because Mama came out and wanted us to finish packing and get other stuff done. I needed to go to the bank to settle some credit card bill (which is dangerously still in the five digit range.. Gosh..) and need to go pay for the car. I got up and took a shower; and got ready to get up. By the time I was done Abah was already downstairs trying out folding the backseat to see how much space we could make.. Apparently a lot.. I signed the two cheques at home because I didn’t want to waste time at the bank; made sure I wrote the account numbers at the reverse side; and left. The bank was awfully crowded; even the road was jammed. I had to jump out of the car on the road because some lady in a Mercedes Benz didn’t know where to chuck that car of hers (Malaysian have the habit of trying to park their cars nearest possible to their destination. Regardless of law and being a nuisance to others.. I am surprised she didn’t drive her damned car into the bank.. sheesh.) I walked the few meters and Abah said he’d wait around. I went to get the number from one bank and found that I was 30 numbers behind. I went to the bank next door and settled my credit card matters first. The officers are really nice (Maybank Pulau Tikus... long live...!), they approached me as soon as I stepped in; they know me by name. They asked why I haven’t been around and I explained how I’ve been in KL and all. I went to see Chai straight away; she’s the officer who usually handles my stuff; well, actually I went to the other lady but she came all the way and told me to go to her table.. she’s a nice one that Chai. We had some small talk about the new year and all; and the usual “How’s business..” talk. She made extra copies for all the documents for me and I was off. I went next door again; still 10 behind. I stood there and watched that red display went ding every five minutes or so.. sheesh I thought when the express cheque counter caught my eye. Hehehe.. I was fed up with the waiting and went there and played stupid. I handed the guy the two cheques and he said it might take a while because I was supposed to wait.. I played the “Oh really..?!” and he processed me right away. I know I am mean; but hey, I did stand there for more then five minutes. I walked out and Abah was waiting patiently across the street. I really should get a drivers license; he’s been very patient driving me around; but hey, he’s not complaining. Tanti called earlier to remind me to get cooking oil and look for more boxes. I forgot all about it and by the time I remembered we were already at home. We’ll go again later; Abah said. I went up; it was well after noon then. Tanti had made burger but I had no appetite. I had cold water to drink and told myself I’d eat later. Mama reminded me we have a meeting with the lawyer; Ranjit at 3:00. I was rocking Puteri on the bouncer while I was checking my email. Mama was eating. I dozed off for like 2o minutes; gosh I wanted to sleep more but the baby was fussing every time I stopped rocking the damned thing. Mama was not ready by 2:45 as well and she called Ranjit to inform him we might be late; he said to come at 4:00 because the documents weren’t ready anyways. So I got a little more time. So Ranjit finally finished all the drafts; we had the usual business chit chat and left. We took the baby along for a spin as well, and drove around. Gorgetown was all jammed with people and cars. They must be shopping for the Chinese New Year. The baby went pooped in the car and was fussing so I and Tanti changed her on the move in the backseat. We really are becoming good sitter. Mama wanted to eat lamb chops because it was Tanti’s birthday and all. We stopped by Giants and bought the stuff we needed to cook. I went out back afterwards and asked if I could take some boxes.. The Manager was so helpful. He even climbed in the big bin to choose some nice big ones for me. His worker even came out and commented about him being in there. If I were a woman I could swear this man was hitting on me. Ah well, my luck to run into a nice helpful guy. I had ice cream on the way back.
We got back and Mama seasoned the chops; Tanti made coleslaw and French fries. I was chatting wit Pradeep for a while then left for sauna. Got 15 minutes and went for the usual swim. Tanti joined me. Jimmy was there and was trying to get me to his demos on the filters again. I came up; changed; prayed and stated on the chops (I made a deal with Mama, she season the thing and I’d cook it. Better than having to do both :P). We realised then we didn’t have enough knives because we packed them in last night. We had two sets so Mama and Abah ate first while I and Tanti stayed with the baby. We had dinner later and I couldn’t finish my two pieces. I chuck what I couldn’t finish in the fridge; I’ll finish them tomorrow. Pradeep logged on again at 11:30 and we continued until about 2:00.. I think. He was telling me to chill about her. He read my Blog. I m still not over her but I am coping. What with work and packing. I’ll get over it. Chatted with Aina for a bit too.
Now here I am again.. sheesh it’s almost 4 am again. Ah well, I am off to bed then. Ciao for now.

ThIs rEaLlY CoNnEcTs tO tHe wAy I aM FeLliNg tOdAy...
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