Anyways, today the house is finally rid of almost all of our things... the movers took less than 10 minutes moving the things down into a large covered lorry... I gave what little information I have about our new place in Cheras... His name is Azman... He so sounded like Mr Os... He didn’t look it though... Well, I was amazed at how fast they managed to chew down the pile of twenty nine boxes... including some loose pieces of wood... Don’t even ask why we have wood.... My father has this thing about wood and making things... He made our TV console.... and he seems to be collection tools and other stuff as well... so there’s quite a load of stuff.... Ah well... oh I forgot to mention the guy freaked when he saw the amount of boxes and asked for more money... Mama made me sign another cheque... ah well... I would have paid more anyways... it’s no easy task moving things about... certainly no easy task...
So we went to Ranjit’s today to get some more legal matter done... and for him to settle our tenancy matters as well... As usual... the landlord tries to play cheeky and try to keep the security deposit... Ranjit was so cool and funny about it.. The landlord is his best friend after all... so we managed to settle the matter without... how should I put it... cash-shed.... :P
So we drove around for a while after that.. to see Penang before we leave; as if we are not coming back... ceh...; and we even decided to have Nasi Kandar for dinner.... we each packed a packet... a huge packet that all of us chomped down to nothing.... hehehe...
Stopped by the pharmacist to get Mama’s Kerlone and the pharmacist was all smiley and telling me he ran out of my diet pills... I told him he was lucky that I was in stock... hehehe :P actually I’ve stop taking for a while now... which explains the excess fat deposits here and there :P
We managed to catch Kedai Telekom just under 4:30 pm... My sister and I were one of the last customers today I think... so I told them to disconnect and transfer my line and streamyx account to KL... Gave that long address and headed off... but apparently it takes some time because I am still connected// hence blogging now... :P
I am going to have to reformat this notebook soon though... **Restore Factory Settings**
My hands still hurt from tying all those boxes yesterday.... I am also sleepy... had only a few hours of sleep last night.... burning all my document onto a cd and backing them up....
There’s less activity in friendster today too... I got a reply from Alvin... an ex-schoolmate of mine... he gave me three lines and hope you are doing fine.... honestly I was expecting a little more... It really pains you sometimes when you write them and get a few lines back... it’s just cold... it’s like I am pathetic and I have nothing better to do than to beg people to be my friend... sheesh... anyways, I was happy that he replied.

PrAiSeS to BaNaNa NeLLe
**Nelle is such a sweet gal... been chatting a lot with her lately... I regret not knowing her back in uni... maybe I’ll get to know her better when I get back... she’s so down to earth... and she’s so open... that’s what I like about her.. not too conservative but not too wild either... well, from what I reckon at least.... hey enough about her.. I don’t want her to get mad... am writing about her without her permission.. :P**
So I guess that’s all up to now....
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